Monday 3 June 2019

Return of Lady Dar and Bridge with Chooch Blues: Monday, June 3rd!

The business of the poet and the novelist is to show the sorriness underlying the grandest things and the grandeur underlying the sorriest things. -Thomas Hardy, novelist and poet (2 Jun 1840-1928)  

Woke at just before 8:00 am to find Duke sleeping on his blanket beside me. No sign of Etta when I went to prepare my java. A sleepy tyke followed me into the kitchen and I gave him his dish of wet food. Licked the platter clean and then went outside. Put Etta's food into the oven, for safe keeping, an then went outside to water the front garden. Duke supervised and when I was about half finished Etta showed up. After I finished front, I turned my attention to the back patio. Discovered the largest tomatoe plant had toppled over, so heavy were the tomatoes already on the vine. Propped it up with a large stake, and did so with rest of the plants, using slightly smaller supports. 
Back inside I tidied up the garage after I emptied the contents of the paper-shredder into a clear plastic bag. Apparently, one can recyle this material if one places said paper in this type of bag. Was just about to start my exercises when Lady Dar called from Manning Park. Was pleased she was there as it probably meant she would be home to see Jo-Anne and Colin, who were planning to pop by, en route to Osoyoos.

Hi Marps! Grand we'll see you, at some point, today! I just had a call from Lady Darjeeling, from Manning Park, where she is charging up so she'll be here when you arrive! Give us a shout when you are either in Keremeos or Peachland, depending on route you take, so we'll have some idea of when you will hit Penticton. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!

While watching a number of episodes of Witnesses I was able to complete my sitting/standing exercises and then jump into shower. No sign of Lady Dar so I trust all is going well from Manning Park. We have an appointment at City Hall at 3:30 pm to sign Net Metering Account and she has to sign contract, as co-owner of house. [Hi Jake!

Thanks for yesterday's signing and sending along contact information. Cheers, Patrick!] Haven't heard from Marps or Colin, [He often texts.], so not sure if they will be here before we have to leave.  Hi Patrick, We have been trying to figure out if we can manage to take up your kind offer to visit you and Corine in Penticton before or after our week in Naramata. We now have three grand-kids, (and a dog, for the week before Naramata, whilst the parents “swan off to bora bora “ and a long awaited doctor's appointment on the Monday after, but we would love you both to visit us and have dinner with us at sandy beach lodge. We arrive on Sunday, 19th, and are there all week, and any day suits us, so hope you can make it.

We are both well and keeping active. Polly spends most of her time gardening and playing bridge with a good “sprinkling“ of babysitting thrown in. I try and play golf twice a week, but have not been playing pickle ball with Ray, because his pace maker needs replacing, hopefully this week. The weather has been lovely and scarily hot for this time of year. Hope you are both well. Mick
Hi Grandparents Inc! Great to hear from you, Mick! Seems June is Bustin' Out All Over, at least with visitors from Vancouver! Had a surprise visit from friend, Janet Tompkins, and her amore, James, yesterday. They drove up to Penticton for a couple of days and I invited them for dinner last night. Former colleague, Jo-Anne Naslund, and her husband, Colin, are in Osoyoos for two days and will have lunch with us on Wednesday.
Your note stated you arrive on Sunday, June 19th. I assume you meant June 16th! Anyway, let us know when you'd like to stay with us, either before or after SBL. We are free, as far as I know, most, if not all nights, that week, other than Thursday, June 20th, when we are off to The Dream Café to see Laila Biali. Let us know when you'd prefer to stay and we'll plan accordingly. Regards to Polly. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge gang.        Hello Double Trouble Two-Tablers! Thanks to Chooch and The Constant Gardener for hosting! Set-up worked out perfectly and the nibblage was delicioso indeed! Thanks to Dame Judith for filling in for an ailing Lady Darjeeling. Amazing how the Royals always stick together!

I know that a number of people will not be available next week so no need to remind me of your unavailability. For the rest of the motley crew, please let me know if you are interested in playing on Monday, June 10th, First Quarter of the moon, so an auspicious date! Happy to host at the Burns Street Gin Joint if nobody else would like to do so. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. For those on the road, travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Windsor Avenue Irrigation Services! PS: Mighty Groundskeeper, Grogg, was working on the sprinkler system when we arrived and was just finishing up when everybody left! Yes, I can play on the 10th
Susan I am available. Dame Judith OOps - should have said. I am available if needed. Dame Judith I should be available to play. Cheers. Mike I can play on Monday as well. Thanks and hugs, Olly Here's hoping you feel better Corrine. 
Thinking of you, Olly Not sure as of yet ! Carol

Lady Dar was back home by 2:30 pm on Monday but not feeling all that well, unfortunately. She had a very sore tummy. Anyway, after she lay down for a few minutes she felt well enough to go to City Hall to sign the Net Metering contract. 
Found parking right across the street form entrance and it only took a few minutes to sign papers and we were back home. Hoping city inspector will be by this week to approve Argon's work as we'd really like to start using the solares

Since Her Imperiousness she was feeling so poorly I phoned Dame Judith and she offered to play. Originally we had enough for two tables but Olga Polga cancelled at last minute and with Lady Dar out, for the count, we would only have had six players. Anyway, it all worked out and had a lovely time. Had never been inside Carol's home so it was fun to see. Back home to find The Penticton Patient on the couch in Rumpus Room, catching up on episodes of Shetland. I brushed and flossed, sans El Diablo, and then went to bed to read.

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