Friday 24 August 2018

Full-Tilt Finishing Boogie Blues: Friday, August 24th!

I would encourage people to look around them in their community and find an organization that is doing something that they believe in, even if that organization has only five people, or ten people, or twenty people, or a hundred people. And to look at history and understand that when change takes place it takes place as a result of large, large numbers of people doing little things unbeknownst to one another. And that history is very important for people to not get discouraged. ... History is instructive. And what it suggests to people is that even if they do little things, if they walk on the picket line, if they join a vigil, if they write a letter to their local newspaper. Anything they do, however small, becomes part of a much, much larger sort of flow of energy. And when enough people do enough things, however small they are, then change takes place. -Howard Zinn, historian, playwright, and social activist (24 Aug 1922-2010)

Hi Patrick and Corinne Thanks for update on Renos. Can't wait to see it! Yes I am able to play on Tuesday. Happy you found the table 😊 I played bridge with ladies yesterday, Busy looking after Magnum. Yesterday I left him out in the backyard by himself. When I got home a lady out walking her dog thought he was lost. I phoned Vanessa so she phoned me in a panic!!!🙊 I am being introduced to Mahjong this afternoon and off to yoga shortly. So that is life here on Regina!! See you soon Jud Xo

Hi Queen of Regina! Glad Magnum is not lost! I know how upset Vanessa, not to mention you, must have been. Both Etta and Duke would not come in last night so I had to leave the cat door open and hope they would eventually return. They did but probably around 2:00 am!


Again, sorry about mix-up over your table but glad to hear you are playing bridge and will tackle Mah Jong this afternoon. Please say hello to anyone I might know. Lady Dar is off to Kelowna later this morning as she has a meeting, at 1:30 pm, with a couple she will marry, in September I believe. She is hoping to do a Costco run beforehand. Chloë popped by last night and left a list of items she would like. You can take the child out of Burns but you still pay through the nose! At the same time she asked if she could use my credit card to buy the in-house vacuum system that has already been plumbed in, during construction, and will pay me back in installments. In case you don't know, parents don't pay interest charges on their credit cards! Kids today!!! 

Gas fitters arrived just after 8:00 am and hooked up line to stove so I was able to make my delicious "melange" brunch to break it in: Walla Walla Sweet onions, Russian Red garlic, from our garden, all fried up with a diced zucchini, again from our garden. Electrician returned after lunch to energize plug for dishwasher and one on island. He was running late so he didn't have time to change a few other plugs and switches to make them uniform with new ones. Then appliance chap knocked on door to finish microwave surround and wall-oven stabilization. I helped him move fridge into place but it took longer to balance the damn thing than he had planned for so he didn't have time for microwave surround. He has to come back anyway as wine fridge needs more balancing and to do so we'll have to remove the eleven cases of wine stacked inside!. When Lady Dar was back from Kelowna she was beside herself, seeing fridge in place, as she'd been fussing about its temporary location ever since renovation started!

For my part I have a number of household chores I want to chalk off my list since I need to be here for trades-folk. Hope to ride my stationary bike later today. Did yesterday, with a mask, and felt fine. Otherwise, had worried smoke and ash might irritate respiratory system. Feel fine, probably because I don't really push myself on stationary as I need to when cycling up hills, etc., so my breathing isn't all that deep, more like regular, normal respiration. Buona Fortuna with Mah Jong, Yoga Woman. Enjoy the weekend. Keep Magnum on a short leash. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Etta claims her chair! Omgod they always go for the nicest furniture!! Nothing but the best for the Burns Street Felines! Especially Ms Etta, part of the Pampered Sisterhood! Cheers, Patrizzio, Not Allowed on the New Furniture!

Hello Still-Alive Ozzites and Harbour Terracoids! Trust everyone is well and enjoying life. [How are Elly and Antonio? Please pass along regards.] Flamin' forwarded your last message so pleased to learn of your biking holiday. Very sorry to hear of Claire's nasty tumble. Fortunate that it wasn't worse than it was. Obviously pretty banged up, nonetheless. I can certainly sympathize! However, need to correct Flamin's account of my own tumbles. First and foremost, I fell while walking, (Not drunk, otherwise I would have been too relaxed to injure myself!), as opposed to riding, like Claire. These two unhappy circumstances did land me in three hospitals but only in two different countries. At any rate, after second of bike tours was over, I fell, while walking, on an excursion to Auschwitz, landing me in hospital, in Oświęcim, overnight, and second, in Kraków, day I was back in city, both, probably, a result of start of pneumonia which landed me in hospital in Berlin for a week! Corinne flew to Berlin on June 23rd, to rescue me. I was discharged from Charité Hospital the following day and we flew back to Vancouver/Penticton on June 26th, to land, smack dab in the middle of massive kitchen renovation!

As of this writing, still dealing with The Kitchen Renovation Blues! Like Flamin', let us know more about your proposed bike excursion, etc., as we might be able to dovetail this time. My bike is now in Denmark so I'm quite nicely poised for a biking trip in the Netherlands and environs. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to everyone. Must away as I have household chores galore, left by LD, [Little Dictatoress!], I need to chalk off her list before she breezes home. No rest for the wicked, it seems. All the very best. Stay well. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dearest Cactus and Darling Donna Florida! Thank you for the more than heartfelt missive of almost two weeks ago, (August 10th), now! I do apologize for the unreasonable tardiness of my reply, especially since yours was such a warm, congenial message. In my shallow defense, I did start a draft the day it arrived, but Alack and Alas, it is only now that I am able to put fingertips to keyboard to respond. Nevertheless, the burden of guilt had been wearing me down, ever since, so I was determined to cast it off, come Hell or High Water, before the end of today!

Now, attempting to translate thought into action, well fortified with a breakfast of yogurt and pitted local cherries and then a delicious brunch of 'melange": Chopped Walla Walla Sweets, fried with diced zucchini, (ours), and Russain Red garlic, (ours as well), topped with an overleft sausage from last night's dinner. To keep morass from sticking I added the tail-end of a jar of salsa, chopping in a small red pepper, (ours), to kick up the heat factor and then to sop up liquid, the last of a box of cornflakes, the thickener of choice. Furthermore, I'm trying to use up all the odds and ends we've found since unpacking foodstuffs!

You sound as busy as ever, politically, socially, culinarily and recreationally, even if Hearst Pool is trying to crimp your style. For my part, I have a long-term plan/goal to return to the Fast Lane, (Medium, probably, if not Slow, at first), after my right shoulder replacement, now scheduled for mid-March, 2019, to give me time to present as fit an aging frame as possible! Furthermore, I need/want to have my two hernias operated upon: navel and lower right groin. Neither are life-threatening and I have lived with former since well before we left Vancouver. However, week or so before I left for Europe I noticed a slight bulge in my groin, (Old age rears one of its ugly Hydra heads!), and went to the dottore to make sure this wouldn't affect my trip. Not to worry and was told to book an appointment with specialist upon return. Didn't bother me on trip but since I've been back it seems to have become slightly larger and knowing it is there, I voluntarily restrict many of my activities, lifting, [chopping firewood, Chloë's move, our own unpacking], cycling strenuously, etc. Have already seen Dr Porte and crossing-my fingers he will have me under the scalpel in September or October. No overnight hospital stay, In and Out, same day so I can ride 100 km after I wake up!

Even if I was Superman, [Verdict is still out!], probably wouldn't be back on my Trek as we are truly suffering here from worst wildfire smoke in last three years so yesterday I rode with a mask and felt fine. Incognito, with my helmet and mask, I think I'll knock-over our local Royal Bank to obtain the cash to pay for renovation! Well, Vincenzo, must away as I have to work on emptying my malt cabinet! No rest for the wicked, it seems. All the very best. Stay well. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!

The only photo missing is of the cork flooring. Would love to see where the tidal flow meets the onrushing river and the two different shades rest athwart each other. Sounds like a merry mess. Indeed, your photos remind me of the construction back in 93-94 down here for our home, so I share some shudders with you. And for the long "Where is that darned...." when you and Lady Dar are trying to cook dinner. Ms. Elise would be a kindred soul, as she is the aggrieved mistress of a hundred renovations and upgrades, each one with more snafus than you can shake a spatula at. I would love to swim with you again, no matter what pool. Wouldn't that be cool? It's been a long time....

We just took a little walk and now I must sink my teeth into the manuscript I am editing (Beats, New York intellectuals, post-Sixties narratives) for my friend Lin in Chengdu. End of September deadline, and we leave for Panama and Chile in just about two weeks. So I will truncate and edit. "More coal" is just what we need, isn't it? We are trying to keep hope alive down here in the lower 48. Cactus. Donald Trump has asked us to finally answer the question: Is America a country defined by the pluralism declared in its founding documents, or by the segregation and racial terrorism that it has practiced since its inception?- Kai Wright, The Nation, Jul.30-Aug.6, 2018 issue

Hi Tidal Floor/Merry Mess Man! Thanks for the sympathetic shudders! We always knew you were a cool cat, Daddy-O, but terrific that you are editing Beats! And then the South American Diaries! What a life you live, at home and away. Fondestos to you, Cactus, and to my favourite Floridian! All the very best. Stay well! Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi everyone, Chunks of drywall served with silicone dip, yum!!! ... and the door prizes are difficult to resist as well. I may have to abort the cruise to attend. On the other hand, maybe not. You folks have a great evening next week.... maybe I'll find some bridge on the ship. I'll catch up with you after Sep.6th.
Yes, many thanks to Gill and Phil for being gracious hosts Tuesday night. It was a lovely
Carol, it was wonderful seeing you again and Susan, it was great to meet you. To both of you ...welcome! To Patrizzio and Corrine, so sorry that you didn't receive my emails. Hugs and apologies, Olly
Hi everyone, Pierre just told me that his grandmother, Melonie, Melvin's mother, passed away from a heart attack in her sleep during the night. Melvin is on his way to LA tonight to make arrangements. She did not have an easy life and Millie, her twin, is still mourning her husband so this is going to be hard in her as they had just moved in together. Love Ayn Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that. ❤️She took a nap in her recliner and did not wake up. They are waiting for the mortuary to come for the body. Ayn I’m so sorry for Melvin and the boys and of course for Millie and the rest of the family. She was way too young. Love Mom

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