Thursday 12 October 2017

The Ministry of Utmost Naramatia: Thursday, Otcober 12th!

Someone is Hindu, someone is Muslim, someone is Christian / Everyone is hell-bent on not becoming a human being. -Nida Fazli, poet (12 Oct 1938-2016) 

Patrick James Dunn Not as quickly as mine! Mattress absorbs blast and tubs are filled with malt and cat food!

Stephen Carthew Y mean you're gonna eat cat food while Duke and Etta get mellow?
Patrick James Dunn

Patrick James Dunn  

Precisamente! Just back from shopping for non-perishable supplies, two Malts and a Bourbon, for Etta and Duke, dental crunchies for me. With radioactive toothpaste I'll have the pearliest whites ever!!! Must away as felines are thirsty and I need to use my Waterpik Ultra then brush and floss away!!!

Hello POBs, [Print-Oriented Babes]! Many, many thanks to Naramata Goil for hosting Book Club. The wine, the cheese and nibbles, were all more than quaffable and delish. The discussion was spirited and mainly one-sided, in The Sisterhood's stinging criticism of the work. I was really the only one who seemed to enjoy the book completely, wonderfully captivated by Roy's seamless handling of the mesmerizing time shifts within and against the sweeping, kaleidoscopic political and social canvas, revealed, vividly, through the distinct voice/telling description of each character, minor or major. At any rate, I found the work exciting and engaging, emotionally telling and moving, profoundly painful yet certainly, finally optimistic.

At the end of the evening it was decided that each member would suggest a title for next discussion. Please do so within the next few days as the date for the next meeting has been set for December 4th, at Luigi's place, 2334 Gammon Road, 6:30 am-7:00 pm. Once I have received all the suggestions I will send out the list and then people will have a chance to vote, for one title only. I'll do the tally and in case of a tie, will draw to see what book we will read. So far I have received the following from Rockwell Rutherford:

Here's a suggestion for next meeting: The Sellout: a Novel, by Paul Beatty. Winner of Man Booker Prize; funny; satirical; racial tensions; LA ...[I do like the sounds of Son of a Trickster tho!!] {Hi Patric Did you get my submission? Is the gathering not at my place December 4 at 6:30 ish? Have a great week. L Sorry Patrick I seemed not to have gotten this and only just found it! Please ignore my previous email. L} For my part, I put forward Run, Hide, Repeat. A Memoir of a Fugitive Childhood, by Pauline Dakin.

Pauline Dakin spent her childhood on the run. Without warning, her mother twice uprooted her and her brother, moving thousands of miles away from family and friends. Disturbing events interrupt their outwardly normal life: break-ins, car thefts, even physical attacks on a family friend. Many years later, her mother finally revealed they'd been running from the Mafia and were receiving protection from a covert anti-organized crime task force. But the truth was even more bizarre. Gradually, Dakin's fears give way to suspicion. She puts her journalistic training to work and discovers that the Mafia threat was actually an elaborate web of lies.  As she revisits her past, Dakin uncovers the human capacity for betrayal and deception and the power of love to forgive.

Run, Hide, Repeat is a memoir of a childhood steeped in unexplained fear and menace. Gripping and suspenseful, it moves from Dakin's uneasy acceptance of her family's dire situation to bewildered anger. As compelling and twisted as a thriller, Run, Hide, Repeat is an unforgettable portrait of a family under threat, and the resilience of family bonds. Pics: Life on The Bench!

I nominate The Vineyard, by Maria Duenas. Costco has it. Here is a review by Kirkus Review: When Mauro Larrea is bankrupted by a business deal shattered by the American Civil War, he embarks on a great adventure to build his fortunes anew.From Mexico City to Havana to Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, Dueñas’ (The Heart Has ..Pam Or The Time In Between, by Maria Duenas Pam I’d like to suggest Son of a Trickster, by Eden Robinson, on Giller short list. Corinne
It sounds like you had a wonderful, evening. Sorry I missed it. It looks like I won't be able to make the next one either. There are two nights of the week that I am never available. Monday, as I sing with Musaic Vocal Ensemble (except in the summer) and Tuesday, I take dance lessons. I had thought our meetings were going to be on Thursday evenings which is why I was excited to join this great group. If there is any chance of returning to the Thursday evenings, then please count me in. Kindest regards Dame Judith
Dear Lady Dame Judith et al! Yes, it was a terrific gathering and your royal presence was certainly missed. With respect to meeting night, I'm afraid it will simply have to be decided upon, on a case by case basis, given everyone's busy schedules, work demands, holidays, volunteer commitments and the like. What I would suggest, however, (if you are still keen to belong to group), is that you read a given choice and submit a written comment/opinion, (as brief or as lengthy as you see fit), about book. That way your thoughts will contribute to the discussion and you will be present, in absentia, and can spring, well-read, au courant, ever combative, from the woodwork, no longer a shadow of a hologram, when you are able to attend.

On another matter, for those of you who have not submitted a title, I remind you that ONE, and ONE ONLY, is required, nay legislated. For those "fence-sitters", the first title I received is one which I will place on voting list. If I have not heard from the "procrastinators" by weekend's end, I will assume you have no suggestions and will form the list accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Emperor, pro tem, Patrizzio! So let it be written, so let it be done!!!!
I am feeling sick in India and we think it is a reaction to my malaria pill that I take everyday. My question to you is did you take malaria pills each day and do you remember the brand/ name. We got our prescription from the Vancouver Travel Clinic - Atovaquone Proguanil 250/100 mg. I would appreciate your reply as quickly as possible. Thanks. Dawn  

HI DAWN………..SO SORRY to hear you’re “feeling sick” and it might have to do with the malaria pills. I had a reaction to the pills I took in Viet Nam, but can’t remember the name as it was so long ago. When we went to South Africa we were prescribed the SAME drug that you are taking……it was also prescribed by the Calgary Travel Clinic and we took it every day in the affected areas. I know that a lot of people have a bad reaction to certain malaria pills but the one I took and you’re taking is the least symptomatic of what you’re feeling. Hopefully that’s the case. I did have a 24 hour reaction to STREET FOOD…….with the chills, vomiting, fever etc etc……but it was gone in a day…….SO don’t eat street food if you can avoid it. Hope things improve. CLIFF

Hi Dawn! Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Not sure which symptoms you are experiencing but I felt slightly dizzy, at times, (rather than nauseous and I was never truly debilitated), about a week or so into our trip. Of course we had started taking treatment a few weeks beforehand, if I recall correctly. I cannot remember the name of the brand but it was the cheaper, by quite a bit, of the options suggested. I must say that I was glad when I finished taking last pill but the mild, yet discernible dizziness, (usually when I got out of bed in the morning, not at other times, should I have taken an afternoon nap, for example), lasted for at least two or three months after we returned, in early December. At times I wondered if I was imaging these symptoms, so subtle were they initially. I never ever felt like I was a drunken sailor but I knew, in my heart of hearts, that what I was experiencing was not "normal", at least up until that point in my life.

I'll ask Lady Dar about her reaction but at far as I know she didn't experience any negative side-effects. Neither did Lynne and Peter opted not to take any malaria pills. I trust things will work out, one way or another, as there is little worse than feeling ill when traveling. Fondestos from Lady Dar, off to yoga to meditate for you while doing the downward facing cat. Chloë is burning an incense stick to Ganesh in hopes he will intercede on your behalf. For my part I'm having a slug of Old Monk, one of the local rums I brought back, to toast your speedy and full recovery, in my yogurt and granola! Don't need any brown sugar so I think I'll make it a habit! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Dawn, so sorry you are not feeling well. We took Doxycycline and were fine. I took a probiotic every day to help my digestion. Our advice for pills said to take with food but no Dairy products within 2 hours of taking. Hope that you are getting better on the medication. We have moved Chloe here and she is into second week of work and settling in to workouts etc. Off to Vancouver Sunday to volunteer at Writers Fest. Let us know how you are faring, Love Corinne 

Patrick and Cliff, Thank you so much for your quick replies. We also contacted Vancouver Travel Clinic and they were excellent in replying too. The doctor there said to stop taking the pills and not to take any. I was freezing and had the shakes so bad I couldn't put my toothpaste on my toothbrush, also very achy and no appetite so all in all not the best shape for travelling. I am a pretty stubborn old bird and hung in there until a couple of days ago. No pills and recovery started.

Our trip has been one fascinating sight after another. Yesterday one sight was that we went into the law courts and even got to meet a judge and talk with her - system is astounding. 60 judges hearing 1500 cases a day, advocates (Lawyers) all over, typists, notaries and files upon files. All housed in the most derelict building and grounds. We were driving by and asked our guide if we could go in and off we went. No one seems to mind us "gawking" or taking photos. Gerry, of course, remains in good shape and once again was a most super caregiver. Cheers, Dawn
  Hello Malaria Pill Woman and Heraldo! Trust you are both well. Not so much as a word since you Inja  trip so a tad concerned. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks Patrick….I trust all is well with you and yours! Sounds like you are getting out lots on your bike and perhaps wine tasting! Both are good for you I’m sure! I am not hiking yet but doing my exercises to heal up from sciatica “incident” where I lifted some heavy wet sandbags and turned to throw them and the damage was done…..mind you the seven hour hike the next day up McIntyre Creek did not help the situation. In any case, lesson learned, and as we know one is never too old to learn a lesson. At least that’s my take on it so will stick to it but we will see. The good news is that I still hope to be hiking in late October or at latest in November and of course skiing and snowshoeing in December.

I’m still assisting at the ski patrol “cabin” at Apex mostly on light duty as the “go for this or that” as we move along the construction phases. This past week I was able to drill all the studs and joists for the electrical wires and assist the plumber with water and drainage pipes. One can learn a lot about these trades just hanging around watching and helping our in-house members who are knowledgeable trades people. We hope to insulate this weekend then we can get some heat going as we have both a furnace plus will have a trusty new wood stove as well. This new building will give us much more room to meet as well as store our ski equipment, radios, toboggans and other stuff. The old A-frame cabin was about 50 years old and pieced together over many years with no plans, permits or inspections whereas we are doing our new building under permit with regular inspections. Hope to see you soon either hiking or out and about Cheers…..Kilian 

By the time Lady Dar and I had done battle over the end-of-month household finances and I'd chatted with Kyle from GL Little Electric, the chap who had installed the on-demand water heater, about a slight smell of gas in the garage, Chloë had detected, earlier that morning when she took down the cat door barricade, about what he had done as far as looking for a possible leak in the fittings and all was well, it was close to 3:00 pm before I was ready to roll. Once again, wind was howling, still out of the S at 32 kph, gusting to 40 kph, so I was certain, from the very get-go, that I'd be looking for shelter from the considerable blasts. From past experience, I knew that my loops off Power adn around the Memorial Arena complex would not really be to my advantage so after I did one run to Riverside I returned to PTC and then concentrated on making for the start of the KVR and up it to Vancovuer and back. 

With the strong tail wind I was able to compensate for the climb up the KVR and then the hilly side streets, off Ellis, presented little problem, even when heading into the wind, due to the fact that I was going downhill for most of those encounters. Another return to Riverside, then back to PTC and by the time I'd completed my second run, up the KVR to Vancouver, I only needed a few minor dipsy doodles, before taking Pickering to Eckhard, and I was swooping home to arrive with my basic distance and basic AVG. Nothng to write home about but at least I was out and about, enjoying the blustery day, leaves swirling, overall a wonderful, clear, brisk Autumn day. Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:

Hello Patrick As per our conversation I confirmed with someone here at the branch and they said there is generally no limit to opening the accounts. If you received an error message they recommended just waiting and trying the next day. Hope that helps! As for meeting – let me know if you would like to set up a time the week after you are back from the Coast and I would be happy to meet with you and discuss some investment options that work for you. Take care, Tina  Hi Tina! Thanks for help with accounts. In fact, I did try again and was able to open all the accounts I wanted to have. Yes, both Corinne and I would like to meet with you and as soon as she can provide some possible times I'll send another message and we can plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear friends -- Thank you for thinking of us with this lovely card at this lovely time of year (well, down here it's a bit soggy, but you know what I mean). We'll look at this card again (and maybe even again), and think happily of the season and you. All good wishes -- Jane and Jack P.S. Hoping we can get together with you down here before too long.  Hi Jane and Jack! Lovely to hear from you. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. No excuses but plenty of reasons!
Cheers, Patrizzio!

Good to hear from you too! Thanks for bringing us up to speed on whats going on with your clan :)... Im very happy to hear that Chloe has moved and has found a new job. Good for you guys selling your property...We are very busy with the build of our new home here on the lake. Although the build was delayed they are certainly making headway now. They plan to have the walls up soon and windows and trusses are on their way. As much as we would like to stay and watch the build, this cottage isnt winterized so we will be heading south soon. If you decide on Dallas by all means stop date we dont have any guests planned. We only have one guest room and always say first come first served. It would be good to see you both. Take care and keep in touch,
Louise and Henryk PS: great pics. Looked like a fun event!

Hello Sun City! Trust you are both well. Sorry it has taken me so long to send along a message. No excuses but plenty of reasons!  With Chloë now relocated to Penticton, we have a built-in cat sitter, and are off to Costa Rico, for a month, in early January. Will spend Christmas with her and then on 27th plan to drive to LA, (crossing into US at Osoyoos so will miss both Vancouver and Seattle traffic!), to spend New Year's with Ayn and Los Horridos. AS you probably know, Alejandro is to graduate from the LAFD on January 6th and we will attend the ceremony. Next day we will fly to Costa Rica. Once back we plan, (Details not yet fully confirmed, as of this writing.), to head east to spend time with friends in Palm Desert, Phoenix, (you), and Dallas. Will be in touch, once we are back form Costa Rica, about when we might be knocking on your door!  Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thx... Will look at detail after our cruise finishes. Hi Patrick Thanks for the card and I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving with lots of good cheer family and, of course, turkey. Best wishes and I'll see you when I get back from Greece (end of October) Colleen Thank you Patrick for including me in your group! Beautiful images and words, even tho a tad "Rockwell":) Take care and see you soon. Lou ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. And Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you both. Love & Hugs from Hildi :) Much appreciated, Patrizzio! Hope you all have a wonderful fall! Deborah Hi Patrick, Thanks for you Thanksgiving greeting. We trust you had a sumptuous feast for the occasion. Lynne and I have just spent two interesting days in Johannesburg. Yesterday we toured Soweto - that was certainly something to make us thankful. Today we toured the Cradle of Humankind, an amazing site northeast of Jo'burg where hominid fossils as old as 2.5 million years were found in dolomite caves. That made us appreciate our insignificance in the span of time. Tomorrow off to Capetown. Cheers, Peter

Dear Patrick and Corinne, Many thanks for your lovely card, just got it today and hope your Thanksgiving was a delight as was ours turkey and all! Love Jean & John

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