Tuesday 20 November 2018

Sub-Zero Cycling Blues: Tuesday, November 20th!

The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is. -Nadine Gordimer, novelist, Nobel laureate (20 Nov 1923-2014) 

Another absolutely gorgeous day, although -6º C this morning with lots of frost on the grass and plants. Sun had melted it by around 10:00 am so I planned to go for a ride as rain is forecast for next few days. By the time I was suited up and ready to go it was close to 1:00 pm. Temp had risen to 4º C by then and there was almost no wind when I set off although over the course of the ride it blew out of the NW between 4 and 7 kph wind, very slight resistance, of course, but still pretty chilly. Think it's time to bring out my "lobsters"! Anyway, I thought I might head out to Naramata but when I started out on my route regulare, I noticed a fair bit of frost, and certainly ice on any puddles, whenever I rode along shaded areas so I decided to stay closer to home, where main streets were obviously dry, not wanting to risk a fall on any unexpected slippery surfaces. 

This being the case I took a couple of Gravol and then proceeded to The Hamster Cage, [the roads off Lakeshore, Riverside and around SOEC, where I gerbalized enough distance to make for home. At the start of the ride, on my way down Ellis I encountered some street works for a new condo complex going up, just down from Cannery Brewing, and noticed, when taking the roundabout at the bottom of Vancouver, towards the end of the ride, that traffic was still backed up. This being the case I headed for Front Street to dipsy doodle my way through downtown and eventually take Martin to White and I was back at my back door just before 4:00 pm, fingers and toes tingling but with a smile on my face. Map and Stats for ride: 


Tummler, thanks for sharing this big/small town experience doing your inimitable schmoozing at the tasting. Our buddy from Red - Don Thompson (DT - the boss)) would appreciate the connection. He's a HABs fan as you might have gathered from the banter about why he was in Vancouver for this hockey game. You would enjoy that crew - they are serious cyclists and have their own naming disorder which is charming.

Let us know when they allow you out of the bible belt and back to the left coast. We will try to make a siting from across the Salish sea. Rosie looks fantastic. It took me a while to figure out who it was in the photo. Fond regards to all, G&J y Morita
Hello Left Coasters! No wonder we are Bible Belters as Fire and Brimstone will surely devour us if this morning's news is any indication. Would love to meet the Red Mountain Gang as they sound like fun. Do they play bridge? Drink chain climber? Fondestos to you of The Naming Disorder, and Calamitous Calamity Jane, from Lady Dar, in absentia, attending two more meetings, bloody meetings, and Rosita, reading in front of the fire! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks to everyone for the lovely evening, especially Olga Polga who can bid even better than she usually does with her eyes closed! [You left your water bottle here, Rolly Polly!] Thanks to Judy Blue, [You left your gorgeous scarf here for the delicious platter of nibbles and to Lady Di for the Pinot Gris, yet un-opened so we'll have it next time. Speaking of which, when would be a convenient evening next week? Lady isn't back from Vancouver until Wednesday so I'm wondering if Thursday evening might work for people, especially if Pamela can join us. Anyway, let me know your preferences and I'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Rosie-the-Riveter bids fond farewell to the gang!

Hooray! It’s been WAY too long since I’ve had an update! ☺ Hope everyone is well…right about now I am wishing I was there. Hilarious about the carved salmon…I am laughing out loud at my desk! Sending hugs to ALL from Christmas Central, Naramata Jane Hi Agent NJ of Xmas Centrale! Glad to here you are well and laughing out loud. My "spy" tells me you are going away for Thanksgiving and also readying yourself to become a dog owner! Duke and Etta think you should opt for a feline!

Not sure if Ayn mentioned it or not but when I was having a haircut a few weeks ago my barber was watching a Hallmark Christmas movie! Then, last Sunday, when we saw Widows there was one of Hallmarks ads on before the feature and Ayn stood up and introduced herself, telling the audience all about you and your visit this fall. Cheers and shouts abounded so it seems you are still sorely missed in the Okanagan! Must away as I have to put another log on the fire before Rosita will begin mixing the ingredients for the bran muffins she is going to bake. Travel safely and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Fondestos from Lady Dar, out running errands having to do with tomorrow's Caroling for a Cause, to you Jane. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Hope you can make our Open House!

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