Wednesday 13 September 2017

Elastic Band Thief Turns His Attention to The Cold Water Blues: Wednesday, September 13th!

Spurned pity can turn into cruelty just as spurned love turns into hate. -Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, writer (13 Sep 1830-1916)

Hi again, Jo-Anne! Just a quick update. Had a call from Gerry Martin last night and he and Dawn will be passing through Penticton on Sunday. They will collect their brand, spanking new Airstream trailer on Saturday, in Vancouver, to spend the first night in Manning Park and then to continue on up to stay with us for a night or two, en route to Terrace. As you might recall, Dawn had her own protracted struggle with viral cancer/difficult, painful treatment, over the last year and a bit, that has left her without the ability to taste food. As you mention, each moment has to be celebrated.

On a lighter note, Duke, El Diablo, has added yet another trick to his rather amazing repertoire of antics. First came opening cat door flap: Escape from Burns Street, Starring Wonder Cat! we've known, for sometime now, that he is fascinated with elastic bands and this morning Lady Dar found him worrying one on the living room rug. She took it way from him, with great difficulty, I might add, and wondered where he found it. [We are very careful not to leave any on counters, or elsewhere, as we are worried he will chew them and if ingested, cause problems!] She soon found out as as soon as she "stole" it he hopped  onto the counter beside our dish rack and extracted another from the small hanging rack we have on the side of drying rack between it and the tiled back-splash! I save any that might find around celery, green onions, and the like, if I think we can use them for other purposes.

I have been putting them there, to dry, after I wash them in the sink. I supposed he would never look there but now I know he has been filing away my actions in his Mensa brain! He is such a curious observer that we suspect he learned how to open the cat door toggle simply by watching us close it! Now I'm worried that he will discover my PIN and empty my account, transferring funds to his Swiss account! Etta, for her part, just rolls her eyes! Fondestos from Lady Dar, off at a GFA meeting. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Dar's Guard Cats, two nights ago, taken with flash, about 3:00 am! Lately, Duke has taken to curling up in Lady Dar's sink. El Diablo, this morning. He would rather drink from the tap than from their water bowls!

Spent most of the morning on messaging and then, mid-afternoon, worked on the fireplace, in the garage, [Stefano and I had glued the parts which had come away over the course of the initial move and then storage relocation here.], applying a coat of Varathane. Went on easily as together, Lady Dar and I had put three coats of paint on it earlier in the week. Will give it another coat while Lady Dar is painting the wall in our bedroom against which it will go. By the time I was finished it was getting close to 4:00 pm so I suited up and headed out for a ride. Wind was blowing, quite strongly, out of the N at 24 kph so I knew I'd be sticking fairlly close to home, not wanting to buck such a head wind, either making for Summerland or returning from OK Falls. 

Consequently, I decided upon focusing my energy on the now extended Hamster Cage off Lakeshore and Riverside, doing nine loops off Power, seven off Burnaby and nine around the Memorial Arena/Casino parking lot complex before heading back, along Lakeshore to PTC and home. Streets, now with most of the tourists long gone, were quiet, almost deserted, in fact. For riding this is a state to be desired although the local economy suffers, I'm sure. In future, will need
to leave earlier in the day as dusk is falling earlier and earlier now and I'd prefer not to have to ride in the twilight, or later, if only for reasons of safety. Chuffed with final AVG given that the wind was gusting to 40 kph at times, throughout course of the ride. Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:

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