Monday 27 November 2017

Hike Conkle or More Odometre-less Blues: Monday, November 27th!

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. -Jimi Hendrix, musician, singer, and songwriter (27 Nov 1942-1970)

I’m not available on Thursday going to Jerry Steinfelt. Why are you not available on Friday Night? Cora Lee Hello Lady Dar! Do you change your name when you are in Vancouver? I'm surprised that you are going to hear Jerry Steinfelt. I thought you, Chloë and Katie had tickets for Gerry Seinfeld, the stand-up comic, not the hat maker, Dusty! I have an appointment for a scan at PGH at 8:00 pm on Friday, for my shoulder, as you might recall Your Boy is gazing at me through the window as I scribe! He's getting used to being behind bars once you return! Lovely day here so I plan to go riding and if I'm back in time, make another run to Spiller! Give Elaine a call, if you have a moment. Hello to one and all. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Jail-bird Duke! Great pic of my boy. C

Hi Glasgow! Trust everyone is well. Sorry I've not been in touch for aeons. Even busier social schedule now that Christmas is fast approaching. Hello to Catherine. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Christine and Jim! Trust weather is such that you are still able to be outside, cycling. Just bought a new Garmin odometer as one I purchased in York finally gave up the ghost. The battery would not recharge. Started acting up a year ago and I managed to squeeze out usage until last week. Still, pretty pleased with how well it served me over past four years. Know, full well, what you mean about tidying up the garden, etc., and we have a much, much smaller yard than you. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Tim's photos from Conkle hike 

[Hi Cousin/Cousina! Enjoyed seeing the snapolas of Monday's hike. Cheers, Patrizzio!] By the time I was suited up, this past Monday, it was close to 12:05 pm and I knew, from the forecast that the wind was slightly more moderate, than it had been for sometime, only out of the S at 18 kph to 22 kph, gusting to but 28 kph, so manageable, if not overly enjoyable, as it temperature was hovering around -1º C, so a bit of a bite to the blasts. Bemaoning the fact that my odometer had not been delivered, I decided to restrict my route to those stretches for which I had fairly good calibrations, basically the PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside/Power Loop. Did this first hamster cage and then returned to PTC with 21 km on the clock. 

Estimated I'd have 26km logged when at the end of Riverside, including the dipsy doodles around the mall parking lot there. Next I turned my attention to the SOEV Gerbil Loop with 30 km to show for my efforts as I started this treadmill. Put my head down and somehow managed to keep my sanity until I reached 49, dizzy, dizzy Gravol km and then I was released to make my way, via Westminster, back home. Pleased that I'd persevered and enjoyed another pre-December ride. Longest I've been able to ride outside since we moved to Penticton. Cheers! No map or stats!

Hi Dottore! Trust you and the lads are well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Kids! Trust everyone is well. Yes, the Summer and now Fall have flown! Please find enclosed, five return, First Class tickets! Hello to one and all. Fondestos, Bestestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Wild Bill! Trust you are well. Pleased you enjoyed the card. Guess your tummy will be rumbling for more turkey by now! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Gran Dougaccio! Trust you and David are both well. Yes, the Summer and now Fall have flown and no visit from Left Leaning Lotus Landers! Fondestos, Bestestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Wailing Wall Man! Trust you are well, presumably back from Israel now. Hello to Patrizzia. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Valour Road Girl!
Trust you are well! With Remembrance Day a few weeks ago, now, I was thinking of service at Isaac Brock, back in Grade Nine, and laying of wreath on the corner of Portage and Valour Road. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Big Al and Cheryl Trust you are both well. Have had a few messages, from Stompin', of late, thanking him for the UBC Library History book. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

It sounds all good. Also, Cheryl is healthy, recovered from laryngeal cancer operation and stable You must know the saying "Happy wife-happy life!" My health continues to be stable. We're planning a trip to LA January 5-18 to visit with Jake and family, especially to get connected with my grandaughter Scarlett who is 2 1/2. The review panel has cut back on all trips to the interior; we mostly do these by video conference so I think it unlikely I will be in Vernon before spring -summer fishing season. Hope to see you then though.
Al Hi again, Fly Fisherman! Pleased to hear your health is stable and that Cheryl has recovered. Guess we will overlap in Tinsel Town for a day or so, before we fly to Costa Rica, on January 7th. Our grandsons are 27 and 29 respectively so a tad older than Scarlett! Make sure you let me know when you will be heading to Vernon as it would be terrific if you can stop by or even spend a night. Must away to split a bit of kindling before rain starts. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Winter firewood!

Hi Big Al and Marilyn! Trust you are both well. Did the mudslides near Bridal Falls, as I understand it, affect you, in terms of travel, etc? You need to come back s we've discovered some more "stuff" we think has to do with projector! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Patrick, Thought you might like this, John sent it to me! Well my dear you are busy as usual. Costa Rica, Palm Desert, Phoenix & Dallas. Then to top it off a condo just for friends, my goodness. We are fine and looking forward to the many Christmas activities. John’s cousin Helga has moved back to the island from Pennsylvania so will be having six of the cousins over for dinner on the 10th. Lots of dinner parties and then our Open House on January 1st. Will send pics. Nice to see you are doing an open house as well. Will be thinking of you. 
I have already finished making all my appetizers only because I hate last minute. Should have over seventy people and have a Pilipino gal and her two teen age children helping out in the kitchen with the baking. John will have two of his colleagues from the Univ. helping with the rum toddies and our friends from Seattle Kathleen and Barry will help with organizing the crowd. The kids are doing fine. After a year of being seizure free little Tess decided to have six in a day. I had taken the carpets away to avoid any more accidents and when Benson leaped off the bed he slid onto his hip and boy did he scream and howl like a baby. Boys are so sensitive. Spending a few hours at the vet the children are fine and back to their usual exuberant selves.

I seem to have developed swallowing problems so I am off to make a huge batch of curried butternut squash soup with homemade turkey stock. John will make fabulous chicken burgers with ciabatta buns; they have to be the best! Yummy good! Have a wonderful Christmas and hope to see you in the New Year. Love to you both, I did send your partner in crime a letter last week. Hugs, Jean & John

Hello Darling Jean! Lovely to hear that all goes so swimmingly with both you and John, as well as Tess and Benson, of course. Sorry to hear about your swallowing difficulties. Obviously, not drinking enough Gewürztraminer to keep your throat lubricated! Your Open House sounds wonderful, as always. Once Lady Dar is back from Vancouver we'll start preparing some of the appetizers, to freeze, for our Bash, as well. She and Chloë already made four large tins of snowballs, [Peanut butter balls, dipped in chocolate and then rolled in coconut, Rosie-the-Riveter's recipe!] resting nicely, in the freezer, until needed for Open House. Managed to go for a decent ride today as sky was blue and wind was not as fierce as it has been for last few weeks. Fondestos to you and John. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Stacked firewood at back of house.

Hi Old Farts, It’s Jim…late again. I seem to have crocked up my knee, and it may be some time before I am able to do really foolish things to it again. Meanwhile, I hope to tap the willingness of a few folk to lead hikes or snowshoes. This Thursday, Rick will take a group for a snowshoe around the Three Bears. He thinks that there is now enough snow. So… -meet at 0900 at Home Hardware Penticton north parking lot (0840 at Summerland IGA parking lot). -carpool and travel to Snowflake parking lot just past Apex -snowshoe the day away. -return for debriefing and refreshment. Rick says there is no need to let him know in advance. Just show up on Thursday. Information on the Christmas Picnic will be forthcoming in a few days. Cheers, Jim
Hi James!
Sorry to learn of your knee injury. Trust you will recover as quickly as possible. For my part I managed to get my exercise muling wood from Spiller Road on Sunday and then going for a ride earlier today, knowing my time outside, on a bike, is coming to a close! Hope your knee won't keep you from bending your elbow at our Open House! All the best, Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi there Patrizzio! Yes, it’s been awhile since we’ve communicated Thanks for your invitation to your Open House but I can’t make it due to living here and you guys are now living there! I do appreciate the thought though! Sounds like you’ll be getting out of Dodge for a couple of months of winter weather.
Good for you! Driving is the best way to go as far as visiting the USA.

I am going to Palm Springs area (Hemet) for xmas this year.. Dec. 22nd to 27th.. short trip but  only because my friend only gets 2 days off work and has to hustle back to be the boss. She’s still working at age 74 because they went bankrupt a few years ago.. her husband owned a collections business in Capistrano, sold it to a fellow who apparently couldn’t afford to buy it… so, no money… not good…Weird as well. So, am looking forward to seeing them for 4 days.. just hope the flights are ok and no screw ups due to weather here. Enjoyed looking at your pictures! Merry Xmas! Joan (p.s. I have coloured my hair to a blonde shade… figured blondes have more fun!)

Hi Blondie! How has your changed hair colour affected your social life? I'm sure it will hold you in good stead over the course of your Christmas holiday. Sounds like a wonderful excursion. Have never been to Hemet but from the time we've spent in both Palm Springs and Palm Desert, over the years, I am certainly taken with the area. Love biking on the streets thereabouts as they usually have large, marked lanes, mainly used by folks driving golf carts! Have been meaning to ask about Merna. How is she? Please pass along greetings to her and her husband, Bob, I believe. Fondestos to you, Joan. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi again Patrizzio! I do get second looks with the blonde hair… LOL! Merna is doing well and as far as I know, so is Bob.. don’t plan on visiting Wpg. any time soon..Maybe one summer.. will see.. The firewood pile must have been back breaking work! Nice job! Hemet is a small town outside Palm Springs.. they live in a gated community called the Four Seasons… very nice..Cheers! Blondie
Hi again, Blondie! Glad you are receiving the attention you deserve! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patriçio, Well, it’s in the shop! I suspected some issues with the clutch during the tow to Felineland, and lately, I have been having some issues shifting, or rather, putting it into gear. And yes, the clutch is *toast*. I attribute this to the move to Penticton - I am sure the fact that the truck was driven by yahoos at an oil rig in Norther Alberta for 6 years has nothing to do with it! I must therefore alter the parameters of my visit. Forget the Murphy bed in the study, I’ll just sleep on an air mattress by the Malt Cabinet! Now that the cabinet door is fixed, and doesn’t screech when opened, I won’t wake you in the night!

This morning, I got into the truck to go to the lumberyard - poof. Thank you << choose your Deity here >> that this didn’t happen out of cell range somewhere on hwy3 …Anyway, happy to put the sides back on the box and do a load of firewood. Is it safe to leave it by the side of the road? We could scoop it up Thursday when I get there as I am planing to leave early, and looking forward to the Quail dinner! Branko

Hello Clutch Job Man! Sorry to learn that your new toy is sick! I trust that the Provincial Health Care system will cover all the considerable expenses! I'm even sorrier o inform you that I was forced to put a lock on the the malt cabinet as Duke has taken, of late, a liking to a nightcap. Once the cat door in the garage was barricaded with immovable objects, (box of car chains and heavy plywood), he turned his evil genius attention to simpler matters! You'll have to convince him to give you the combination, however. On the brighter side, I have put in an order for a dozen California Quail, requesting delivery early next week  so that I can hang them in Chloë's room for a bit of aging before we prepare them! Any preferences? Baked? Broiled? Roasted on a spit on bbq?

Be terrific if we could make another trip to Spiller. I have the remaining wood pile in good shape for wheelbarrow muleage. There are a considerable number of logs which are not worth taking, interspersed with decent stuff. I can now easily re-stack the ones I don't want as I pick the good pieces. Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pic: Duke on the lookout for Quail!

Hi Patrick, looks like you have been busy getting into the season's festivities.
I guess that the tickets were too big of an attachment to come through on my email server. Thanks for the thought however. I hope that you have a good December and that the open house is a great success. Best, Ann
Hello again, Ann! So sorry to learn that the tickets were not attached. In spite of Deborah's message, bemoaning missing tickets, I believe she downloaded them and simply pretended you had done so as I think she wants to bring another friend along! Give Con Artist Deborah a call and tell her you know about her dirty tricks! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Duke on the lookout for more Quail!

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