Saturday 29 June 2019

The Wild Man of Borneo and The Farmers' Market Blues: Saturday, June 29th!

The happiest is the person who suffers the least pain; the most miserable who enjoys the least pleasure. -Jean-Jacques Rousseau, philosopher and author (28 Jun 1712-1778) 

Pat, don’t know if you have been informed but Branko had a bad fall and is in the neurology ward at VGH. He somehow passed out and hit his head. Fortunately his boarder heard the noise and called 911. Inter-cranial bleeding. Doctors trying to figure out what happened. It happened Sunday June 22. He thought he may go home yesterday but they decided to keep him in for a few more days. He has his phone and iPad so is getting emails. Peter 

Hi Peter: Thanks for letting us know about Ragin'! That is the last thing he needed with everything else going on in his life! I hadn't heard from him lately and was planning to send along a message, trusting all was well, not knowing about his recent fall. [I can sympathize, having had two nasty spills, a day apart, while walking, last summer, in Europe, ending up in hospital, in Berlin, with pneumonia, for a week. Fortunately, no injury to my head, although Corinne and Chloë are not so sure!] I'll give him a call so thanks for the alert. Hope you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Nanaimo Goil! Glad you enjoyed snapolas. What a pleasure to meet Yvette and Jean and to see you again, as I mentioned. Have been busy with more visitors since you left last week. Good friend, Rhoda, was here, from Cape Breton, for a couple of nights and on Wednesday we took her to The Dream Café to see Over the Moon, a marvellous, marvellous, duo. Our waitress was a lovely young woman, Carmen, whom I'd met a few weeks ago when selling 50/50 tickets there. Over the course of the evening we discovered that she will be attending VIU this September and is looking for accommodation. Just wondering if you might be interested in having a student or perhaps know of someone else who is? Don't worry if not but we can vouch for Carmen if this is a possibility. She is a keen student and has a sister in Victoria so plans to visit her and her new niece when her studies allow. Rhoda has a sister in Nanaimo and has asked her same questions so there are a number of irons in the fire, on Carmen's behalf. Anyway, when you have a moment, let me know what you think. Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar, rehearsing the ceremony for wedding tomorrow, in Osoyoos. I'm driving her to Kelowna on Monday for her flight to Winnipeg. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Carmen at Dream; Duke this morning, guarding tomatoes, [smaller ones], from our garden! Farmers Market today: Diane and Linda, friends from Lady Dar's Flatlanders walking group; Farmersdotter Organics, producers of garlic scape salt which Pam ordered. Lady Dar had to buy two more as Rhoda wanted two to take back to Cape Breton and bought two of the four she already had for Pam! ; bees from Cawston, community near Keremeos where Durston Honey Farm bees over-winter! Chloë with her friends, Gaelan and Gian Poalo, and Justin, in back. G/GP live in Vancouver and J is in Kelowna. They'll head to Kelowna and Vernon tomorrow, lads to former, goils to latter, to see Katie, close mutual friend. Wine-tasting with Rhoda and then back on Burns!

Calgary Whiskey Pick Up Needed: If you are headed to Calgary, please contact Kevin Ritcey as there are 6 bottles of whiskey at the Kensington Wine Market ready for pickup. Thanks, Corinne

Bit of a sleep-in this morning as it had been a busy day on Friday, topped off with a reasonably late night visit from Gaelen and Gian Paolo, just up from Vancouver to stay with Chloë for a couple of nights. The Sendero Hole-in-the-Wall Gang were to come to our place by 10:00 am but when I phoned to confirm they were just up so I told Chloë we would meet them somewhere along the way at the Farmers' Market. We strolled down White and started our meanderings right at the intersection of White and Main as FM was moved further south due to Rib Fest, at Gyro Park and on Lakeshore, all this weekend.

Had a grand time bumping into friends, [Congratulated Will Bill who had just retired from 37 years of teaching at PenHi the day before! Hip Hip Hooray. He mentioned he had just finished another batch of his infamous Cherry Kirsch so looking forward to tasting it as last batch was liquid dynamite! Further along, Diane and Linda, friends from Lady Dar's Flatlanders walking group, sipping cider!], and various vendors: Owner of Farmersdotter Organics, producers of garlic scape salt which Pam ordered. Lady Dar had to buy two more as Ski wanted two to take back to Cape Breton and bought two of the four she already had, ready to pack, for Pam! Then Avi, owner/designer of Natural Wool Knits. Using the pattern of the mixed greys, Avi will knit the vest similar to one on display. Lady Dar just happened to mention that this is what she wanted for a birthday present! Those Durstons! Next, Leigh from Balsamic Bliss who was happy with last week's snapolas as she forwarded then to FM coordinator who will mount them on the website, announcing that Leigh is using tea spoons instead of disposable plastic spoons for potential customers to sample her wonderful balsamic vinegar.

Finally, Jake, in his usual spot in front of The Book Shop, selling his works, who mentioned he is thinking of organizing a United College reunion as there are a number of alumni in Penticton and hereabouts. Popped into Knight's Pharmacy as Lady Dar needed her Globe & Mail fix and I bought our weekly lotto tickets. Katie, young woman who usually works on Saturday, rewarded me with a $20 win. [Last week it was a free play!], so a grand start to long weekend. We also used most of the change, [My pockets were bulging!], from return of wine/pop bottles, etc., we put in jar after hitting the recycling depot, so spent like drunken sailors, buying cherries, green onions, white turnips, black current jam, humus, [from Syrian refugee family, relocated to Penticton, about two years ago now.], and some fresh dill!

Both of us needed to hit the bank so after we withdrew our life savings, we wandered down to Front Street. Unfortunately, Lady Dar's left calf started to act up so she we said goodbye and she headed for home. I wanted to continue my walkabout so browsed along Front Street before heading back to pay Avi for the wrap she was going to knit. She was pretty sure she have it ready for July 18th, day before Lady Dar's actual birthday, but hen we'll have a celebratory dinner at Front Street Bistro with Maggie and Hans, visiting from Denmark, along with Flamin'/Sarge and Chloë. Pleased to hear that she is quite busy with a large wall hanging, at the moment. Shortly after I left her I bumped into the sleepy heads and met Justin, Gian Paolo's friend, down from Kelowna. Chatted for a bit and made plans to see them back at Burns before they headed out to do some wine-tasting. 

After I'd put away our purchases I thought I'd read until they popped by to say hello and goodbye, as I didn't want to start my shoulder exercises and have my regime interrupted, Dear Reader! At any rate, after a few chapters I feel asleep and didin't wake up until just before 2:00 pm. Chloë had called earlier to say they had stopped at Upper Bench for pizza and a plate of wonderful cheeses and were not going to drop in. This being the case I started on my shouldares, listening to Ben Heppner and opera, in the living room, and then switching to Disappearance, in the Rumpus Room. Did a few chores in between various sets and it was close to 6:30 pm by the time I'd finished my standing/sitting exercises. Changed quickly and then headed to the Dream as I was on deck to sell 50/50 tickets.

Had to park at PAG as streets were filled with cars belonging to those attending Rib Fest. Inside, there was a decent crowd so was pleased to find this the case. Hazel waited until about 7:15 pm before she made announcement and then I made my rounds. Had a great time chatting with people at the various tables, and one couple, from Vancouver, knows the family who own Theo's, wonderful Greek restaurant here in town, as well as Sophie's, [ We sisters on Fourth, in Vancouver[Most everyone was extremely supportive and I sold $180 worth of tickets. Even had to go back to Hazel for more as sold entire bundle she gave me initially. Carmen, [young woman I introduced to Ski and Lady Dar on Wednesday, waitressing for summer, and whom we are trying to hook up with someone in Nanaimo who might rent her a room while she is attending VIU this September.], was there as well. Didn't know she is in charge of scheduling the wait staff. She just popped in to see that all was well and see a bit of show.

I left after listening to the opening number. Was quite impressed with Raincity's lead singer and saxophonist, both young women. Other things being equal I would have stayed for the first set but I still had my bed shouldares to finish and I wanted to do them before having a bite of late dinner. Lady Dar was watching an Agatha Christie film when I was back and I suggested she catch up on Bosch so that we could watch the next few episodes together. She did just that and once I had finished stretching I took a quick shower. Fixed myself a plate of overlefts, along with some of the new potatoes from this morning's market, and we let Harry deal with the bad guys. Darjeeling was too, too sleepy to watch more than one episode, [5, Tunnel Vision], so we brushed and flossed and then hit the hay to read for a bit. Sleepy Girl turned off her light before me but I was keen to know how Reacher would extricate himself tfrom the tight corner he found himself in so keep reading for a few chapters. Then, with heavy eyelids, I followed suit and headed for Dreamsville, with nary a kitten in sight!

Pics: Margaret Holm, [wife of Richard Cannings, our MP], with Lady Dar's successful bid! Michelle Dunn, [no relation but I call her "cousin"! Famiglia Tennant, of Terravista, Senka, Bob, their son Oliver and fiancée, Megan, both up from Vancouver; Ret, [first on left], and Dorothy Tinning, [third on left], at next table. Dorothy, who is in hiking group, asked me to take a snap. She is a very, very talented artist and we both like her work very much. They gave us the glass table we have on front porch, along with the two chairs, since recovered by Lady Dar. She offered them to anyone in hiking group, a few years ago now, and I snapped them up right away! 

Hi OF hikers Aart has disappeared into cyberspace, so I will take on a hike on Monday. Yes. it is Canada day, so you can wear red however you want. Maybe resurrect your red suspenders. We will do a hike to the top of Mama Nkwala from the trestle – not too long and not too vigourous. Meet as usual – 0740 at HH Penticton and 0800 at IGA Summerland. Cheers Tony 

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