Monday 8 July 2019

Back to the Watering Can Blues: Monday, July 8th!

Anyone entrusted with power will abuse it if not also animated with the love of truth and virtue, no matter whether he be a prince, or one of the people. -Jean de la Fontaine, poet and fabulist (8 Jul 1621-1695) 

Hello Independently Wealthy Garage Sale People! Trust all went well on Saturday. I had expected a large sum to be deposited into my Swiss bank account but not a penny to be seen! Also had the following message from Matt:

Greetings Patrick, I hope this finds you well. I had my brand new hip inserted on June 20 at your old alumnus UBC. Things are very interesting and as you know slow but sure. However I feel the trip to the Okanagan is just too much for me. We were going to take in Grand Forks as well visiting Catherine cousin. So, sorry for messing things up. But I hope you understand. Coming up soon will be our moving out and moving in. All very busy and one feels useless. Reached out to Branco. Hope the shoulder is getting there. Say sorry to Corrine and I hope Chloe is doing well. Take care Matt

Disappointed that we won't have a chance to visit but with all the other things going on, at least we'll have a bit of a break. On the solar front, not sure if you are on FTF newsletter list but this just came this morning:

Support a residential solar net-metering appeal to Penticton Council

In February, the city of Penticton changed its rates for purchasing excess monthly power from net -metering customers from $0.12 per kWh to $.054.. This means that excess power produced in the summer is credited at less than half the rate that they buy it back  in the winter. It is a big disincentive for potential solar customers, as it means their return on investment for installing solar arrays may go from less than 10 years to more than 20.

Janelle Parchomchuk is planning a delegation to make a presentation to the City Council, proposing changing the billing process to allow “banking" excess summer energy to be used in the winter at the same credit value. She is looking for Penticton residents who own or are planning small-scale solar installations.  The City of Penticton has tentatively granted a request to appear at City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 16th. If you would like to have input or join the delegation please contact Janelle. 
I just talked to Janelle and she would like me to write up a letter of support as she has to submit the delegation's concerns to City Council by this coming Wednesday. If you would like to outline any points, send them along and I'll incorporate them into my draft. I told her I would have it ready by later today so that she could review it and then suggest any changes, if necessary. Will send what I've come up with to you both for possible edits.

Must away as the "supervisors" are waiting to oversee this morning's watering, although I just played with Duke on the living room carpet, swinging the elastic with plastic milk bottle seal attached. Good thing we cut his nails as his paws slid off my hands without a scratch! All the barrels are full, having had fairly sustained, light rain for last few days, although precipitation has not been a good thing for cherries. Helicopters were back, hovering over orchards to dispel water, but according to one owner I heard, interviewed this morning, losses are between 20%-40%, or even more. Wondering how Bill's fruit did. 

The ones ChloĆ« received are delish and I'm having them with my yogurt and bee pollen this morning! Greetings to one and all. Much love, Queen Bee Darjeeling! Cheers, Your Adoring, Lonely Hearts Husband! PS: One table of bridge at Choocheranian's tonight. PPS: Thanks to Clan Sutherland for everything from private chauffeur service to fabulous meals, sub-standard hootch, sub-zero accomodation and life with the Katzenjammer Twins, all the while singing' The Freeloader Blues!!!!! Pics: Egg throwing on Saturday. One of the pipe bands at Scottish Festival; beer tent; caber tossing; dinner at Spirit Ridge; Dinner; Avery and Ashlynn with Flamin's fab homemade cherry pie; night sky; breakfast on the deck!

Are you going to be coming to town for the Folk Festival? If yes, we should arrange to connect at some point. It would be good to catch up. Cheers...Paul No will not be there this year. I have two weddings booked that weekend.
You two should come up for a visit. We leave for eastern Europe on Aug. 29. Our lives are changing as Chloe is having a baby and due Dec. 1. Hope you are both well. Best Corinne

Hi Paolo and The Hipster! Trust you are both well and that your new hip is allowing all sorts of freedom, Joan. I see that Lady Dar has replied to your last message. Let me echo her invitation to visit. Would be great to see you both.

Earlier this morning I watered, using water from our four barrels, filled to the brim with much needed rain of a few days ago. Let us know about a possible visit and we'll plan accordingly. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Open Letter in support of the residential solar net-metering appeal to Penticton Council:                                              

July 8th, 2019

Dear City Council:

My wife, Corinne Durston), and I, (Patrick Dunn), live at 611 Burns Street and have recently had 18 solar panels installed on our roof, as well as a Tier Two Charging Station for our 2019 eKona, this past June. Even though we were informed that the city had changed the rates for purchasing excess power we proceeded with the installation for a number of reasons, principally because we wished to reduce our household carbon footprint and see solar energy as one critically important way to address climate change.

 As far as I am aware, there was no public notice given of the proposed change or an earlier opportunity for concerned citizens to address this unilateral decision. While this is both unconscienceable and undemocratic, the change is not only a significant disincentive for potential solar customers but also, far more importantly, flies directly in the face of the city’s responsibility to encourage, foster and champion any and all initiatives which contribute to reducing its carbon footprint.

Again, as I understand things, Penticton receives tax rebates, from the province, for any legitimately documented reductions in its carbon footprint. This being the case, why would council penalize those of its citizens who are contributing to this reduction? It should rather be actively supporting and encouraging householders, and businesses, to do the same, not providing barriers. Again, as far as I’m aware, the same solar net-metering formula is not applied in surrounding jurisdictions, in Summerland, Oliver and Osoyoos, for example.

The recent wildfires and floods which have, to date, greatly affected the tourist industry, not to mention the health and welfare of local inhabitants, will only increase in frequency and destructive magnitude if all levels of government do not act, [Immediately is almost too late given bureaucratic indecision, even in the face of environmental crisis!), to put measures in place to mitigate and/or slow these catastrophic events, undeniably driven by the forces of climate change.

On this issue, and many other related matters, Penticton has an opportunity to show strong leadership. Much, much can be done at the local, municipal level and it is the council’s responsibility to lead the city into a greener, far, far more sustainable future. We do not have time, as a human race, to allow profit driven development to come first. We can start locally. Unless we strive, citizens and the councilors elected to serve us, together, to change the way we lead our lives there will, all too quickly, be no Penticton or larger Okanagan Valley to develop and enjoy.  

The first order of the day is to attempt to halt and redress, however we can, the wrongs we have wreaked upon the larger environment. One way is to change to the net-metering billing process. I trust the council will see fit to make this proposed change. Act now, today, and similarly, for tomorrows to come. One small step for Penticton. One unimaginably important gesture of support for Mother Earth. Respectfully submitted, Corinne Durston and Patrick Dunn

Hi Janelle: Please find my draft submission attached. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, Patrizzio! This looks great Patrick Thank you! Janelle

Hi Summertime Players, or non-Players, as the case may be! Thanks to Choocheranian for hosting tonight. It was a delightful summer evening, outside on her back patio, with refreshing drinks, delish chocs and mixed nuts, the latter bidding quite well, I must add!

Next Monday, Green Gables Goil, [aka Ann], has kindly offered to host so it would be grand if we could field two tables. Perhaps the tennis racket/golf club wielding Summerlanders might wish to reconnect or even a Spiller Road lumberjack! At any rate, let me know if you will attend and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Long lost Gilliana and Phillipo popped by yesterday afternoon to say hello. Since I haven't been hiking or cycling and they are not playing bridge we've not seen much of each other so far this summer. Lady Dar happened to call, from Winnipeg, where she has been visiting her Mother, when Jack Rabbit Slims cycled up. Bridge on Il Terrazzo!

Hi Patrick, I didn't know there was bridge this past Monday. I hadn't heard. Glad you had a good time. Judi Hello All? My European trip is winding down as speaking, still in Calgary for a day, and finally we should be home on time for a nice get together at a bridge table. So count me in and keep me posted when and where. Cheers Mike Hi Patrick. I would like to play next Monday. Thanks. DianneLooking forward to it. If???? it is not too hot , too windy, to wet.... we can try a table outside. Quebec St....brick with stone wall near sidewalk....Here is my cell....if anyone needs directions. AEB I can play on Monday night. Sorry I missed this Monday, I thought it was cancelled as I didn't hear anything. Dame Judith Hi Dame Judith! I apologize for not contacting you about last Monday. In talking to people who could have played on Canada Day, which was cancelled due to lack of players, I knew Carolina, Lady Di and O Susannah could play so I asked Ann if she would mind standing down. My fault entirely, as I would have been happy to let you play instead of me. Anyway, it looks like we will have two tables this coming Monday so pleased about that. Just need confirmation from O Susannah. If Chooch can play we'll have eight, with you! 
On another matter, I gather we will be enjoying a bbq with you and Kevin on Sunday! We might come over at 8:00 am as Lady Dar and I are volunteering at the GranFondo Start Line at 5:45 am that morning! We'll be nicely pickled by dinner time! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Sponsors I started this challenge almost on a whim. I would get some excercise and hopefully make my goal of $500 for kids cancer. Well as all your donations came in I became totally obsessed with riding every morning and sending emails in the afternoon. When the month was over I was both exhausted and exhilarated by what we had accomplished together.

Last month, I rode 537.0 km in the 2019 Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer. It was tough, but worth it. Because I've now raised $5955 to end childhood cancer and save little lives. A big THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored my challenge. It was your support that kept me pedaling until the last day. Your generous donation will support SickKids Foundation to allow them to continue their work to care for these kids, develop innovative treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer. Click below to view my progress throughout the month: <>
Thanks again, your support is greatly appreciated. Colleen Hi Colonel Klink! congratulations indeed! Well done. Hip Hip Hooray! I envy you your riding.

Since March 16th I have only been allowed to walk, [Between 5km- 15km as many times a week as possible.], to prevent re-injuring shoulder. I gather I will be able to return to the more vigourous activity after October 15th, 2019, cleared to do so by my doctor and physio. Until then, keep up the good work. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Thanks for your kind words. We have just returned from Winnipeg. Loved it. Klink Hi Klinkenheimer! Thanks for wonderful snaps of The Peg! As I mentioned, Lady Dar has been in Falcon Lake, about 125 km east of Winnipeg, since Canada Day. I'll drive to Kelowna, on Friday, to collect her. I chatted with her, a day or so ago, and she is more than ready to come home as mosquitoes are driving her crazy! Did you happen to see any of the T-shirts sold there: "I Gave Blood in Manitoba!" Cheers, Patrizzio!

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