Friday 16 November 2018

The KVR Walkers and The Rosita Reunion: Friday, November 16th!

The world is like a Mask dancing. If you want to see it well, you do not stand in one place. -Chinua Achebe, writer and professor (16 Nov 1930-2013) 

Must away as want to oil my bike chain. Will head out as soon as Ayn and Chloë arrive. Ayn is staying with Chloë and they went for a two hour walk on the KVR this morning. Lady Dar did her weekly shift on the Info Desk at PGH this morning and The Sisterhood will go for sushi while I'm cycling.

Tummler, thanks for the note and pics. By the by - Rosie sure looks good. Glad to know your health concerns are behind you and you are getting the rides in on our behalf. My riding has been minimal of late except that I resurrected a gifted Brodie Force lasterday and took the maiden voyage to the Point (Dionisio Marine Park) with Morita leading the way, stick in mouth. We caught up to some dear in the park and she went on a yip (as we call it) after them - exhausting herself trying in vain to keep up.

Michelo was asking after you in Portland. I must say that he looks really good although I don't know if he was getting on the court. He wanted to know how Glasgow was doing - and mentioned Matt's good taste in music. You may have heard that Chuck Williams had a stroke but seems to be making a remarkable recovery.

We are still hoping for a visit to Ukiyo from you two. Failing that a rendezvous in Vancouver. I will be in Vancouver the week of 2 December to the 9th (playing the Gamble) if you happen to be around. Lots of hiking here, by the by, when you finally venture off the continent. Mot to mention 25km of virtually car-free road. Be well and ride safe. Fond regards to you and C, W&CJ y Morita

Hello Elk People! Trust you are both well. Heard from Whirlygig that he had seen you, Michaelo, when he was just down in Portland. Were you playing? He also mentioned that Chuck had suffered a stroke! How is he? Please pass along our wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Glasgow just returned from a biking tour in Vietnam, with Catherine, and had a wonderful time, although he has given up the bag pipes in favour of the Gamelan. Not sure which is worse! Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar, and Rosita, reading in front of the fire! She still recalls, and fondly so, the time you gave her a cabbage recipe, Marilyn! Cheers, Patrizzio
Here is this year's annual Thanksgiving grace. May each of you find a welcoming table to sit at this time around. From a Berkeley saturated with the particulate matter and smoke from the dreadful fatal fires to the north of us. We hope those who survived find a way to have a restorative holiday. Let us all be thankful for the gift of life and do our best to keep the planet habitable for as long as possible. in peace, David & Nancy Hello Honey Mead Man and Naughty Nancy! Trust everyone is well. Congratulations on this year's Thanksgiving Grace. Well done, Bard of Berkeley! Hope you are as happy as can be, under the current political situation, with the results of the mid-term. Fondestos to one and all from everyone here at Burns Street. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Painter of Reindeer, Raker of Leaves and Leaves Stunt Child! Trust all goes well with you three! Funnily enough, I had just managed to get around to getting ready to reply to your Halloween missive, literally, when your current message arrived! I do apologize for taking so long to respond but we own two very needy cats as opposed to a precocious, handsome grandson so I beg your indulgence, O Baroness of Barriere! That being said, I thought the video was a hoot and your Christmas card is more than wonderful. In a similar vein, Katarina, the leader of the two bike trips I was on this past summer, is also, in my opinion, an incredibly talented painter. I have nothing but awe and admiration for you both, given your obvious talent. I cannot tell you, Brenda Louise, how much I like your work and hope it gives you as much pleasure as it does to those who view it.

We are certainly enjoying our new kitchen although we still need to re-think some of where to put various things. Fine for now but I simply hate moving something to get at something so I plan to rework where we initially put our dishes, pots/pans, etc., when Lady Dar is in Mexico for Jan/Feb. I want to stay home and snow-shoe, as well as partake in other activities, of course. Yes, Chloë, is well "nestled" and is becoming ever more comfortable as she continues to add smaller pieces furniture as her budget allows.

We are currently watching The Honourable Woman, with Maggie Gyllenhaal, on NetFlix, and I stayed up until 2:00 am last night to watch two more episodes after Lady Dar and Rosita went to bed! [Don't tell them, please!] Just started the new season of Outlander so plenty to keep us occupied.

In her recent message, Katarina attached one of her paintings. As mentioned above, I was very impressed with her work! Ayn arrived at midnight on Thursday and is staying with Chloë. They went for a two hour walk on the KVR this morning. Lady Dar did her weekly shift on the Info Desk at PGH this morning and when she was back on Burns, The Sisterhood went for sushi. I was suited up and ready to go, having cleaned and oiled my chain earlier that morning, so set off just before 2:00 pm. Another brisk wind, N at 15kph, but not terribly cold so didn't really notice it overmuch. Had decided that I just wanted to execute a simple route regulare so followed my nose down Ellis to PTC, Lakeshore and then Riverside to re-work the loops within loops within loops thereabouts. Pretty tame ride but I enjoyed it immensely especially when I came across five very large, winter-coated deer feasting on somebody's garden shrubs on Churchill Avenue, one street back from Lakeshore and only a few blocks from where the Sicamous is moored. Not at all fussed by me or anything else for that matter, bold rascals that they are. Happy to have the wind at my back as I sailed home on Wade and then Winnipeg. Fairly dark by 4:30 pm so I really need to set off sooner in the day now. Map and Stats for ride:
[Hey, I was just going through my address book and realized that I don’t have a street address for you. Could you send it to us? Hope all is going well with you. Don’t hear much now that I quit fb. Cheers, Brenda] We live on Burns Street. Fondestos from The Sisterhood to you, Brenda Louise, Wally, Kian and Picasso Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Dar and Rosita in their natural environment! The Sisterhood and Porcupine Meatball product! 

Hi Patrick Have you heard of the new book “The Clay Bridge” by Marcus Zusak? It sounds like a great book for a future meeting but of course being new it is in high demand. Had a great visit with my two boys in Oz. Ended up just staying put and exploring Sydney, Manly and closer sites. Did a day of biking, one snorkelling and many, many walking/hiking. I’m scrambling to get caught up on yard work etc before the real cold sets in. I’ve also got some wine to pick up (way more fun!). Do you belong to either The Great Estates or Wild Goose wineries? I’m thinking of opting out of WG - I’m having trouble keeping up with the quantity delivered! Well take care Patrizio and say hi to Corinne for me Lou
Hi Luigi! Welcome back! Trust you are well in spite of trying to catch-up with yard work. I had not heard of The Bridge of Clay Lady Dar suggested it to her Mom as The Book Thief is one of her favourite works. No, we don't belong to either The Great Estates, [Don't know this winery.], or Wild Goose, [Like their dry Rieslings!], as we already belong to 12 others! Saw Mad Max at the PAG Soup Bowls event. Glad you had such a grand time in Oz. Am currently watching Deep Water, a detective series, on Netflix, set in Bondi. Do you know it? Fondestos to you from Lady Dar. See you on December 6th, for book club, if not before. As it is hosted by Josinta let us know if you'd like to hitch a ride with us. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Mad Max the Bartender! 

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