Saturday 9 February 2019

Printer Hook-up or Bust, Bust Blues: Saturday, February 9th!

It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards or golf. -H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956)

On a very sad note, I had another phone call from Dallas, this afternoon, and he informed me that Bill had died in the small hours of this past Thursday night. Dallas had expected to see him on Friday morning as he was sitting up in bed and talking to everyone before family left hospital in Hamiota to drive home. Had a very long chat with Dallas. He is even more garrulous than me but I also think that he needed to express his grief. Of course I was pleased that he felt comfortable enough to share his many thoughts.  Told him that I wouldn't be attending funeral and although I sensed a certain amount of disappointment I think he understood. said that if we manage to squeeze a trip to Falcon, sometime, in the early Spring, perhaps, I said we would connect, of course. All the kids continue to do well. Kimbo and family sold their house to move to a new one, south of the city, closer to route to Falcon.  

[Greetings Patrice, how are you? I just saw you online a moment ago. Let's have a FaceTime chat oneday. I trust all is well in your neck of the woods. Best wishes, Tiptoe]
Finished of New Blood while eating dinner and started Season 2 of Bordertown. Lady Dar will never catch up! Chloë is to come for dinner tomorrow night, as we have next episode of True Detective and have more Fargo to watch! Hi Patrick, You guys certainly get around. We went and caught up with Tony and Ellie down the coast and cleaned up our apartment down there and had a few too many cool drinks. They are off to Tasmania Sydney and Melbourne over the next 4 weeks. 
[Alan Waldron

You remember this, right Patrick? Patrick James Dunn Of course, I was driving the tractor to attend my first class at Library School! Open air classrooms in those days, however!]
We on the other hand are probably just going do our weekly rides just 20 km each trip with coffee, I am working a couple days a week to keep my brain functioning as long as possible and to ensure the pig is pleased with our efforts. Will keep in touch when we have made some decisions about when where and how long in the land of the maple leaf in 2020. Cheers from now Greg and Clair Hi Cool Drinks People! Sounds like you are living the good life in spite of working a couple of days a week. Stay cool. Not hard to do that in the Okanagan! Cheers, Patrizzio!

[Temporary Aerial Tramway built at UBC’s Point Grey campus to aid transport of granite stones to such building sites as the Main Library. UBC 1.1/1805. 1923. Stuart Thomson.]

Hello Fartograms, This Monday we will conquer the Kaleden SE Hills with some of the most spectacular views of the Okanagan. Since it is fairly exposed please dress warmly with layers, to protect yourself from the wind, if there is one. Just in case, if you have crampons, please bring them. As usual, we will get together on the HH carpool parking lot in Penticton at 9:00AM, the Summerlanders need to get together at the IGA parking lot in Summerland at 8:40am, then carpool to Penticton. After our joyful outing we will down a beverage of our choice in a venue of our choice to be determined. Look forward seeing you Monday! Aarturos

Hi Madison Ave Man! I'll need one of those high heeled shoes to keep me warm tomorrow as I have arranged, with Chloë, to show her some of the trails at Idleback Lake now that I know some of the routes thereabouts. Monday's hike will be to Kaleden Hills. Stay cool in the Mexican heat. Cheers, Patrizzio!

I had forgotten about the New Year celebration so at first I thought you had sent us a bacon commercial! Aha, New Year's! Of course! Thank you for thinking of us as we struggle to keep our multi-ethnic welcoming society healthy. Let's hope the Year of the Pig finds the true "pigs" of the world smarting a bit, and that there is more green stuff for the other species to enjoy! Cheers!!!! Hope you are all well and that spring is just round the corner.... 
Hi Cactoosian and Donna Florida! Glad you enjoyed the bacon commercial. Spring isn't just around the corner, at least not here in the Okanagan anyway! Have had wonderful winter hikes and snowshoe outings over last few weeks, braving icy, icy sub-zero temperatures all the while. Still, in the long run, it makes us stronger, kinder, gentler and far, far more decent people than the tropical dissolutes of Berkeley and environs! Fondestos to Lotus Eater, Floridian, and to you Prickliest of Prickly Pears! Cheers, Polar Patrizzio!  Hello Patrick! What a lovely reminder that wealth in our lives can be found in more ways than one. 
I am relaxing at Sun Peaks and looking forward to being away from all the rushing around that being at home always brings. Happy New Year and enjoy all the wealth and prosperity of 2019! xoxo Ariane Hi Sun Peaks Relaxoid!Glad you enjoyed the card. While I'm not at Sun Peaks have had many wonderful winter hikes over last little while. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Our little man is getting a personality xx Bev Hi Bev! Spitting image of Kev, worse luck! We are expecting our first great-granddaughter towards the end of the month. Lady Dar will visit LA for a week after she leaves Mexico, on way home. She's lounging in a hammock, on the beach, while I'm shoveling snow and chopping firewood! Fondestos to you and
Kev. Trust you are both well in spite of the troubling temperatures. Much of Australia is burning up and we are freezing to death, here in the Okanagan, and elsewhere in Canada. Cheers, Patrizzio!


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