Saturday 25 November 2017

Brave the Fierce, Fierce Gusts to OK Falls Blues: Saturday, November 25th!

Someone is Hindu, someone is Muslim, someone is Christian / Everyone is hell-bent on not becoming a human being. -Nida Fazli, poet (12 Oct 1938-2016) 

Must away as I want to take a look at Christmas lights that are to be strung at front entrance before I head out for a ride. Wind is gusting fiercely out of the SSE at between 36 kph to 45 kph so not sure if I'll hit the KVR to the Little Tunnel, or try for OK Falls. Fondestos from The Sisterhood, readying themselves for a trip to Sendero Canyon to choose flooring and other finishing from the various displays at the Show Home. 

[Patrick James Dunn Duke wants a girlfriend too so that he doesn't have to kiss the bathroom faucet!]
By the time I was suited up and ready to roll it was going on 1:00 pm. Since I knew, from forecast, that wind was gusting at 41 kph out of the SSE, blowing steadily at 28 kph, I set my mind on Little Tunnel as opposed to OK Falls. Given the known distances I decided I'd do the first third of the ride using the PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside/Power Loop and once I'd completed this leg I had 15 km on the clock by the time I made for the bottom of the KVR. Saw four of my deer friends on Nanaimo, as I made my way towards Pickering, and just below Vancouver Street, I encountered "Mom", (with her two yearlings), stretched on the grass, contentedly chewing her cud, as I said hello and waved to them.  
Was really pleased that I'd decided to ride the KVR as the vista from the lower trail was spectacular. The sun illuminated some of the hillsides around Summerland, Okanagan Lake looked like polished steel and although the sky was almost completely covered with low cloud, the effect was nothing short of quiet beauty. Not many people around, a few dog walkers and one or two joggers. Just me and a lonely, alert raptor, of some sort, atop the gorgeous clay pillar down from the cemetery. No traffic on Naramata Road so I had no trouble crossing and was soon huffing and puffing my way to Arawana Road.  

Here I took a slight dipsy-doodle to explore Kettle Ridge and take a break from the trail's hard-pack and enjoy the silky, smooth tarmac of the development's paved surfaces. Some stunning views from the lots here. Back on the KVR I pushed on for the remaining 6 km, or so, to the Little Tunnel and once there, turned around for the return. Had taken me longer than I had anticipated so light was starting to fade as I made my way back. Even though grade was with me I still had to fight the wind, now coming at me around 35 kph, so still something to contend with. Much easier on the descent, of course, so I quite enjoyed the return even if Aeolus was determiend to spoil my outing, Dear Reader! By the time I crossed Naramata Road it was reasonably dark so I was annoyed with myself for not having attached my LED lights to the handlebars. Still, only a few walkers to avoid and then I was pulling up to the garage door, after three hours and forty five minutes for a distance of 55 km! Estimate the AVG to be just under 16 kph so not at all upset as it was a glorious outing and I couldn't be happier to be riding outside at this time of year. Cheers!!!

Hello Summerland Cousins! Wonderful to see you both on Thursday. Thanks for all your help and loan of table. Much appreciated. It really was a terrific effort for a first time endeavour and laid the foundation for an even bigger and better event next year, from all the positive remarks made by a wide variety of people, attendees as well as those directly involved. Now Lady Dar's nightmares have shifted to The Open House preparations, decorating rooms and food array. I'm steeling myself for amounts that will feed the Bolivian Army, for years! 

Must away as I need to put another log on the fire. Fondestos from The Sisterhood, busying themselves making snowballs, first of Christmas baking, peanut butter balls, dipped in chocolate and then rolled in coconut! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: GFA dinner! California Quail, seeking refuge from cheap wine in Sonoma, in our front yard; Open House Invitation!

Thanks for all of the photos. When you're around, there is never a concern that our events will go unrecorded! Cheers, Marian Hi Patrick, Corinne and Chloe, Great seeing you all as well! Thanks especially to Corinne for the countless hours she put in organizing the Caroling For a Cause. I (Marian) feel like I'm
standing still, compared to your busy lives. We look forward to seeing you all again soon. We're already salivating just thinking about those snowballs! Is there a dish that we could contribute? With fond regards, Marian and Tim


Hey hikers On Monday Kilian has proposed a hike up Conkle. Yes, we were there a couple of weeks back, but this will be a hike from a different side of the hill. Kilian has proposed amending the hike length depending on the weather which seems much wetter than normal, but at the moment the forecast looks pretty good. Get together to carpoll at HH Penticton at 0840, or IGA Summerland at 0900. Cheers Tony

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