Thursday 11 July 2019

NuVista and The Shouldare Blues: Thursday, July 11th!

Hello Comrade Advocates/Activists and Ranchero! Great to see you two at the Green New Deal Town Hall meeting. Must say I was most impressed with the small group of volunteers who did an exceptional job of organizing and running the meeting. Pleased, as well, that Summerland's very progressive mayor, Toni Boot, was there, along with Richard Cannings. Thank you, Dumpling Dale Dave, for acting as secretary for our table.

Interestingly enough, you might recall, Dancin' Dave, that one of my "red line" suggestions was No privatization of prisons and there has been a storm of items on this morning's CBC Radio One news, as you all may well have heard, about the Ontario Teacher's Union Pension Fund, and a number of other pension funds, etc., investing in at least two US companies responsible for administering prisons there. Latest response from OTU was that they no longer have any shares in said companies! Obviously, exposure and subsequent public outrage and outcry caused them to dis-invest. Not before, however, sickening, greed-fueled monsters, profit at any cost, they be. Onward! Fight!!

To particularize this, using our tax-free funds, [To the extent that we have any!], both Lady Dar and I have minuscule RBC portfolios which come under the guidelines of ethical investment so no arms manufacture, fossil fuels, and the like. One small step for us, one unimaginably important gesture for Mother Earth.

Coincidentally, another news item this morning reported that an outdoor concert in Salmon Arm has been cancelled due to threat of thunderstorms this evening, I believe. Social Media reported #Not Cool, Mother Earth, or something similar. This makes my blood boil as it is nothing but evidence of the blatant, monomaniacal, non-thinking, self-interest which is, in very large part, responsible for climate change in the first place! Rather, the Tweeters should have posted #Heartfelt Apologies for our Heinous Depredations, Mother Earth! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Richard; Dave, Jordyn, (one of organizers), and Norberto!

Hello santa clause (or at your tender age is it meno-pause), it's been a while since we last talked and just wanted to check in and see how you and Corinne are doing? Summers must be amazing where you guys are.

Things are going along ok back here in Vancouver. The only real update is that I finally have a permanent full-time position with the provincial government as an analyst (glorified data entry half the time). The pay is ok, although, in Vancouver "ok pay" only gets you so far, but I am not one to complain and I always feel it is up to oneself to make their situation work/positive, as it may be. Either way, job security, and not bouncing from one auxiliary position to another is nice. It was really rough those years when all I had were 6 different part-time jobs where I had to basically play tetris with my schedule to ensure that I was maximizing my time and making enough money. Still, hopefully, this is just the beginning of bigger and better things, but all is dependent on health and attitude right?

Speaking of health, I hope the two of you are doing excellent and I miss both of you. It would be interesting to hear your takes on the future of librarianship, at least the traditional model. VPL is increasingly minimizing and devaluing librarians, replacing us with higher-paid front line staff to do basic reference work, even pushing lib techs to the side. Interesting times for sure, and I guess I have to be thankful that I got in at VPL when I did because they are likely going to limit or stop hiring auxiliary VPL librarians for a while now. I initially thought I could make a career at VPL but I see a lot of politics and a lot of mice at Central branch, both of which I detest. Is there any place or role for librarians in today's world?

Out of curiosity, and I know you will say that you know nothing, but with a couple of years of being a lazy bum in the Okanagan under your belt now, what are your thoughts on life? I ask because you know I looooooove reflecting on why we do what we do as humans and what are the various paths we can take in life towards fulfillment or meaning, and in improving our dealings with other humans, and, ultimately, our inner selves/demons. I know you will say you are none the wiser (which I will not disagree with!) but I always like hearing what your thoughts are either way.

On that note, I have to let you and Corinne know that you have both been a very big influence in my life, if not for the two of you entering my life (or me barging into yours), I think I would be worse off in every which way. If not for you I would not have decided to go to SLAIS, which, despite my misgivings about the library profession, has opened many new doors for me and also brought a lot of cool people and experiences into my life. If I haven't said it before, and if I never say it again, thank you, thank you and thank you again for your kindness, generosity and patience in sharing your knowledge and spirit (spiritual and in whisky form) with me. I love you both and hopefully I will get a chance to make it up to Penticton soon. If you are in Vancouver anytime and have time to spare, please let me know, would be great to see you. Take care, VL 

Hello Stranger! Great to hear from you, after light years of silencio! Pleased to hear that you are now gainfully employed! Bravo! Onward!! Life continues to go extremely well, here on Burns Street, so we are most thankful for our very good fortune. Lady Dar, [I'll let her answer any questions about VPL!], has been in Falcon Lake since Canada Day, helping her Mom ready her house for sale. Just had a note from Lady Dar to say that the woman who viewed place today is returning with husband tomorrow at 6:00 pm, so that is a promising sign.
I underwent surgery for a complete right shoulder replacement on March 16th, here in Penticton. All went extremely well so I couldn't be happier. However, a long process of phyiso and daily exercises to regain strength, movement and flexibility. Other than that, busy, busy time here. I will drive to Kelowna tomorrow to collect Lady Dar,  around noon. 
With respect to musings on the meaning of life, main thought we have, [I think I can speak for Lady Dar on this matter.], is that each of us has to do whatever we can to attack the forces of climate change. To this end, we had 18 solar panels installed, with a Tier Two Charging Station, at the beginning of June and bought a 2019 eKona a month or so before that. Couldn't be more pleased with the car, am happy to report.

Other than that, just try to enjoy each day as it presents itself to you. Make plans, [We are off to Eastern Europe at the end of August for six weeks, first three with Flamin' and Sarge.], of course but don't live expecting a future that may well not unfold as you imagine it might. Furthermore, drink plenty of malt! Lady Dar is now, as of last AGM, the Secretary of the South Okanagan Malt Tasting Society, so we are taking over the Valley, one shot glass at a time!

By the way, how if Patrizzio The Younger? Haven't heard a peep from him. He said he would be in touch last summer but not a word. Trust he is well. Must away to make a good start on our next book club, selection, John Boyne's The Heart's Invisible Furies. We heard John a couple of years ago at the VWF. Our group meets on July 24th at the home of Senka Tennant, owner/winemaker of Terravista. Last time she will host in this house as she and her husband, Bob, sold the winery a few month ago. Stay well, dear friend. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: You are too, too kind in your words of appreciation but obviously pleased that you feel the way you do about us. Mutual, I'm sure!
Hello Duhlink! Great news about person coming back. Good sign. Really enjoyed my massage today and my shoulder felt looser when I did my shouldares! [Etta just came in to give me a rub.] When I went next door, around 9:00 pm, to let Roman in, he was nowhere to be seen, even after I walked around the house. When I came back to the porch I spied him under a car across the street. There was an apricot on the road, [They are starting to drop to the ground!], at the back of the car, so I kicked it under the car and he scampered home, to be fed! Time for bed as I've a busy day tomorrow. Have to accompany Chloƫ to accountant to pay $1,200 fee on MasterCard. She will have around $3,800 refund but need us to front bill! Kids today! Fondestos and Love to you and Rosita. Cheers, Patrizzio!

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