Wednesday 3 July 2019

Dried Sage and Oregano Blues: Wednesday, July 3rd!

Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you any more. -Franz Kafka, novelist (3 Jul 1883-1924) [while admiring fish in an aquarium] 

Was a tad worried as nary a single cat over the course of the night, particularly as I'd been awakened around 2:30 am, with a wail or two outside the bedroom window. Went to the front door but no sign of either Duke or Etta. When I was up at 6:10 am, again, no evidence of a feline presence inside. I went back to bed for another hour or so and when I looked into back patio Duke was curled up on one of the table chairs. Shortly thereafter Miss Etta came trotting into the yard and followed me inside to eat her pumpkin. Duke was obviously still sleepy as he didn't show up for a bit, although he did eat after he watched his sister enjoying her breakfast! Will go out to water shortly so perhaps I'll have a couple of supervisors!

Hello Patrick! I hope both you and Lady Dar are keeping well and you are enjoying the fine summer weather! I apologise for being out of touch since meeting last year at Upper Bench's party. Lots of ups and downs with family over the past 10 months or so, but I am looking forward to my visit to Penticton for the Poplar Grove and Upper Bench summer parties. I hope to see both you and Lady Dar there! Cheers! Kara

Hi Kara!

How lovely to hear from you! Sorry to hear about family difficulties but trust things are better now. For our part we have been quite busy with a quite a few visits from friends from both Vancouver and elsewhere in Canada. As well, a merry-go-round of social activities, from the wonderful weekly Farmers' Market to the Penticton Art Gallery's Dinner and Auction at the end of last month. I drove Lady Dar to Kelowna on Canada Day as she flew to Winnipeg for about ten days or so to help her Mother with the sale of her home. She lives at Falcon Lake, a provincial park about 125 km east of Winnipeg, quite close the Manitoba/Ontario border, and initially, she will live with Corinne's brother and wife, who live immediately next door. I chatted with Lady Dar yesterday and she is busy readying things for a garage sale this coming weekend as the house needs to "decanted" for real estate listing, etc.

For my part, I have recently become a 50/50 ticket seller, a volunteer at the Dream Café, here in town. I usually have about three shifts per month, from 7:00 pm to just before the shows start, at 8:00 pm. Volunteers are welcome to stay for the performance with drinks at half price! My last shift was last Saturday evening. Was quite impressed, in particular, with Raincity's lead singer and saxophonist, both young women. Band is from Vancouver. In fact, I'm on tonight. Daughter of the Moon, Natalie Ramsay, a folk songstress on acoustic guitar will perform.

When friend, Rhoda, from Cape Breton, was here, we took in Over the Moon, fab, fab husband/wife duo, from Longview, Alberta, where Ian Tyson is their rancher neighbour! They covered one of his songs and did so remarkably, remarkably movingly! Will return on July 12th to see Michael Kaeshammer with more friends from Vancouver, Denise and Bill, up for a week, staying at the rental cabin at Deep Roots Winery. They will bunk with us that night so that we can walk to the venue and not have to worry about drinking and driving!

Yesterday morning, after I'd enjoyed my java I went outside to water the front garden. I used the water from the two rain barrels on the back patio so I played Gunga Din, carrying full pails and watering cans to the front. With watering restrictions in place I wanted to empty all the barrels in the hope that the rain forecast for next few days will fill them up. By the time I was finished it was around 11:00 am so I started my shouldares. [I underwent a complete right shoulder replacement on March 12th and am very pleased to report all went extremely well. However, a fairly long process of physical rehabilitation to gain full movement and rotation. Not complaining but I have to be very disciplined if I want to as complete a recovery as possible.] Had had a phone call from Flamin', [aka Michele], inviting me to join her and her son, Kid Chelene, [aka Corey], for dinner at the Front Street Brasserie at 7:30 pm. I'd invited them for a drink and nibblage first so knew I had to be ready by 6:15 pm. 

With Lady Dar away, I will be the Constant Gardener for the duration of her holiday. Radishes have been providing us with daily salad fixings and we are pleased as punch with how they taste. Didn't need to buy any at the last Farmers' Market as we will be self-sufficient for next few weeks, or more, I think. Same goes for zucchini, both yellow and green. Had both, on Friday of the long-weekend, and they were simply delish! Even starting to pick cherry tomatoes so cannot complain in the least!

Other big news is that we had solar panels installed early in June, along with a Tier Two charger for our new electric vehicle, an eKona, by Hyundai. Very, very pleased with car. Haven't had a utility bill since we installed panels so am very curious to see what the bill will be, given the amount of electricity we are generating. I'm hoping I'll be able to spend all the savings on malt!!! Lady Dar insists any credits will be for shoes!
Dinner at FSB this evening was wonderful [Chloë was quite fussed when she discovered she had not been invited. She thought we were off to Dream!] The cherry tomatoes I picked, a day or so ago, vanished, gobbled up by Flamin' and The Kid, along with one of our latest cheeses, Upper Bench's Gold, before we left for the restaurant. Corey had never been before so he couldn't stop raving. We sat outside, on the patio, and it was most pleasant. Dinner was simply wonderful and we had a blast. Flamin' brought corkage, a 2016 Nk'Mip Syrah, 14.5%, and it was divine! 

We'll be heading there again, on Thursday, July 18th. Lady Dar's actual birthday is July 19th, Wine Club Appreciation Bash at Poplar Grove, as you will know, so we'll have a celebratory dinner beforehand, with Maggie, [Chloë's nanny in the '80's], and her boyfriend, Hans, visiting from Denmark, along with Flamin' and her husband, Sarge, [aka Wayne], and Chloë. [She moved into her place at Sendero Canyon a few weeks after we met you. If you have time, you'll have to pop by, have a drink and "tour" of finished kitchen! We are more than pleased with how things turned out.]

Haven't heard from Upper Bench about their bash so I hope we haven't missed invitation. It has become so popular, over last few years, that one needs to book immediately or else no room at the winery! I plan to call as soon as they open this morning to see what is what. Have you booked already? Must away as I am in the process of tying up bundles of sage, oregano and mint, harvested yesterday from our herb beds. I hang them in our garage for a couple of months, to dry them. Yesterday, took down those I'd hung earlier and stripped off dried leaves and bag them for our own use or to give to friends. Also harvesting our lavender. Have two vases full, one on fireplace mantle in living room and another on small bureau in front entrance. Rhoda took back a bouquet to Cape Breton and both Flamin' and Kid Chelene would like one each as well. 

Sarge is flying in to Penticton today and they will drive to Osoyoos to stay at their place at Spirit Ridge for weekend. [They own a half share while we are the poor relatives with only a quarter share. Lady Dar has booked for August as Chloë would like it over her birthday, August 18th, as she usually invites about four of her girlfriends to stay. We, of course, are "told" to be gone by then. Kids today!] They've invited me to overnight with them on Saturday. Kid Chelene is working on Saturday, [He is an RCMP officer here in Penticton, along with his wife, Rebecca, but she is in Kamloops, with their daughters, Avery and Ashlynn, visiting her parents for a week.], so we'll drive down after he finishes his shift. Wanted to stroll the Farmers' Market anyway, as well as take a look at the Penticton Scottish Festival, at Kings Park, just down Eckhardt from us. As mentioned above, had a wonderful time at the PAG Dinner and Auction, the day friend, Ski, [aka Rhoda], left to fly back to Cape Breton. I was much more restrained about bidding on anything this year but Lady Dar came home with a fairly large piece while Chloë forged my name on silent auction bid for the Scottish Festival and "I" won! Two cans of Irn-Bru and a spiffy T-shirt from kilt makers, here in town, along with tics. Again, kids today!

As well have a release to collect at Bartier Brothers, off Black Sage Road, but winery will be closed by the time we whiz by so will have to pick it up on Sunday, on way home. Chloë will stay overnight, on Saturday, to take care of Etta and Duke. Time to bundle up herbs so will say goodbye for now. Let me know your plans for Poplar Grove Bash visit and I hope we can arrange something if your schedule allows. Stay well. See you soon, one way or 'tother. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Tasting with Ski; back patio with The Sisterhood; walking on the KVR; With Sarge and his granddaughters. He was up child-minding when Ski was here. Corey and Rebecca live at Sendero as well. Friend with Lady Dar and her successful bid! Lady Dar at airport in Kelowna sporting her Canada Day colours! Front Street Brasserie; front garden and latest raised planter, peas, radishes and beets, with garlic and sage in background; Duke guarding lavender!

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