Wednesday 12 July 2017

Ragin' Bull and The Arbutus Corridor Blues: Wednesday, July 12th!

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (12 Jul 1817-1862)

We discussed a hike for Monday July 17th and decided on a cooler leisurely stroll along KVR and Trout Creek starting at Faulder and going west as far as we choose. I may have some grandkids along so wanted to start them off with an easy hike. Some of you may wish to dip in the creek to cool off so keep that in mind! Planning on about 3 hours with a maximum of 4 hours back to vehicles. It will be an easy hike more like a walk in the woods but nice for a change especially given the hot weather. No need to reply just show up at 740 at HH in Penticton or 800 am at IGA in Summerland. Cheers…..Kilian

Hi Corinne, (and Pat) Sorry, we just made our final decision about this weekend and have elected to forgo our trip to the interior. It's just too iffy with the air quality, etc. We are trying to reschedule with granny and crew, for August, and will let you know as soon as we know we have dates and hopefully we'll be able to connect. Have a lovely July. Enjoy all the weddings. You looked fab, by the way, in those pictures of L.A. scenes sent by Patrick. Love to you both, Maya and Family

Sorry we won't see you this week. No smoke here today but Vernon is probably much different. August might work for us too. Wedding in LA was fun, had a good family time. Hugs, Corinne

Tummler, Tour de F. was exciting to witness Stage 10 P… to Bergerac (175 kms). Witnessed through the town of Roque Gageac although it was a hurry up and wait from 1 - 4PM experience because nobody could say with certainty when they were coming through. And the preamble is an hour 'caravan' session when the sponsors throw swag on off of floats and trucks. Not all bad: Seranaded by jazz in the local square. The river is next to the road Boats of many descriptions mostly canoe and kayak - Plying the waters seemingly oblivious to the T de F. Then an hour after that the peloton flies by in a blink. Two riders had dodged the pack and were way ahead but were reeled in by the peloton close to the finish. Great sprint finish by ze German - Kittel.

The area of the Dordogne (District et Riviere) should be high on your travel plannage - would be perfect to explore on bicycles. We drive to Toulouse in the morning tomorrow then take the train to Paris. Exciting and daunting at the same time ​. ​ Bastille Day is on Friday. Le fin de la journee est bientot. C'est un monde triste et beau. It is a sad and beautiful world. ​Look forward to seeing you guys.​ Love to all, G&J

Macy's was having a 70% off sale!! So I got the big pot a little sauce pot friend. Love Ayn Great buy , and I like the dress. Very pretty Love Mom All great purchases!!! I love it when people buy stuff!! 😬❤️🤑 

When I'd arrived in Vancouver, at my latest home on the road, Bayswater B&B, around 3:00 pm, on Tuesday, July 11th, after a fairly easy drive from Portland, and decanted The MarriageMobile, I made a number of phone calls to see who might be interested and available for rides over next few days. Turned out that Raymondo could join Ragin' and I on a jaunt out to Steveston via the Arbutus Corridor. I was keen on this route as I'd not been on the AC since it had been paved with tarmac and divided for bikes and pedestrians. After a good night's sleep I was up at 7:30 am for a jolt of java and a bowl of cereal before sending a few messages. Visited with Elaine and Theodorakis until 9:30 am and then lubed and suited up to  leave to collect Ragin' on 12th and Stephens. We left his place shortly after 10:00 am and made for 8th and Arbutus to catch the Corridor there. 

Lots of stop and go until one crosses 16th and it was just going 11:00 pm when we caught sight of Robo Man chatting near a bench on King Ed, just down from the hydro sub-station there. Great to see Raymondo as I'd not seen him since last December when we dropped in to say hello on New Year's Eve. Still fit as a fiddle and looking extremely well so it was most pleasnt to chat with one another as we made our way south. The AC parallels, more or less, the surface streets we'd often travelled when heading out to Iona but it was most interesting to be on the former rail bed as the grades are much more gradual, as one could imagine they would be, a variation of the KVR in Penticton. Overall, I was quite impressed with the tarmac thoroughfare but think that the access to and across arterial streets, as opposed to residential ones, needs to be rethought and then reworked to make it easier and safer for cyclists, in particular, to negotiate busy intersections. Trust this will happen, in the not too, too distant future as city has more time to refine its considerable bike route infrastructure.

At any rate, we enjoyed the wonderful flowers which graced the sides of the path, mainly south of 49th, and soon found ourselves zipping under the Arthur Laing to make our way to Kent and thence over the Cambie Skytrain Bridge. Ragin' insisted we take Shell Road to make our way to Steveston. I knew, more or less, that this entailed a number of lengthy stretches on hard-pack gravel, so I would have No. 6 Road, but as things turned out, the going wasn't all that troublesome for my road tires. By the time we reached Steveston Highway it was 12:30 pm and Robo Man needed to head back as he had an appointment to tutor a student around 2:30 pm.

Thanked him for joining us and waved goodbye, continuing on to reach Dyke Road just south of the Dyke Trail Dog Park, when Ragin's suffered a flat on his back tire. While he changed the tube I circled ahead and then back to No. 4 Road a couple of times before he was ready to roll. From there we continued on into Steveston itself and I noted how much more developed it had become since I was last here, two or three years ago. Some very attractive condos, and the like,so it is obviously a much sought after location. After a quick tour, passing the coffee shop where Piston Man and String Bean used to stop when I'd first started riding with them, we made our way to Railway Avenue and the bike path which runs alongside it. Took this all the way back to River Road and thence to No. 2 Road Bridge, over the Fraser, to Russ Baker Way.

Then back over over the Fraser again, this time on the Moray Bridge to wend our way, dipsy doodling back to River Road, passing the River Rock Casino to hit the CSTB, crossing the Fraser for the the fourth time, to Kent and then hooking up with the bottom of the AC, Bit of a gradual climb until close to 49th but once we'd crested the hill there it was easily sailing until we turned west on 16th to make for Ragin's place. He had invited me in for a java but since it was getting on to 2:00 pm by then I thanked him and took a rain cheque as I had a number of errands I needed to accomplish. Wonderful ride through lovely surroundings with terrific friends so couldn't have been happier! Cheers!
Map and Stats for ride:


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