Friday 22 September 2017

Sharktooth Annie's 104th & Back to the Garage Band Blues: Friday, September 22nd!

Learning is acquired by reading books; but the much more necessary learning, the knowledge of the world, is only to be acquired by reading man, and studying all the various editions of them. -Lord Chesterfield, statesman and writer (22 Sep 1694-1773)

Lazy sleep-in until 8:00 am as Lady Dar fed and watered The Wildlings before heading out to PGH. El Diablo came and had a brief nap on my chest while I listened to the news before getting out of bed. Played a bit of soccer fetch with him until I made myself a java and then I had to gird my loins for more work on garage!

Hi Kathleen and Stefano!Sorry I haven't replied sooner BUT I had to wait until Lady Dar was home yesterday and then life intruded! At any rate, Flamin' happened to call last night and it turns out that Sunday evening is really the only time that will work for all four of us. Flamin' and Sarge will be in Kamloops for the weekend and so won't be back until late afternoon on Sunday. I gather you know, {Stefano mentioned that he had been chatting with Chloë.), that we are driving in early that morning as we will attend a birthday party/engagement party, (Sad backstory but will wait until we see you to relate details.), at the hospice which Flamin' is in charge of, not all that far from loft, as it turns out.

At any rate, the gathering there will probably be over by 6:00 pm at the latest, we assume and since we will be staying at Harbour Terace, with F/S, while packing up loft, perhaps dinner at some place on GI would be convenient for everyone. At the risk of being pushy, Edible is a fab spot!

Monday evening Lady Dar and Flamin' are having book club, hosted by Michelle, Tuesday evening Clan Sutherland curl and Lady Dar already has dinner plans with friend Robyn. On Wednesday morning I will be driving back to Penticton with Ragin' Bull. Branko has very kindly offered his truck and we will rent a U-Haul trailer which pick-up can pull. Lady Dar will drive back with Chloë on Friday. So there you have it! As you mentioned, Sunday would seem to work for everyone so pleased that this is the case. If dinner, around 7:00-7:30 pm, perhaps we could meet at Sutherland's beforehand to have a drink/visit while waiting for troops to arrive from the four corners of the world!

On the home front, we are still busy trying to ready our place to accept everything that Chloë will be bringing here. Once I post this message I'm heading back into garage to rearrange shelves to free up as much space for Chloë's possessions as possible. Made pretty good progress yesterday but still have at least seven or eight boxes of books to fit onto shelves Branko built for us and which are already filled to overflowing!

Looking forward to seeing you both so let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, discharging her weekly volunteer shift on Info Desk at PGH. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Anna Maria Tremonte and Rudi Rudenheimer just before they left yesterday morning. Packing tubs from Chloë's friends in Vernon which they kindly agreed to mule to Vancouver! Stowaway Etta! Lady Dar's latest arrangement in our bedroom after she painted two walls and electric fireplace. Guest bedroom wall, almost ready. We needed to move out mattress there as next Freeloader, [Chloë!], doesn't like ours! She is bringing her queen. Lady Dar has always wanted to paint this wall anyway and once it is ready I will affix large wooden screen, [generous gift from Clara and Dusty when they left The Annexe], as a headboard, to wall. 

My new grinder, Stefano/Big Al! Stevealimo has always bemoaned the fact that I never owne done and when Marilyn and Big Molly were up this summer we looked a t a number at local pawn shops. One Big Al suggested had been sold by the time I got around to returning but this one did the job of grinding down the screws which protruded! Of course, had Ragin' Bull been in charge of constructing these bike lockers this would never have happened!!! Neither felines are interested in helping with painting or organizing garage!

Hmmm seems mom is doing quite a lot of lunching and going out, this is a packing trip!!! I'm so excited to see my fur sibs!!! Tks for all this. I'm in contact w Michele, Sun @ Edible tbc. Angle grinder impressive. S Hi ... I've booked as above and would be happy to meet up at Wayne and Michele's at 630-7 if that works, just keep us posted if you need to adjust. Look forward to catching up😊
Cheers K&
looking forward to seeing you and Steve. Will stay in touch on Sunday. Hugs Corinne Sounds good see you around 6 30.

Map and Stats for ride:

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