Thursday 27 September 2018

Una and Hank Hit the Hope Princeton Blues: Thursday, September 27th!

If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. -Samuel Adams, revolutionary (27 Sep 1722-1803) 


Hi Kids! How was Chelan? Thanks for fun-filled visit. Just said goodbye to latest round of visitors. Will be fairly quiet, for next little while, until Rosie-the-Riveter flies into town with ChloĆ«, coming back from Winnipeg, on October 9th. Fondestos from Lady Dar, out running errands. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Ah-hooo, werewolves of Penticton, Ah-hooo! Flamin' and Ash; Van Westen; Liberty; Terravista; Bridge; Arrivederci; Painted Rock and bridge.

Did we by any chance leave a red carry bag behind? Only thing Joan can remember being in it was an empty milk bottle. If yes, hang on to it and we'll get it back next time we see you. Feel free to redeem the milk bottle. Let me know if anything else got left behind, in the bag or otherwise. Uneventful trip home. Many thanks again for a wonderful couple of days. Cheers...Paul

Have not found it yet. Enjoyed your visit and especially meeting Una & Henry.
Enjoy the rest of your time together Best Corinne Hi Paolo! Let me echo Lady Dar's comment about really enjoying your visit and meeting Una and Hank! As it turns out we did find your red carry bag, in the garage, glass milk bottle and all. If we can't "mule" it into Vancouver over next little while I will bring it with me when I'm in town on October 24th.

This evening we attended PechaKuchu Penticton last night, at Cannery Brewing. First time for both of us and we found both the format and content most informative. Interestingly enough, we walked along Penticton Creek for much of the way, noting the latest remedial work and the first speaker was Bryn White. from the Penticton Creek Restoration Committee. Wonderful historical background on how creek was transformed, starting back in the 1940's, mainly for flood control. Others of particular interest were Eric Corneau, Regional Dean of Okanagan College here in Penticton; Carl Meadows, new Administrator at Hospital, [Lady Dar met him a month or so ago at Volunteer Appreciation Party and liked him very much.]; Maggie Van Emmerik, Coordinator at Unity House, CMHA. I chatted with her afterwards and asked her about one of their fund-raising projects, bat boxes, so plan to buy one for our lot. 

One of most insightful presentations was made by Peter Byrnes, realtor in Penticton, who spoke about the economic opportunity that the legalization of marijuana will bring to the area, projected to surpass the wine industry's  revenues in just a few years. It seems that Tony Holler, owner of Poplar Grove, [He made millions from his medical patents, apparently.], has purchased the former Weyerhaeuser property in OK Falls and will turn it into a medical marijuana grow-op! According to Peter, he owns a similar facility, somewhere near Palm Springs, I think! Final speaker was Ted de Jager, RCMP Detachment Commander here in town. Had a brief chat with him and he knows Sarge as he worked in Surrey before coming to the Okanagan, and Rebecca/Corey, of course. As I scribe, Lady Dar is taking are of Ashlynn, their youngest, until noon today, as R/C are still struggling to find regular child-care.

All the best for now. [Please send along the Roche's email addresses when you have a moment.] Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dublin comes to The Okanagan.

Many thanks Patrick. We can sort out the transfer of the bag at some point during your time in Vanc. Henry & Una can be reached here. Snaps look grand.

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