Saturday 29 September 2018

Judy Blue Wails the 70th Birthday Summerland Blues: Saturday, September29th!

To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious. -Samuel Butler, poet (1612-1680) 

Les Vendanges ont Commencé!

Not up until 8:30 am as El Diablo had not come inside last night by the time we went to bed. As a result, I left the garage cat door open so that he could slip inside when his alley-catting adventures were over. He did just that, at some point, in the wee smalls, I assume,  and was keeping Lady Dar warm when I clambered out of bed. Have ot ready ourselves for a reasonably full day celebrating Judy Blue's 70th birthday. Invitees will start with a "digital" scavenger hunt at the Ornamental Gardens in Summerland, moving on to Sumac Ridge for lunch and more games, croquet, bocce and the like! Play on!

Hello The Dubliners! Again, lovely to meet you both. Sorry you couldn't stay longer and take in the following event at "your" winery! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Three of us certainly enjoyed a reasonably full day celebrating Judy Blue's 70th birthday. Invitees started with a "digital" scavenger hunt at the Ornamental Gardens in Summerland, [Teams took smart phone pictures of plants, etc., to prove their "finds".], and I was particularly pleased to see the grounds as I'd never been before. Lady Dar has taken a number of their gardening courses so she was reasonably familiar with different parts of the quite extensive property.

After the fun-filled hunt we moved on to Sumac Ridge Winery, [just down the way, towards Peachland], for lunch and more games, croquet, bocce and the like! The luncheon, with plenty of free-flowing wine, was held in a very comfortable barrel room in a nearbye outbuilding. We knew a number of people but it was lovely to meet so many more of Judy's family and friends. Back home by late afternoon to watch Season Four of Bosch, based on the novels of Michael Connelly. The first episode starts with a murder committed on the Angels Flight funicular in the Bunker Hill district of downtown LA. I first rode it last year when I drove down for our grandson's wedding and then again with Lady Dar and Ayn, last January, before we flew to Costa Rica. Most interesting to see some of the action unfold in an area of the city with which we have become reasonably familiar. After a snack as opposed to dinner, [We were still quite full from earlier repast.], we continued to watch Harry, bowls of home-made popcorn, dusted with garlic scape salt, in front of us, in Rumpus Room, Duke sleeping on either Lady Dar's lap or Chloë's.
When it was finally time for Chloë to go home to Sendero, she "lured" El Diablo back inside, (Etta was already inside and sleeping under our bed!), and then we bade her goodnight. However, Lady Dar had started to watch a new releases, Jane Fonda in Five Acts, a fascinating documentary which takes "a deeper look at the life, work, activism and controversies of actress and fitness tycoon Jane Fonda." We both were held spell-bound. See it if you can!

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