Monday 18 December 2017

One Week Countdown to Christmas Shopping Blues: Monday, December 18th!

We also deem those happy, who from the experience of life, have learned to bear its ills and without descanting on their weight. -Juvenal, poet (c. 60-140)

One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night. -Margaret Mead, anthropologist (1901-1978)  

Hello Sendero Canyon!! Trust you are all well. Wonderful to see you at the Open House and have the chance to meet your lovely, lovely children, Luciana and Javierino! Thanks for coming. Until next our paths cross, take care of each other. Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you four! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, We had such a great time at the Christmas party, thank you for making us feel so welcome and at home with your friends and family. The pictures are fantastic and the captions say it all! Enjoy your winter holiday and we look forward to hanging out again when the weather is nice. In the meantime please pass our contact information to Chloe. We would love to hang out with her and her RCMP friends that are moving to Penticton. Also if you and Corrine have any book suggestions, I'm looking for some good storytelling. Corrine mentioned that she could send me a few ideas. Safe travels Suzanna!!

Hi O Suzannah! I forwarded your message to Chloë and I'm sure she'll be in touch, especially when her pushy parents are away and she doesn't have to put up with them! I gather Lady Dar has already sent along some book suggestions. We also have many titles on our various bookshelves that you are welcome to look at/borrow so help yourself if you pop by sometime to say hello to Chloë.  Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi I am going to try for mid March -I haven’t decided if Zi am going to go to Yellowknife yo see Dinao. I will come see you for sure mud March to late March
Have a great Christmas -I will toast you at Xmas in Neq York and at New Years on Pescadero Beach Baja on New Years! Love ya Rhoda-Alias:”Ski”
Hi Ski, alias Rhoda! [I'm not surprised that you have your own name backwards, given the rest of your message!] Grand that you will visit in March. If you come in "mud-March, make sure you bring along your Wellington boots and we can go slugging through the puddles together, instead of riding on the KVR! Are you already in Neq York? Is that near New York? Methinks you are already toasted! Must away to split some kindling before Lady Dar is back from her volunteer shift at Soupateria, a food program for homeless people, and starts complaining about the hired help! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Ha Ha Yes Neq York is a small neighbourhood in Manhatten, I'm surprised you have never heard of it! LOL Nice to hear you are volunteering, and not just riding your bike! I will let you know my plans as soon as my flights are booked.
Merry Christmas! Ski! Hi Ski! You could ski the KVR right now! Nice to know that you know your urban geography even if you don't pay close attention when reading messages! Lady Dar was volunteering, I am an underpaid, overworked, constantly abused 'umble servant! Look forward to hearing about your confirmed flight dates! Please pay close attention to them otherwise you might be hitching! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Birthday boy, Grandma only sent that shortbread to you in Canada so you could pack it up for New Year's Eve in Tinsel Town! Thank you very much The Los Angeles Crew Mom, I'll write that letter today. Dear Tinsel Town Crew! Just a quick note to quickly disabuse you of the notion that any highly sought after, rare Manitoba shortbread will somehow makes its way to the City of Angels. Please find enclosed, a terse, nevertheless telling message from Rosie-the-Riveter: Happy Birthday, shortbread on the way for you

Please note that the "you" means Me, Myself and I, not the collective Los Angeles Crew! Sorry, I'm just abiding by the delivery instructions! Thanks for your grudging understanding. Must away as I need to take the half empty tin away from Nana! Love and Cheers, Birthday Boy! PS: Even if we decided to mule shortbread, we'd be charged prohibitive duty on each piece. However, if you write a letter to the US border guards in Ososyoos we might be able to bring a few crumbs. Better than nothing! *Fine*!!!
Pat, If you have time, give me a call and we can see if we can get together at some stage. We both have some work on Wednesday and Thursday but we''ll try and fit something in if you are available. Ray Hi Raymond! Not really looking forward to our drive into Vancouver as heavy snow if forecast for all the highways. Fraser Valley is supposed to be a mess as well. Just have to leave early and drive slowly. 

That being said, I'll give you a call, at some point, when in town, and see what might work about connecting. Would like a visit, if only a brief one, but the weather in now another significant factor as driving time is really not all that straightforward or predictable. Must away as I need to shovel the walk! Nevertheless, hope to see you. Cheers, Patrizzio!


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