Monday 30 October 2017

Right Shoulder Specialist Consulttation/Huber Snow Tires Blues: Monday, October 30th!

The only thing one can give an artist is leisure in which to work. To give an artist leisure is actually to take part in his creation. -Ezra Pound, poet (30 Oct 1885-1972)

Hi Patrick! Yes we will be around on November 8. Heading to Palm Springs on the 12th for 10 days. See you then! Thanks Beech Nuts! I should have asked for your phone number, as well, just in case, if you don't mind. That way you can have a bottle of expensive wine open when I arrive! We stopped in Keremeos on way home for vegetables. Pumpkin City! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Lots of good look veggies there!  Would you be interested in a floor lamp also? Also don't be writing that number on the bathroom walls! For a good time call Heather!!! Yes, I'm keen on the floor lamp as well. Thanks and Cheers! Well seeing as your keen on the floor lamp how about an area rug? They are going on FB soon!
When do I get the golf clubs? I'll take whatever you want to rid yourselves of! Thanks again. If this keeps up I'll need to rent a U-Haul!!! Cheers, Patrizzio The Freeloader/Scrounger!!!The carpet is not a giveway $100. No golf clubs!Thought it was too good to be true! Oh well! Cheers!

Hello Patrick and Corinne I hope this email finds you well and having enjoyed the conference at the Coast from when we last spoke. I just wanted to send a quick email to follow up and see if you wanted to set up some time this week or next to come in and chat about some thoughts and options for investing your proceeds? Please let me know your thoughts and I will go from there. Take care, Tina Hi Tina! Thanks for being in touch. I was planning to send along a message but glad you contacted me. We had a wonderful time at The Vancouver Writers Festival but it is still a delight to be back in Penticton. Tomorrow, Tuesday, morning or afternoon, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, around 2:00 pm are all possible times for us. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!  

That sounds great – glad you enjoyed! How about Wednesday, Nov 1st at 2pm? Cheers, Tina Hi again, Tina! Terrific! Will see you on Wednesday, November 1st, at 2:00 pm. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Jack Rabbit and Fillipo! Trust you are both well. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner BUT life seems to have been even more hectic of late. No complaints but things have been piling up. Motorized Mary is back in town and then off again by mid-November. I'm writing, primarily, to see if you are still interested in bike trip to Poland. I'm committed to going but not Lady Dar as her Marriage Officiant role requires her to stay. At any rate, Mary said there are 7 confirmed so I'd be happy to share accommodation with you if you wish to join group, saving on single occupancy. Base cost is €1290 or $1927.55 CDN. I understand that if full amount is paid by the end of November there is an additional 10% discount. I plan to pay full amount by this deadline. I have a bike in France and will fly to Europe, well in advance, to collect it and make my way to Poland, Cracow in particular, where tour is to start, visiting friends along the way, if that is possible. I'm also interested in a bike trip in Slovakia but will write directly to Katarina about that possibility. Are you interested? One or both? I will put this to rest of group, as well, in case some of the others are keen for another guided bike tour. Depending on what dates are finally decided upon, I may well spend a number of months in Europe as there are many people I'd like to visit, from Oslo to Berne to Lyon to London to York, if folks are around, of course.
On the home front, h
ave been quite busy ever since returning home, [From Vancouver where we spent about 12 days, a week of which volunteering at the Vancouver Writers Festival. Had a grand time so glad we decided to go.] Spent a couple of days muling firewood, here in town, from the neighbour of a neighbour who gave me three loads last year, as well as one load from Spiller Road! Thanks very much! When there I saw a lovely grouse, of some sort, seemingly not at all bothered by me and my wheel-barrow full of firewood. Its colouration was such that I probably would not have seen it was it not for the clucking it made in the tall, dry grass next to the path I was using. What a treat to see such beauty and vitality little more than an arm's length away. Further blessed with a gorgeous day so it was pleasant enough work, all around.

I'm hoping to make another couple of runs to your place to work on stack by woodshed. I've taken all the logs in the open, flat space, as well as some from down the slope.
On Saturday, Norm, from across back lane, brought over his chain saw and cut up all the considerable number of large tree limbs I had piled in the back driveway. Into this mix we had an electrician here on Friday moving the fan in the Rumpus Room and putting in an outlet in our bedroom so that Lady Dar can now operate, remotely, the electric fireplace, (once in the living room at The Heartbreak Hotel in False Creek/Granville Island, newly painted to match wall decor, from the comfort of her bed! Chap came back today to put an outlet, from garage, to patio so that we can hang a million dollar lamp, (bought at a PAG fund-raiser), outside. Needed another outlet there anyway.
For the past two weeks we have been the proud owners of hot-water-on-demand as we had Fortis bring gas to the house this summer. Have also plumbed line for a the bbq so may well try to pick up one which takes natural gas if there happens to be any end-of-season clearance sales. One we have is on its last legs and needs to be replaced anyway. Other Big News is that, as of a week or so ago, we are now the proud owners of a "fractional condo" at Spirit Ridge! Never thought I'd buy any recreational property.

From my point of view at least, purchase is intended, mainly, as a small, very small, property investment. Lady Dar, of course, loves complex as we have stayed many times, most recently with Flamin' and Sarge, who own a similar unit. At this stage of my life I'm not interested, (More importantly, nor could I afford it, without taking on a mortgage!), in becoming a slum landlord but with this "recreational" property all the upkeep/maintenance, (one pays for it, of course, with strata fees, etc.), interior as well as exterior, is done by the resort. Quarter owners, (our case), have two weeks every eight weeks but can opt to leave unit in rental pool should you not wish to use it for those dates. With recent sale of our loft in Vancouver I do not need a mortgage. Flamin' and Sarge covered all their expenses, (strata fees, insurance, etc.), and still made a bit of money even after staying for most of their allotted time. Anyway, we shall see what we shall see. Deal is to close by end of November so have a bit of time to arrange paper-work, etc. Of course Chloë has already planned weekends for her an her girlfriends while Ayn and Los Horridos, from Tinsel Town, may well visit this summer.

Well must away as Lady Dar is calling for me to come to dinner table. Fondestos from her, busy working on her
Caroling for a Cause, Grandmothers for Africa  project, November 23rd, and Chloë, in Kelowna at a strata meeting this evening. As soon as you can, please let me know what you think about bike trip and I'll proceed accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Bridge with Ragin' Bull, The Penguin and Fast Eddy, a week ago Monday; Brunch with friends in Burnaby before driving back to Penticton; Mount Baker and Keremeos; Tim and Marian with their eldest granddaughter and neighbour at the GFA dinner; After the chainsaw and then stacked! Front Street Brasserie.

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