Thursday 23 November 2017

Cactus and Donna Florida SIng the American Thanksgiving Blues: Thursday, November 23rd!

Poetry is a sort of homecoming. -Paul Celan, poet and translator (23 Nov 1920-1970)

Happy Thanksgiving! Well, I know I'm a FEW DAYS LATE for Canadian Thanksgiving, but I hope you will find it in your hearts to forgive me in providing this tardy little bit of verse to mark the transition to winter. Here in the States, winter may be dark indeed given the treachery enacted daily by our leaders. Oh well, like the Phoenix perhaps democracy will rise again. Best wishes to you all. I know you are jealous of all the advertising supplements we got in our newspapers this morning, I should peace, David & Nancy

Thanksgiving Grace 2017

Invoking Grace, I aim not to offend
​And as to Wisdom, I scarcely dare pretend.
Could be we’re marching toward our species’ end
But with some luck there’s Hope around the bend.
Our nature’s tooth and claw. All creatures others eat.
Those deep intrinsic instincts we will have to beat
If ever we’re to live in peace. Armed, we endlessly contend.
Mutual trust and fairness are not the current trend.
Disaster is. Flood and quake, wild wind, deadly fire
Fueled by coal and oil, the Elements conspire.
Nuclear poker is such a crazy game!
Remember Obama? Our present Prez isn’t quite the same.
But still we give our Thanks, because the vital part
Is nurturing Compassion in our heart.
And while giving thanks is oft a doleful art
“With Malice toward None” is where we need to start.
Let’s strive to build a world that’s free of hate
For every soul on earth deserves a heaping plate.
So drink to the power of Love that nothing can defeat
And raise your glasses high! ‘Cause now, it’s time to eat!

-David Kessler
Dearest Theosopher! Thank you for your always relevant, moving, heart-felt Grace! However, given that it was late for our Thanksgiving, Lady Dar insists you pay a wine fine when next we visit! That may well be sooner than you think! We are hoping to collect the above-mentioned wine fine on Saturday, December 30th, before pushing on to Tinsel Town, next day. If you can let us know if you will be around and accepting reservations, with Boris and Natasha, in the laundry room, I'd appreciate it, the better able to stitch together an itinerary. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Donna Florida, just off to perform the downward facing feline! Hoping we will have to collect you at Penticton Airport for our Open House! Cheers, Patrizzio! We will reserve your room for the 30th.  Our spiders are licking their chops. Hi David, we would really like to stay on the 29th if staying on that day is possible. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Looking forward to seeing the two of you. Love Corinne

Good Morning Patrick and Happy US Thanksgiving. We're going to my sister's house this year. All family . . kids, grandkids, etc. Mike and I will host Christmas dinner. Katie, Christmas eve. Of course, we all bring something to share. I made an apple pie yesterday and am currently roasting butternut squash and parsnips with herbs. So yes, please come on the 27th and expect to be served left overs, if there are any. Otherwise something simple, for I will have become sick of cooking and entertaining.

We are having a whole house generator installed sometime in the next two months. On demand hot water would have been a good choice. You know how long it takes for the downstairs shower to heat up. It's the farthest from the hot water tank. See you next month. Marilyn Dearest Digitale! Thank you for your always generous hospitality! I dream of your overlefts, let alone any creation you put your hands and heart to! Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Lady Dar's Grandmothers For Africa Caroling for a Cause takes place this evening, downtown, so we will be busy setting up around 4:00 pm. Was raining quite heavily this morning but forecast suggests it will be dry for the event so we give thanks for that. In this vein, our friend, David Kessler, in Berkeley, composes a Thanksgiving Grace each year and I have attached it. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Michaelo. Still hoping we will have to collect you at Penticton Airport for our Open House! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Christmas Cactus with budding Amaryllis; Miss Etta, like Michael, likes a drop of water with her Single Malt! David's Grace.

Good Morning, I have sent a link to sign an assumption for Spirit Ridge. The lawyer will have you sign something similar. We have this one signed so we can give to the hotel immediately to make their changes. It seems paperwork takes a bit of time to get to the hotel in these transactions. Please sign as soon as convenient and we will forward to Spirit Ridge. Have a wonderful day. Lucia Hi Lucia! Thanks! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick I heard you were setting up a bike trainer. I have just borrowed one but seem to be missing the shaft. Is it necessary? How does this compare to yours. I am reluctant to spend $260 on a new one when I am not sure I have the discipline to use it. Hope you are enjoying this dull day. Colleen Hi Klinkenheimer! Great to see you this evening! Having taken a look  at my Fluidalu's instructions, I don't need a separate shaft. I imagine your assembly doesn't either but, from what you mentioned, perhaps it does. Can you not talk to the friend you borrowed it from? Once I've "struggled" with putting mine into place, (Instructions are clear as mud and my head is already spinning!), I'd be happy to take a look at your assembly or at least offer whatever advice I might have. I'm actually hoping to set mine up this weekend so I'll give you a shout once I'm back on the "inside" saddle, so to speak. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrizzio, Thank you for your interest. I count with you. About Poland - now you are three people interested in this trip. You, Tom and Carol Hoenish? Do you know them? I don´t have overview who of you know each other. I am too far from Penticton now. :-) PS: We had the first snow here in Bardejov this week too. Thankfully, it disapeared. I hope it will appear again only on Christmas. It is too early for winter...Katarina

Hi Katarina! Sorry to hear about your snow. We had our share early this Fall but weather seems to have "normalized" lately. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick and Corinne, I have attached a copy of the buyers statement of adjustments. We will require a bank draft payable to Pushor Mitchell “In Trust”. If you could also bring in two pieces of ID each, one with a picture. Give me a call in the morning if you have any questions J Hi Lucia: Here is it signed by the Seller, thx.Pamela 

Hey, This is the fundraising campaign for Jennifer Connell's Memorial: Hi all,Tom Shorthouse sends along this notice on the recent passing of Melva Dwyer. Regards,
Harry Young 
Hi Stompin'! Trust you are well. Thank you for sending along the notice of Melva Dwyer's death. I still can see her, bustling around the Library, a bundle of energy, until the very end, I'm sure.

On another matter, thank you so very much, Stompin', for the printed copy of your Magnum Opus, [courtesy of  the Library, I assume}, and all of the incredible, extraordinary work it must have entailed. It is wonderful to see your easy transition from Country Rock Star, now the The Stackettes are no longer recording and touring, to Booker Prize author! Service Above and Beyond! Hip Hip Hooray! We continue to enjoy life in Penticton and Lady Dar's latest volunteer project, Caroling for a Cause, on behalf of Grandmothers For Africa, came to fruition this evening. Hope you can attend our Open House! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Attachement: Open House Invitation!

Hi Patricio,Good to hear from you. I'd love to be saying yes, I'll attend your open house, but we don't plan to head deliberately into highway traffic where snow is likely to be a major factor. I'm sure you'll understand. Hope the project raises lots of money - I would like to help with a donation. How should a cheque be addressed?

Thanks for your kind words about my MagOp. It was produced over a period of eighteen months and is probably too dense to tackle from cover to cover: reading large chunks at any one time makes even me feel like I've reentered the work force. However It was fun to put together, particularly as it provided an opportunity for touching base with a lot of our former colleagues - supportive friends like you.

I shan't be in the running for the Booker prize. Maybe a  'Booky Prize for British Columbia Library History'? Yee haw! and regards to Corinne. Stompin'
Hello The Sisterhood! Please suggest any changes to captions you feel could be improved. Cheers, GFA Official Photographer!Hello Famiglia Durston/Prince! Lady's Dar's very successful event this evening! Cheers, Patrizzio, Official Photographer for GFA! Great pics...hopefully Mom's caroling nightmares will soon cease too Lol I am still laughing Mom!!  

Hi Ms Tinsel Town! Glad you enjoyed the snaps. It really was a terrific effort for a first time endeavour and laid the foundation for an even bigger and better event next year, from all the positive remarks made by a wide variety of people, attendees as well as those directly involved. Now Nana's nightmare has shifted to The Open House preparations, decorating rooms and food array. I'm steeling myself for amounts that will feed the Bolivian Army for years! Must away as I want to take a look at Christmas lights that are to be strung outside. Fondestos from The Sisterhood. Cheers, Poppa-San! Hi Natasha and Boris! Pleased to learn that you are already licking your arachnid chops! Sorry for the confusion but we will be sleeping, amidst your cobwebs, on the night of December 29th so sharpen your incisors for this evening, as opposed to the 30th, my mistake entirely!Cheers, Patrizzio! 



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