Wednesday 19 June 2019

Back Patio Stepladder and the First Things First Blues: Wednesday, June 19th!

Experience makes us see an enormous difference between piety and goodness. -Blaise Pascal, philosopher and mathematician (19 Jun 1623-1662)

Hello Goils! Just wanted to thank you both for the lovely Father's Day gift. While the Birkenstocks are more than spiffy I really need a new pair of runners. Lady Dar had me wear out the ones I last played squash in, [2004!], workin' on the hard rock pile in the front yard. So, if she hasn't already thrown out the bill, I plan to return them to Fritz's and look for something suitable. As well, I wanted to share some of the snaps I took on our walk, earlier on Father's Day.

Tonight I'm off to the Shatford to attend the AGM of First Things First, a local environmental group. Lady Dar has her Flatlanders' book club. On Friday we are off to Sandy Beach Lodge, in Naramata, as Polly and Mick Carter arrived this past Sunday, for a week, having about nine grandchildren, over the course of the stay! We have been invited for dinner with the screaming hordes. Looking ahead, mutual squash friends, Denise and Bill Gross will be here for a week, mid-July, staying in cabin at Deep Roots Winery, and we all have tickets for Michael Kaeshammer on the 12th, day after Lady Dar returns from Falcon! They will stay with us that night so we can walk to The Dream and not have to worry about driving. After that Catherine and Matt will be staying for a couple of nights so we really never even have to visit Vancouver!

Must away as I want to head out to run a few errands before Her Ladyship corners the Kona. Much love to one and all. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!

We did the Summer Palace yesterday. If Versailles could fit in a corner of the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City could fit in a corner of the Summer Palace.
Of course, it is more of a royal retreat and garden than one big palace. There are many individual building complexes on the site, linked by pathways through gardens and forests. One amazing structure was the Long Corridor. It just went on and on - at least 2 kilometers. Joined different buildings so that the Empress could be sheltered from rain or the sun. We walked over 12 miles around the site and only saw a part of it. It is a multi-day ordeal. Very nice and peaceful in most areas. Boat ride across the lake was a highlight.
Hi Ellan and Jam, [aka Ella and Jim! Former are your least favourite appellations, as per AGM spelling errors and poetic license!!]

Thank you both, [along with the rest of the board and volunteers], for all the very critical work you have done, and continue to do, with FTFO. Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations, indeed, on the Cool It initiative, in particular, and all the other programs the organization has spearheaded. Your tireless efforts define grassroots activism and you are to be thanked, muchly, for it.

On another matter, Ella, I would like to chat with you about pickles! You might remember that we talked, after snowshoeing, I believe, about how you grow your own cukes and ferment them. I'm keen to do the same and have a modest number of plants in our front garden, raised beds. If you have a moment, in your obviously busy home and work life, perhaps we can arrange a time to meet. We live on Burns Street and if/when convenient, perhaps you and your family could drop by and over a drink, [Or an omelette? Hint, Hint!], we can begin Gherkin 101. [Jim mentioned that these pickles are his favourites so he might wish to enrol as well, although at no tuition discount!]

At any rate, thanks again. Let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: How many points do we receive for solar panels, EV charger and eKona? AGM; raised planters with cuke vines starting to climb!

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