Wednesday 4 October 2017

Notarizing The Sale of Wall Street Loft Blues: Wednesday, October 4th!

A man has to live with himself, and he should see to it that he always has good company. -Charles Evans Hughes, jurist (1862-1948)

Dear Busy Busy Bridge Bidders! First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. For those heading out of town to visit friends and family, travel safely. With respect to bridge this week, so far there are only three players for both Wednesday and Thursday. If Judy Blue can drum up another player, for Thursday evening, then I suggest we opt for that night. If Craigola is keen to be the fourth, on Wednesday, then perhaps we should play tonight. As time is of the essence, please let me know what you think, at least by early afternoon, and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

I am now available for tonight if that works and also can probably get a 4th for tomorrow . Let me know what works
Judy Hi Judy Blue et al! Wonderful that you can now play this evening! If hosting is still on for Olga Polga, drop by our place at 6:10 pm, thereabouts, and then we'll take our car to the farthest reaches of Summerlandia! Please confirm that this is fine for you, Rolly Polly, and we'll take it from there. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi my dear bridge friends, I'm back... so sorry about today. I was so busy running around doing some important stuff that I forgot to check the emails until I got home tonight, but we are on for tomorrow, right Judy. ...I'll host next week's. Craig and I will get back on Tuesday night so Wednesday, Friday or Saturday will work. See you tomorrow @ Judy's. Hugs, Olly Anne who I thought wud love to play is busy with guests arriving tomorrow. I am playing tomorrow afternoon tho so will see if any one else I can make it. I will let you know by 2 tomorrow Cheers Judy It's a go for tomorow night! See you at my place for 630
Thanks Judy!!!

Hi Old Farts, It is looking very likely that I will not be able to go on a Thursday hike this week. So, I am looking for someone who might volunteer to lead an excursion. The location is up to you and I will gladly put out the notice for you. Please let me know very soon if you are interested and willing. I will be most appreciative! Cheers, Jim Hi fellow hikers, I'm just wondering if anyone is going on a hike tomorrow Thursday, October 5th? I would really like to join you if I may. Hugs, Olly Hi Olly, I talked to Jim and nobody stepped up to the plate. I would have of course, but I will not be there. As you know. we have our daughter and grandson who flew in for 4 days, so want to spend all the time I have with them. One idea is to do Keogan (Tony & I wanted to do that one already a while ago). Cheers, Aart

Hi Barb and Lynn! Trust you are both well. Thanks for stopping in! We really enjoyed catching up, if only briefly. Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along these snaps but merry-go-round of life seem not to have stopped ever since we waved goodbye to you. Dawn and Gerry, friends from Terrace, arrived around 4:00 pm the Sunday we saw you and then our Swiss friends, Anna Maria and Rudi, arrived Tuesday, shortly after Dawn and Gerry left! Bit of a break on Friday and then Lady Dar had a wedding in Kelowna, at Ancient hills Winery, at 3:00 pm. Headed back, after ceremony, to a fund-raiser at PAG, which was loads of fun. 

Next morning we drove to Vancouver to attend a combined birthday and engagement party in the late afternoon and then to Harbour Terrace, (where we used to live),to stay with friends, Flamin' and Sarge. Other close friends, Kathleen and Stefano, were taking us out to dinner at Edible Canada, on GI, to thank us for a variety of things. K/S are from Australia and lived in F's/S's condo, for six weeks, while they were travelling. K is on sabbatical and they were here to see their eldest daughter/husband and enjoy the birth of twins about four months ago.

Monday and Tuesday we packed at Chloë's place, loading a U-Haul trailer on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday our friend Branko came back with his truck and after we loaded it, he and I drove to Penticton. Had both vehicles unloaded that night so that we could return trailer next day. Had most of Chloë's possessions in place in the house and garage by the time Lady Dar and Chloë arrived on Friday evening. Bit more of a relaxing time on the weekend but still had lots of reorganizing/reintegrating to do, in between bridge games and bike riding. Chloë started her new job on Monday morning and Branko left around noon.

Finally got around to answering messages yesterday as have barely had time to think, of late, let alone send email! Just back from the Notary Public, (Did you know Christine Duncan?), where we signed all the paperwork to complete sale of property on Wall Street so should, all going well, will be receiving a cheque by week's end. Hip Hip Hooray!

No rest for the wicked, however, as we are attending a pizza-pick-up party at Orofino, in Cawston, on Saturday. We are wine club members there and it is their Fall release. Weather permitting, I will ride with friend Bill, (about 50-60 km), while The Sisterhood will drive so that we can put our bikes on the car rack for return. That evening, two of Chloë's close friends will arrive for the Thanksgiving weekend and then on Sunday, Katie and Brian, Emma and Luca, (Chloë is their godmother.), recently moved to Vernon, will join us for Thanksgiving dinner and the night, so a full house at Burns Street!

We'll have the following week to recover, more or less, although a local contractor is coming on Tuesday to install hot-water-on-demand unit so that will necessitate moving more stuff! Then we are heading back into Vancouver to volunteer at the Vancouver Writers Festival, October 17-22nd. Not sure when we will leave Penticton, as of this writing, but probably on Saturday so that we have a few days to visit with friends. Schedule is pretty busy and all our shifts are during the evening while most days we spend going to readings, etc. Lady Dar has her Book Club on Monday, October 23rd so we will stay until Tuesday. Have been thinking about a whirlwind trip to Vancouver Island, (as we've not seen very good friends in Victoria for years!), for rest of that week but will have to wait and see how we feel, closer to the time. If it's Tuesday, it must be Enderby!!!!

At any rate, feel very, very fortunate that everything seems to have fallen into place with relatively little difficulty. Chloë, of course, is going to be extremely busy, learning on the job as well as studying for her property management final in early November. Once we are back from VWF/VI, (if that trip transpires), we hope to have a moment or two to think about plans for our winter holiday so will certainly be in touch once we've a rough idea of where we hope to visit. Until then, take care of each other and travel safely to Guayabitos. Fondestos from Lady Dar, visiting a friend in Summerland and her new grandson. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Enderby-ites! D/G, right, at Terravista; Wine and cheese in the Airstream; Fond farewell! With Swiss friends, Anna Maria and Rudi at Liquidity, out of OK Falls; Drinking F's/S's wine, (We picked up the latest release for them.), at Upper Bench! Lady Dar bids Ragin' Bull adieu! Chloë's stuff in garage! Firewood from Spiller Road. Friend are away in Sedona for winter. On KVR, west side of Skaha, with Ragin', the white dot disappearing in distance!

Patrick: 8:30 at your place Sat is fine. I agree Green Mtn road is probably the best route. See you then. Hi Wild Green Mountain Man Bill! Terrific! I just took a quick look at the forecast and weather looks great for Saturday morning, at least as of this writing. Just to clarify things, I assume Pamela will drive to Orofino, via Burns, to colour coordinate with The Sisterhood, so that you can leave with your bike when you wish to head back to Naramata. Pamela can drive back with us as there will only be five for return journey. I imagine you will cycle to our place, unless you plan to drive here and park, the quicker to be back home. [We can always leave you a key and you could watch game here if timing is tight!] Anyway, we should touch bases on Friday, at some point, just to confirm. Looking forward to ride and your company. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pic: KVR along west side of Skaha this past Saturday. Fall colours are simply lovely!

Dear Dr Duncan: I am writing about my left-hip replacement, (surgery done on September 7th, 2016). I assume my medical records will show that when I visited for my six week post op consultation the x-ray detected a small fracture near the top of the joint. You advised me to discontinue those exercises that might put additional stress on the bone. I did so and have not had any debilitating pain or discomfort since. However, I do experience a certain amount of tenderness and even soreness, from time to time, generally near or around the nicely healed incision, as well as some stiffness in the left knee. As well, from time to time, I have experienced mild discomfort in my left groin, akin, but far, far less intense than similar symptoms, in both groins, pre-replacement.

In short, I am writing to make sure that all is well and that what I have experienced is "normal". Obviously, I do not want to futher compromise the replacement through vigorous exercise or day-to-day living, should there be a complication. I would appreciate hearing from you about how to proceed in this matter, at your ealiest convenience.

Should further x-rays and/or consultation be required I can make myself available at any time. Although we now live in Penticton, my wife and I will be in Vancouver, over the week of October 16th-20th, should a visit be necessary and any of these dates fit your busy schedule. Otherwise, I will wait my turn. Thanks and Cheers, Patrick!

Dear Patrick, Thank you for your note, which Dr Duncan has reviewed. He would like to start with radiographs, and take from there. Please see the attached requisition for x-rays. Please take to your local hospital and let me know when and where done. Dr Duncan will look at them next week when he returns to Vancouver. Also I will forward you a blood requisition for a CRP blood tests to also have done at local lab (preferably at Life lab or BC Bio Lab) Deborah Lawrence Clinical and Administrative Assistant to Dr Clive Duncan Department of Orthopaedics Vancouver General and UBC Hospitals Diamond Centre, 2775 Laurel Street, 3rd floor Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9 

Hello Deborah: Thank you, and Dr Duncan, for the speedy response. Certainly much appreciated. I will take the requisition for radiography into PGH tomorrow. However, the requisition for blood work is not in my name, [I have attached the file and then deleted both it and the message.], so I will need another. Thanks, again, for all your help in this matter. Cheers, Patrick! 

Hello Patrick Dr Duncan reviewed your x-rays and blood test results. No Cause for concern for either result Deborah Hi Deborah: Thank you, and Dr Duncan, for such a quick response. Certainly much appreciated. While I was not overly, overly concerned, I felt it was better to be safe than sorry so do feel better that all is well with my left help. Again, all the best. Thanks again and Cheers, Patrick!

Hello Aerostream People! Trust you are both well. Thank you for the lovely, lovely card! Pleased all went well on return and that pulling the aluminum villa is a piece of torta for Sterling Heraldo! North, North to the Arctic! Onward!! Fight!!! Thanks even more for stopping in and staying two nights! A Guinness Record, methinks! We really enjoyed catching up, not to mention the wine-tasting! Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along these snaps but merry-go-round of life seem not to have stopped ever since we waved goodbye to you. If it's Tuesday, it must be Terrace!!!! Until next our paths cross, take care of each other and travel safely to Hawaii. Fondestos from Lady Dar, and Chloë, telling us how to organize our home! Simply amazing that we seemed to have managed to bumble through this far! Kids today!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics:  AeroStream Freeloaders hit town! Terravista; Painted Rock; Upper Bench; Three Sisters; Wine and cheese in the Airstream; To be continued!
Hi again, Kitimat Aluminum Smelter People! I just figured out why you bought such an expensive piece of rolling stock. Alcan probably paid you off as an advertising gambit for The Very, Very Rich and Famously Infamous! At any rate, here are a few more snapolas. Cheers, Pauper Patrizzio!

Pics: Lady Dar's Pizza-A-Go-Go! Trailer for Sale or Rent! Burns Street version of an Airstream, ready to roll, Wednesday morn! Chloë's stuff in garage! West side of Skaha, along KVR, this past Saturday. Ragin' is white dot disappearing in the distance! Firewood from friends who live on Spiller Road. They winter at their place in Sedona so don't use any or much firewood! Pre-bridge this past Saturday evening, with Chloë, Craig, (Olga Polga's husband. She is in our hiking group.), and Ragin'.

Hi Tinsel Town! Extremely, extremely good kit, especially since it is so clear and basic. No excuses for not following it if only to start with a garbage container and then new add items each week or payday, to it and/or vehicle. Some great stocking stuffers or future birthday presents on list. Thanks. For our part we have already started on our earthquake shelter! At the moment, however, only Etta and Duke can use it! Fondestos from Nana, at yoga, and Chloë, at work! Love and Cheers, Dad/Poppa/Patrizzio! Dear Lower Mainlanders! From Ayn, in Tinsel Town. Bridge must continue, even after a catastrophe! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Be Prepared at home



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