Monday 17 September 2018

Senderos Shelving Blues: Sunday, September 16th!

The man who is always waving the flag usually waives what it stands for. -Laurence J. Peter, educator and author (16 Sep 1919-1990) 

Dear Patrick, We apologize for the delay in our correspondence. It’s terrible what you had to experience at the end of your journey. The pictures of you look frightening.... We all hope that you are on the way to recovery and are “the Patrick we know...”.

We also had a busy time in between. There was big changes at Annemaries current job at BMW Autobile AG and she has decided to look for an new job, and what happened...? She was awarded the first application and she starts the new job on December 1st. She works at the reception of an local government office (45%) not far from here. Annemarie is very happy!! And I.. I will be retired in 9 months and I am also looking forward to everything that will come.

Last week we relaxed at a winery in Orvieto (Italy). In addition to wine tasting and golf we made a detour to Rome. This was very interesting, as it was the first time for us both in this historic city. We wish you all beautiful autumn days and satisfaction in your cozy home. Greetings and kisses to all!!! Rudy and Annemarie

Dear Patrizzio and Dar: That was a wonderful evening, Thank you again for having invited us. Renato Hello Renato! Thank you so much for joining us at the Kitchen Bash! Wonderful to see you and very pleased that you enjoyed the evening. Trust Terry is feeling better.
With respect to your memoir, our book club would very much like to read A Childhood Adrift and to this end, have you join us for the discussion if you are willing to do so. To this end I am wondering if there is a date in November that would suit you? Perhaps in early January or February if November is too, too busy. At any rate, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!

You are amazing with all that preparation you must have done for last night. I would have had a heart attack doing that so I can really appreciate your efforts even though I don't eat much like that!! Thanks again Gill Hi, Just a quickie to say many thanks for yesterdays wonderful celebration... much enjoyed by the Robson's. Good grief... old people can be louder than teenagers!! Have a good day today! Cheers. Phil
Today, Ragin' and I started on shelving for garage and made a very good start. 

Hi Old Farts, Thanks to all who came to the picnic. It was great, and the rain held off. I have sent the entire list to all this week. The folks who will be notifying you in the weeks to come now have an up-to-date list at their disposal. I will be missing several Thursdays over the next while, and the following folks have graciously volunteered to send out the weekly info and to lead the hikes. Sept 27 Phil, Oct 4 Rick, Oct 11 Pete, Oct 18 Rick. Thanks to those folks! Now, about this Thursday (the 20th)……I have planned to hike on Cartwright Mountain, beginning at the newer subdivision off Cartwright St. I see that Kilian may be doing the same on Monday. If so, we will do Cartwright beginning somewhere else. The plan is to keep it pretty simple. We will: -meet at 0900 (yes, get an extra hour’s sleep) at IGA parking lot in Summerland (0840 at HH in Penticton). -carpool and drive to the trailhead (whichever one it may be. -explore Cartwright Mountain for a few hours. -return to S’land for debriefing and refreshment. If you are interested, please let me know. Hoping to see a few of you there. Cheers, Jim

I have not seen a plan for a hike tomorrow so I will volunteer and will keep it simple along the line of the slow farts model. I am still not 100% back to normal with my knee (and maybe otherwise too) so want to keep it shorter. For those who are interested just show up at 840 at HH in Penticton then at 900am at IGA in Summerland. I am proposing an easier 2-3 hour hike on either Conkle or Cartwright and we can decide where to go when we meet. Hopefully some of you can make it even with this shorter notice. Cheers…..Kilian Thanks for stepping up, Kilian. We are still away, will see you in a few weeks, Hanneke and Doug Hi Kilian et al I am heading to Kananaskis for a week of hiking (in the snows) tomorrow. Hopefully the next week. Cheers Ellen

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