Tuesday 2 October 2018

Early Morning X-ray Blues: Tuesday, October 2nd!

Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle. -Mahatma Gandhi (2 Oct 1869-1948) 

I just came back from PGH where I had my wrists xrayed. When I fell, two times, in Poland, my poor wrists took the brunt of the falls and since I still have a lack of strength in each I decided I'd ask doctor for x-rays. I saw him yesterday and the hospital called last night to say that there had been a cancellation so I had an appointment at 8:00 am this morning. Doctor suggested I might well have arthritis in my wrists and falls probably exacerbated it. Same for my right shoulder which I'm scheduled to have replaced in mid-March next year.

Have to be up at 5:00 am tomorrow morning to take ChloĆ« to the airport. She is flying to Winnipeg for Thanksgiving, primarily to see her cousin, Marlo, who has terminal bone cancer. What a terrible situation. She has two young children. Anyway, Rosie-the-Riveter will fly back with ChloĆ«, [Clara is reluctant to fly alone.], to stay for a month or so. Will be great to have her here as she plays bridge and loves red wine. She's in wonderful shape, mental and physical, for all her 93 years, and we gang up on Lady Dar, as Rosita is well aware of Her Imperiousness's foibles! PS: Just finished watching the concluding episodes of Season Three of The Tunnel! Quite a ride!!! 

Hello Dearest Ulrike and Cyclist Thomas! I do apologize for not being in touch sooner! No excuses but plenty of reasons! Thank you so much for the two lovely cards from Wernigerode and environs. They were delivered yesterday. Looks like a lovely, lovely place, together with the surrounding countryside. Glad you received our post cards. One always wonders, nowadays, if letter mail actually still works, at least here in Canada! Also pleased that you liked the tea towels. [On another matter, my bike is safely in Denmark, with friend, Margareta, I was hoping to visit when you "saved" me!] Pleased to learn that you have finally managed to settle into your new apartmento and that you had such grand weather for your Baltic holiday. You didn't mention how your thesis work is going but I trust all goes well in this regard. I can only imagine how all-consuming such a commitment must be. Nevertheless, we wish you well in this more than arduous yet significant endeavour. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Ulrike, and Thomas. Stay well, dear friends. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick, still on Vancouver Island having just enjoyed the Wick. A photo will follow showing a premises that I might acquire. Thank you for your kind hospitality. We had a really good time with yourself and Corinne. Best regards Henry Hi Hank and Long Beach Company! I assume "Wick" refers to The Wickaninnish Inn at Tofino. Interestingly enough, Lady Dar and I, along with Ayn, then nine years old, spent our honeymoon there in May of 1976. It was the original building, the present one the replacement for the original which closed by fall 1977, a few years after Parks Canada took possession of the land that encompasses the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, as you may well have learned. Did you go surfing in your chaps, Hank? Just like riding a buckin' bronc! Easy for you, pudnah!!! 

We hosted two tables last night and could have managed three if you hadn't left so soon! Had a furious hail storm this afternoon and it is still quite blustery. Duke and Etta were not amused! Must away as Lady Dar has just ordered another cosy fire and the scullion/footman is allowed a wee dram of malt after laying it, as an intermittent reward! Just enough malt to keep me hooked and fawningly subservient. Fondestos from her to The West Coast Four. Stay well, dear friends. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, apologies for my last message. My attempt at humour crashed with the technology. The property referred to in the photo was a hut in Ucluelet with "Hank's" written on it which we thought might amuse you. All going well here with lovely weather, walking the beaches and trails and still over eating. Coming to the last round up on Friday. Keep in touch. Henry
Dear Patrick, Before I get into my motherly concern and advice to guide you along sending you a pic of me with Benson & Tess the reason being is that the pictures of your friends that you sent, the woman in the pic had the same eye glasses as me. Good choice!!

Patrick my dear I am concerned for your health and I want you to listen very carefully to me. First when I wrote and said at one point I was seriously sick I was and took it upon myself to find the root cause of my illness. Dr. Berg explains the causes of inflammation and he is right. Arthritis is caused not only by foods but stress that is stored in the Adrenal Glands. He is right when he says that with inflammation your PH balance in your gut is off. You have to be both an Alkaline/Acid system to prevent sickness. He recommends first to take Apple Cider Vinegar to correct the balance and it works.  
Your many illnesses do not just happen there is a reason. He says that we need 4700 milligrams of Potassium a day to ensure we are healthy & recommends making Kale shakes every day and ensuring you have five to seven cups of greens a day to ward off illness. This works. Follow the above list of foods high in potassium and plan your meals around these foods. He suggests that you go off: All sugar, all Alcohol, all Carbohydrates which is pasts, bread, biscuits, etc. Sugar is the root cause of most illnesses so to keep your insulin levels down have only three meals a day and do not snack this is what will raise your insulin levels. With high insulin levels we can get adrenal resistance, insulin resistance which can cause many illnesses in the body and the brain. If you don’t control your insulin levels your Arthritis will continue to get worse and become debilitating. Mine did and I took charge, I changed my diet and I have absolutely no arthritis which is amazing. All my illnesses are gone. 
So for Breakfast: Bacon & Eggs and a Kale/Blueberries/apple/banana shake with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Eat berries but do not focus on to many fruits high in sugar. Lunch: Kale smoothie with other vegetables, greens, salad, protein, (fish, meat, cheese). A tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic With Mother) or it also comes in pill form. Make sure you eat enough until dinner no snacking. Dinner: Huge salad with protein. (Kale, Romaine lettuce, cabbage, beets, see above list). Put Apple Cider Vinegar in your salad. Absolutely no sugar, no carbohydrates, no sugar. No alcohol. You won’t believe how energizing this diet is. 
When you increase your potassium this will get rid of any cravings for sugar for alcohol. Dr. Berg recommends over 6500 milligrams of Potassium to get rid of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Vitamin supplements: Nutritional Yeast high in B1 Vitamin good for inflammation. Cod Liver Oil. All Vitamin B supplements. Please follow some of Dr. Berg’s tutorials as a guide. This is not a maybe this is a must for your survival.

Patrick you are incredible, disciplined and focused when it comes to exercise now you must use these same skills, this discipline to heal your body. You must believe you can do it and I can guarantee by March you will not need another operation. I can guarantee your arthritis in your wrist will disappear. I can guarantee all your arthritis will disappear. Pay Attention my dear to your body. Let people in your life know you are making a change, they will understand. You won’t believe how empowering it is to make the change and see results within a week. Love, Jean
Hi Pat, I'm so glad that you like the pennants. Considering the whole fridge magnet deal at your house I thought a pennant wouldn't be out of place!! Along with the Penticton ones, I found two UBC pennants from when my Dad was here. He came to UBC for Forestry (was actually here when Ike Barber was). Forestry was a natural fit for Dad as he grew up in sawmill towns along the Fraser River. The towns were tiny - Penny, Bend, and Longworth. Anyway, Dad really enjoyed (alot) being at UBC, although apparently not the forestry part. There were card games, dance halls and such. I'm sure he became a good card player partly by playing with loggers in bunk houses. Anyway, he transferred to Univ of Alberta to do accounting which he was very good at. One thing he did as a result of his accounting career was to be the chairman of a Social Credit organization called the BC Development Corporation. They helped businesses get off the ground (in the 1970's and 80's). If I recall correctly, BCDC gave Ike Barber a loan to buy one of his early sawmills. BCDC also helped Martha Sturdy with her business.
Here are the pennants. As to visiting you, Yes Please!! We'd love to come. Probably in the spring sometime - how would that be? Maybe Dermot and I could learn how to play bridge over the winter and we play a round. I'll suggest it to him. All for now, I should probably quickly do a few things for UBC before I leave for the day. Thanks for the newsy letter - you two are so busy. Hi to Corinne. Sara Hi Pennant Woman! Isn't there a pennant showing you in your WW costume on a road bike? Fascinating story about your Dad. Does this mean that part of Ike Barber Learning Centre belongs to you? Guess that's why you drape your cycling gear all over the furniture! Be great if you and Dermot learn how to play bridge and then we can play for money when you visit. Knowing your Dad's history with cards I might have to revisit that thought, however! Fondestos from Lady Dar to The West Coast UBC Layabout! Stay well, my Duhlink! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Scout's Honour! What a great snapola! Are you sure he and El Diablo aren't siblings! Bring him along when you visit and they can gang up on Miss Etta, boys being boys!

Last night, Olga Polga, one of friends in bridge group, brought a heap of wonderful grapes. I just finished putting them into the dehydrator so thought I'd bring end product to a pot-luck we are having in a couple of weeks, arsenic infused raisins for all my partners who refused to explore their hands and/or left me in my second suit! Bidders Beware! Had to let you know that I spit on your card sense, in spite of your Dad's shady background! Stakes are high, Babycakes! Cheers, Patrizzio! Ya sure, Scout loves road trips.  Good luck with your grape shenanigans!! Hi Pennant Pin-up Goil! Hi Scout and Company! Must say that we look forward to The Three Felinianos: Scout, Etta and Duke. They can take over the neighbourhood, exacting tribute for blocks around. Stay well, My Darling Mockingbird. Fondestos from Lady Dar to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!

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