Friday 26 July 2019

Sarge & Flamin' & and the Vail Blues: Friday, July 26th!

Hi Carole! I've marked the shows I can volunteer at. My wife and I will be away, on holidays, after August 28th, not back until mid-October, when I can resume taking shifts, from the 15th to the end of the month, if needs be. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi, again, Carole! It was terrific to meet you, in person, on the Saturday before the GranFondo. Had been meaning to send these snaps along ever since the event! How did your Start Line go? We had loads of fun with ours as all the cyclists were very friendly, helpful and considerate. Even met the wife and son of a close friend, all from Vancouver, up for the event, after the race started. Ben and Ellen came to our place later that afternoon so we enjoyed a lovely visit. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: GranFondo; Marcus and Ellen; Ellen and Ben 

Hi Again, I see Patrick replied with some shifts but he had a blank list of acts so have updated the list below with his choices so that we have all the names in one list. Please reply all from the latest list and put your name next to the nights you would like to volunteer to make it easy for everyone to see what needs to be covered :) Thanks Janine 

Hi, Can someone confirm that the emails I sent to day arrived in your inbox as I did send updated lists twice today where I incorporated everyone's choices to date. Can we use that list or someone update this string with all the names?
Thanks Janine
Hi Janine! I received all of your updates.  I sent Carole another message indicating I could also volunteer on Saturday, August 17th, if needed. I've added my name to that date on list. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Duhlink and Mad Man Madcap! How delicious, delightful and deloverly to hear from you, especially with Madcap grizzling in the background! Sorry to hear about your Japanese hips, Penny. Have Madcap drizzle expensive Irish Whiskey on them and then massage the affected spots, averting his lascivious eyes!

Flamin' and Sarge are coming for dinner, along with their friends, Jill and Herb, up from Denver, this evening. Whew! I need to go back to bed with Duke, lying at the foot of our bed! Lady Dar is luncheoning with close friend, Judy Blue, around 1:00 pm and I have been left with a list of household chores to dispatch while she eats cucumber sandwiches and swills Rosé! I plan to vacuum in the nude so am hoping the Jehovah Witnesses will knock on our front door!!! Do hope we can connect in Gay Parigi as it would be fabuloso to catching up with you two. [Would you like me to invite Jamie to translate for us? Don't worry, he'll miss the train or flight as he's always late!] We'll send details of dates, etc., as soon as we finalize rest of trip. Until then, stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar in the midst of making potato salad for tonight's dinner while I polish the silver. I feel like I'm a maid at Downtown! Enjoy Toronto and hello to Heather. Cheers, Patrizzio!

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