Saturday 26 October 2019

Last Main Street Farmers' Market Blues: Saturday, October 26th!

Hello Hedgehog Woman and O Susannah!  Would be wonderful to see you both, to catch up and bid, wildly and erratically, [What has changed?], so please let me know if you are interested and able to attend. We are having a pot-luck dinner. [So far chicken casserole, sushi appetizer and dessert, so more appetizers or a vegetable dish or salad would be appreciated. I'll fill in any menu gaps.] Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar, waiting to stroll down to last Farmers' Market of the season, to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi, Patrick. I would be happy to join you for bridge and contribute to the potluck -- thanks for the invite. Also, I'm not sure if you received my previous email, but I would bring 2 packages for hand-delivery to Chloe.

Regarding the potluck, I am in a huge state of disruption (again) due to a long overdue repainting. But I'll try. I could easily bring (homemade, but from freezer) any or both of . . . dessert platter (Waldorf slice, pumpkin cheesecake squares and apple cake) and macaroni-and-cheese casserole. But I could do simple appies or salad too, if you prefer (or as well).

Regarding bridge, my skills are limited, although halting efforts at improvement are underway . . . tell you more when I see you. To that end, I'm trying to see if I can get Karen to come along as my coach. But you could think of us as "one player." Karen could also be a resource for others (if desired). She's quite good at that -- able to provide objective guidance even having seen others' hands. She is now very accomplished, playing at the local club in Kerrisdale at least once a week, participating in tournaments, etc. At the same time, she is quite good-natured and patient. Let me know about your specific potluck wishes (re: above) and if you have any objection :-) to Karen joining us. Also . . . what time? Thanks, Janet

Hi Hedgehugs! Simply wonderful that both you and Karen will be able to attend. Don't disparage your bridge skills! You are an accomplished player but I'm sure rest of gang will be more than delighted to have Karen's advice. Great that we'll have a chance to see her as it has been quite sometime.

Thanks for generous offer of food. Although we have one dessert already, I know how scrumptious/delicious your baking is so if you would like to put together a smallish platter along with a mac-and-cheese casserole that would be terrific. Latter if your current state of disruption makes things a tad more difficult. Thanks. Yes, I did remember you had mentioned you had something for Chloë so that is very kind. Thanks again.

Must away as we are off to Chloë's place. We enjoyed last regular Farmers' Market, [Three Winter Markets, inside at Shatford Centre, in November and early December, much smaller but still loads of fun.], this morning and will head over to Winnipeg Street shortly. I will use a weed-eater to cut/trim the small patch of grass she has in her tiny back yard and strip at the front, while Lady Dar helps her hang picutres. Close friend Katie, from Vernon, will be down from Vernon, for the night, to help/visit as well. 

Yesterday, Mike, our kitchen contractor, was over to take a look at her basement and we are very pleased that he thinks it will be relatively "easy" to finish the place and turn it into a comfortable suite with fairly large bedroom/living room, bathroom and kitchen with dining nook. Even if she cannot afford appliances at the moment, he will allow/build spots for both a dishwasher and stacking washer/dryer. Also a number of large cupboards for a pantry, storage, etc. First order of the day is that we need to talk to a building inspector to determine if she needs a building permit. I popped into City Hall after meeting and collected a card for one of the inspectors so I'll send him a message, outlining work she has in mind. If no permit or drawings are required, (All internal work but plumbing might well need an inspection.), we hope that work can start in the next few weeks.

Hello to Karen. Looking forward to seeing you both in a few days. I've suggested people can arrive anytime after 5:00 pm but simply come when schedules allow. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Ragin'! Just a quick note to ask you to bring one of your famous Greek salads, if that is fine with you. Rest of menu seems to have fallen into place.  Looking forward to seeing you. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!

Today, went for longest ride since being back. Wind out of the NNW at 30 km/h gusting to 44 km/h although by the time I was headed home I only had the benefit of a tail wind pushing me along at 26 km/h, gusting to 37 km/h. Hadn't been to Crescent Beach, in Summerland, since before my shoulder operation, so it was great to enjoy that route again, in spite of the very strong headwind on outward bound leg. Map and Stats for ride:

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