Tuesday 23 May 2017

Vegetable Garden Extension Topsoil Blues: Tuesday, May 23rd!

A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. -Margaret Fuller, author, critic, and women's rights advocate (23 May 1810-1850)

Not up until 7:00 am as Lady Dar moved to the couch around 5:00 am, her persistent cough  causing her to seek relief by sitting up until the fit subsided. AS a result, her adoring cats stayed with her in the living room so I was not assaulted by Dukos, wanting out! Apparently he managed to wreak enough trouble, anyway, knocking cards off the mantle and the TV remote off the island counter!

Travis has studied music, and has a good understanding of theory. Last evening, he referred me to this particular selection. <https://youtu.be/Tk-5RVMerfI> Hi B Flatulence Man! Trust you are both well and practicing daily! Had a lovely thank-you note from Kaitlyn so glad she liked the small gifts. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Jim here again…..I have been threatening for some time to do a clean-up of the Old Farts’ master mailing list. So, here goes. If you wish to be on the big list for Thursdays, please reply and tell me so. And, in a couple of weeks, I will edit the list by removing those who have not let me know. Thanks to all, Jim Hello James! Lady Dar passed along your comments for this past Monday's outing but we have been swamped ever since returning from Winnipeg so even though it would have been an appropriate "starter" for me, at least, I couldn't get away. Thanks anyway.

I know I haven't been hiking since last year. No excuses but plenty of reasons! However, I do plan to join the two groups, [Mondays as well], shortly, so please include me in The Big List for Thursdays! Much appreciated. Thanks, Patrizzio!
Hi James: As both a Tune-Ager and hike leader I thought that perhaps this link, [see above!], might be appropriate to forward to group as a possible candidate for theme music for OF! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi guys, Hope the trip went well and to advise I am still working out how to make the little momentous we discussed in Cambodia may take a week of three. But it will be done.

We have been thinking about 2018 and found a couple of bike options one is the trip from Munich to Vienna self guided and then the trip from Innsbruck to Venice down the dolomite all up about 16 days biking. Alternatively the Patrick trip if that happening either way we would be keen to start looking at options for 2018. Given we can’t make Canada this year. If you guys would prefer we would also have a go at a free flowing trip lest know what you think. Cheers, Greg and Claire 

I really like the Munich to Vienna the Dolomites might be too much for me except if I am in the luggage cart. Patrick had some ideas of Budapest I think , but this looks promising. Let's keep the dialogue open M I am all in. Too bad with you not being able to get here this year. Stay in touch and stay healthy.

Hello Favourite Brisbanites/Vancovuerites! Flamin' forwarded the message outlining the bike options for 2018. If I am welcome, I would be interested. Cannot speak for Lady Dar with her Marriage Officiant responsibilities but depending on dates, etc., I'm sure she would probably be keen as well. At any rate, please put us on list!
Busy time here since being back from Winnipeg. [C/G, Corinne's father died on May 5th, two days after his 93rd birthday so we were there for his funeral.] Actually had friends from Walnut Creek, [near San Francisco if not familiar with Bay Area], over this past long-weekend. Yesterday. Yesterday, Jugos Dom Pedro brought his trailer around and we picked up a yard of topsoil for the extension we made to our vegetable garden. Lady Dar is busy painting the walls in the Rumpus Room. She finished the wall to which our new shelving units will be affixed. I have stained the two small "extensions" that are needed to hold the turn-table and CD player and will screw them onto the appropriate shelves today, notching out a few spots, at the back of two of the units, for electrical cords, etc., before attaching units together and to the wall itself.
Lady Dar is off to Vancouver on Friday so not sure if she has plans to see Harbour Terrace folk , while there, or not. Back on Tuesday as Book Club on Monday. I'll be busy working on three outside storage units for bikes while she is away. Had a grand ride on Victoria Day.  Headed to Summerland as wind was out of the north at 18 kph so I wanted to fight it on outward bound leg. Has been absolutely gorgeous ever since we've been back so am now taking my camel pack as my water bottle doesn't provide enough hydration with the higher temperatures. Longest ride since being back from Winnipeg so pleased that my distance is "creeping" up.
Friends from Healdsburg, California, winery owners, Pat and David Coffaro, are taking us to lunch today at the Hooded Merganser, restaurant at The Lakeshore Resort, right on Okanagan Lake, here in Penticton. They are driving back from Banff, en route to Osoyoos, about an hour south of us, for the night. [Flamin' and Sarge have a fabulous "fractional condo" there so, Brisbanites, you needs must visit!] We invited them to stay but for some reason Pat thinks it will be an imposition! 

Must away as I have a number of chores, assigned by Lady Dar, to discharge before I get ready for luncheon! The best to one and all. Fondestso from Lady Dar, on the mend finally, from the very nasty cold/cough she contracted before we left for Winnipeg. Cheers, Patrizzio!

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