Thursday 30 May 2019

Tier Two Charger and The Inverter Blues: Thursday, May 30th!

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today. -John F. Kennedy, 35th US president (29 May 1917-1963)

Hi Dino and Southside! Thanks for the call and message, yesterday. We were out for most of the day,[Down in your neck of the woods at Burrowing Owl, where I believe you installed the solar panels, for a fantastic early dinner, and then at the Venables Theatre, [What a great venue!], for a wonderful, wonderful concert, [featuring the songs of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin!], so didn't read email or listen to message until this morning. I just talked to Dean and he mentioned you would be over around 8:00 am! See you then! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! When the sun hits your eye/Like a big pizza pie/It's Solare!!!!

Hi Lyn and Carol! Great to bump into you both, last Friday. [Pleased you enjoyed Saturday's GFA Tea snapolas, Lyn.] Been busy with yard work, of late, so apologize for not sending these sooner. Trust you are enjoying being On the Road, Thomasino! Stay well, everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Ellis and planter extension, in front yard, with first shoots, behind. Bordered with Marigolds, to dissuade deer, we hope, from Cheryl, at GFA Tea. New solar panels and electrical tie-in today! Tummler, Hope this finds you well. G'us an update on the mended wing. Are you back on the saddle in the out of doors? How are things at the Burns tasting room? Have you collected any wines from Italocemente? Bocce Brothers Jack is one of my favourites. The beanstalk is taking over the north island and I guard the Valley garden 24/7 with a machete lest things get too verdant. Not sure why I thought of you when I saw this word in word of the day. Anyway, you best get to Ukiyo on some overmorrow soon. All the best to you and yours from Ukiyo-clulets, W, CJ y Morita
Hello Ukiyo-cluloids! [Are you as addictive as Opioids?] Trust you and Calamity are both well! Thanks for inquiring about my healing wing! Slow but steady improvement in terms of degrees of movement, given the set of exercises I follow with religious, nay fanatical fervour. I know I must comply if I'm to regain lost mobility, etc. Unfortunately, I won't be riding or hiking this summer. Too, too much worry about irreparable damage to bone surrounding implant should I fall. On the bright side, I can now engage in deep-water walking so will start that shortly, varying this with walking the KVR and elsewhere. Up to almost 15 km, round-trip, to date, so pleased about this.

Nevertheless, still busy, putting finishing touches to the raised vegetable bed extension I put in, a month or so ago, now. I have been working away at the pavers, of various sizes, I am placing around the planter. [All free, from Terry, our neighbour, directly across the street.] Such footing makes it easier to water, tend vegetables, etc. Almost finished this particular task and then will spend a bit of time making some cosmetic changes to the rock borders and gravel "stream" to tie everything together.

Chloë drove to Vancouver yesterday as she is flying to LA for a week, to see her great-niece, Olivia Rose, et al. Argon Solar is here, as I scribe, [Dean, electrician, from Oliver, just mentioned that he watched the original Venables Theater burn to the ground!], to complete the solar install by hooking the panels into the house electrical box/city grid and setting up inverter for Tier Two charger. While at Burrowing Owl we charged our car at one of the eight stations they have. Lady Dar is off to Vancouver for the weekend, first a church conference, in Langley, and then her book club round-up on Sunday evening. Have Evehicle, Will Travel! Fondestos from her to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: Flamin' is here for the weekend, grand-parenting, I believe, so I hope to connect at some point. VRC will be visiting this month, first Grogg and Lurch, en route to Burrowing Owl for their annual stay, and then Polly and Mick, before retreat at Sandy Beach Lodge with their unending hordes of grandchildren! Bill and Denise in July, along with Danish friends, Maggie and Hans. Lady Dar's birthday on the 19th, same day as Poplar Grove Wine Club Appreciation Party so no rest for the wicked! Pics: Burrowing Owl; raised-bed and Dusty's Iris! Big thunderstorm in Manning park: Good think I have the umbrella 

Dans la série "Jake and Erna partent en voyage" Jake and Erna Friesen from Blumenort are on their way to Mexico. Behind them in the plane are Jean-Guy Tétrault and Gérard Dubé from La Broquerie. It's their first trip to the tropics so they are excited and can't stop talking about how nice it will be, sitting at the beach, watching the girls in bikini, maybe engage in a three-some, enjoy 28 degrees in the shade with pina colada by the side, and the best part, NO MENNONITES anywhere around. That last point is clearly at the top of of their wishlist, because they say it loud enough for everyone on the plane to hear it. At long last, Jake, who is getting a little more than fed up with the constant bashing, turns around and says "You know what, why don't you guys go to hell? 500 degrees in the shade, and NO MENNONITES".

For their 25th wedding anniversary, Jake and Erna decided to splurge and go see the Rockies and the West Coast. Their sons are old enough to look after the broiler barns, so it's a perfect time to go. After visiting the giant grain export terminals in the port of Vancouver, on their last day, Jake gives in to Erna's wish to see Chinatown. There, Jake sees the name "Hans Schmidt" prominently displayed above a butcher shop window, and leaning against the doorway is a 5 ft tall Chinese looking man wearing an apron. 

So Jake walks up to him and asks if his boss is in by any chance. With a radiant smile, the guy says he is the shop owner. Most intrigued, Jake says how interesting, I'm of German extraction too, what a small world, we could be distant relatives, etc. but really, how did you end up with the name Hans Schmidt? Simple, replies the man, when I was in the immigration line there was a 7 foot tall blond hair guy ahead of me ,and when my turn came to give my particulars, the immigration officer asked me my name, and I told him Sam Sing. If someone asks you where you got those just say Cornell Friesen from Mitchell Manitoba. Bruno 

Hello Mennonite Man! I suppose one can take the boy out of Manitoba but one cannot take the Manitoba out of the boy! Lady Dar left around noon today to drive down to Vancouver for a church conference. She stopped at Manning Park to recharge and was caught in a deluge! Must away as I want to start on the stretching exercises for my shouldare! Fondestos to Chooch and remind her that I'm still waiting for my royalty fee. I suppose one "Cannot Rely on Riera!" Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

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