Saturday 12 October 2019

Long Haul from Paris to Penticton Blues: Saturday, October 12th!

Hello Oregonians! Just a quick note as we are catching our plane this morning, for flight back to Canada. Will certainly make a few inquiries once we are back in Pentcton and let you know what we've discovered. Must away as shower is now free. Fondestos from a towel-wrapped Lady Dar to you both! Stay well. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Moulin Rouge with Penny and Mike, friends from London, on Thursday night; Fabulous Toulous-Lautrec exhibition on Friday and then dinner in Montmarte last night with obligatory onion soup!

Dear Über-less Über People! Sorry to hear about your more than disastrous day. [Not to make light of the suicide, of course. Coincidentally, we were talking about the new barriers, (first experienced, in Paris, by us in 2010), and how much sense they make in terms of safety, etc.] I'm sure traffic was an absolute  nightmare. On the bright side, we'll all take the Seine tour when we rent a place in Montmarte next time! If more demonstrations then, we'll stay in our luxurious flat and drink wine while Madcap works wonders in the kitchen, just having done the daily shopping at the market!

For our part, everything couldn't have gone more smoothly. We were up at just before 6:00 am to shower and do las tminute packing, having done most when we were back after waving goodbye. Our shuttle driver was even fiv eminutes early and a lovely woman who thought I spoke better French than I do. At any rate, I managed to carry on a low-level conversation and before we knew it we were at the terminal. Had to wait for ten minutes or so but then checked in our bags, [well under in weight so no extra fees, thank goodness], and then we went through security. With my three replacements all the alarms go off so I'm used to being "frisked". Almost had a full-body massage this time. Wouldn't have minded, at all, if it had been a svelte young thing thing but more of a gorilla than a gazelle! 

Sent a few messages at departure gate and then we boarded. Watched Gangster Squad and quite enjoyed it as am fond of all the lead actors, [Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Nick Nolte, Emma Stone, Sean Penn], and though it has fairly predictable script is pretty good for a bang-bang action flick. Like the time period, LA after WW II, and based on actual events and characters. Elmore Leonard writes about this so we "know" the milieu and many of the underworld figures, corrupt cops, judges and politicians. In different roles, of course, Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling took a time machine from La-La-Land back to the  past, so to speak. Sean Penn, was a perfect, psycho villain, [I'm sure Madcap would agree!], and the sets and costumes are glorious. Didn't finish Moonlight as I ran out of time. Started The Book Thief but sound was terrible so I switched to The Girl in the Spider's Web but it held no interest for me, after originals which I found as gripping as the books. Lady Dar hasn't seen Moonlight so we'll try to get it on Netflix or Movies on Demand.

Not mucht time to change in Toronto so only had to wait a few minutes to board so I read until system came up and then watched The King's Speech. Had never seen it when it came out so was delighted to catch it, particularly since I love Helena Bonham Carter, [quite a demure role for her], almost as much as I love you, Duhlink, and missed Geoffrey Rush in The Book Thief. Also adore Colin Firth and Derek Jacobi. Anyway, smooth sailing and now are waiting for flight to Penticton. When we dropped our luggage,I went to buy a bowl of soup from Tim Hortons and then Lady Dar took off in search of her own fodder. Just after I sat down,

Shane Koyczan, an ward winning spoken word poet and author, who also lives in Penticton, sat down a few seats away. We "know" him from events at the Penticton Art Gallery and often bump into him at the Farmers' Market, or elsewhere around town. He had been on tour in Atlanta and a couple of other cities in the US and had been without his luggage for three days! It is back in Penticton already. He could certainly sympathize with Lady Dar's lost bag when we landed in Vienna and it did not.

Patrick, You are such a good soul to respond so quickly. How great is it to celebrate life in Paris! We will have to catch up when we are all home. I believe you should have a new grandchild pretty soon - looking forward to hearing the news. Dawn

Hi again, Airstreamers! Just waiting to board, in about half an hour. After finding a seats, I went to look at Duty Free but Single Malt collection is abysmal! Might buy some Pastis as I quite like it and price is only €16. Bought a package of crisps and while I was standingin line I noticed customers had to show their boarding pass for purchase. Thought this was a bit strange so asked the woman behind me if she knew why. She didn't but we continued to chat and it turned out she was from Merrit so I said we were almost neighbours. At any rate, she used my boarding pass for her purchases, [Told her she would have to give me a couple of her designer cookies!], as her husband was looking for Starbucks and had their passes. Guess he didn't find it, [We passed it on way to our departure gate and it is way, way, back. AC's gates are at the very, very, very end of the terminal so we are almost in Toronto before we leave France!], as I saw them descending the escalator to the A/C Lounge. We dream of such VIP privileges! 

We have a close friend who is originally from Merritt, [now living and teaching in Kamloops], so I asked if she knew a family named Gavelin. She didn't as she was originally from Salmon Arm but thought her husband might as his family owns The Quilchena Ranch and I know that Ariane's grandfather was a rancher. I plan on bursting into the A/C Lounge and having a couple of stiff drinks while interrogating!

Must away as will be boarding soon. Fondestos from Lady Dar trying to spend every last € cent before we leave! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lunch at La Robe et Le Palais on Thursday when we met up with Penny and Mike, just having arrived, by Eurostar, from London that morning.

Lovely pics Patrick many thanks. We have had a frustrating day - traffic awful so decided to get metro to Eiffel Tower for boat trip. However on changing trains someone had thrown themselves on line so we came to street level hoping to get bus. No go as streets cordoned off for Rebellion March so we set off walking towards Montmartre abandoning Seine cruise.

After 30 mins we were knackered so had breakfast half way home. Then decided to get metro back. All ok - booked Uber to Gate du nord which was due in 6 mins. 30 mins later he had not arrived and all roads near Ibis blocked off by police ! We had to cancel cab and make our way to Eurostar with heavy case via metro.....Mike is needing another holiday pronto!!

Hope your trip to airport went smoothly and that you had a good flight home.
Great to see you and thanks so much for calendar and hooch. Fondestos as you say! Penny and madcap xxx 

Dear Über-less Über People! Sorry to hear about your more than disastrous day. [Not to make light of the suicide, of course. Coincidentally, we were talking about the new barriers, (first experienced, in Paris, by us in 2010), and how much sense they make in terms of safety, etc.] I'm sure traffic was an absolute nightmare. On the bright side, we'll all take the Seine tour when we rent a place in Montmarte next time! If more demonstrations then, we'll stay in our luxurious flat and drink wine while Madcap works wonders in the kitchen, just having done the daily shopping at the market!

For our part, everything couldn't have gone more smoothly. We were up at just before 6:00 am to shower and do las tminute packing, having done most when we were back after waving goodbye. Our shuttle driver was even fiv eminutes early and a lovely woman who thought I spoke better French than I do. At any rate, I managed to carry on a low-level conversation and before we knew it we were at the terminal. Had to wait for ten minutes or so but then checked in our bags, [well under in weight so no extra fees, thank goodness], and then we went through security. With my three replacements all the alarms go off so I'm used to being "frisked". Almost had a full-body massage this time. Wouldn't have minded, at all, if it had been a svelte young thing thing but more of a gorilla than a gazelle!

Sent a few messages at departure gate and then we boarded. Watched Gangster Squad and quite enjoyed it as am fond of all the lead actors, [Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Nick Nolte, Emma Stone, Sean Penn], and though it has fairly predictable script is pretty good for a bang-bang action flick. Like the time period, LA after WW II, and based on actual events and characters. Elmore Leonard writes about this so we "know" the milieu and many of the underworld figures, corrupt cops, judges and politicians. In different roles, of course, Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling took a time machine from La-La-Land back to the past, so to speak. Sean Penn, was a perfect, psycho villain, [I'm sure Madcap would agree!], and the sets and costumes are glorious. Didn't finish Moonlight as I ran out of time. Started The Book Thief but sound was terrible so I switched to The Girl in the Spider's Web but it held no interest for me, after originals which I found as gripping as the books. Lady Dar hasn't seen Moonlight so we'll try to get it on Netflix or Movies on Demand.

Not mucht time to change in Toronto so only had to wait a few minutes to board so I read until system came up and then watched The King's Speech. Had never seen it when it came out so was delighted to catch it, particularly since I love Helena Bonham Carter, [quite a demure role for her], almost as much as I love you, Duhlink, and missed Geoffrey Rush in The Book Thief. Also adore Colin Firth and Derek Jacobi. Anyway, smooth sailing and now are waiting for flight to Penticton. When we dropped our luggage,I went to buy a bowl of soup from Tim Hortons and then Lady Dar took off in search of her own fodder. Just after I sat down,

Shane Koyczan, an ward winning spoken word poet and author, who also lives in Penticton, sat down a few seats away. We "know" him from events at the Penticton Art Gallery and often bump into him at the Farmers' Market, or elsewhere around town. He had been on tour in Atlanta and a couple of other cities in the US and had been without his luggage for three days! It is back in Penticton already. He could certainly sympathize with Lady Dar's lost bag when we landed in Vienna and it did not.

Anyway, just wanted to say how much we both enjoyed our time together. Too bad is was so short but still a hoot all around. Trust Madcap's ankle wasn't made more painful by all the unexpected walking and "muleage". Hello and best wishes Anna/Mad Max and Lisa, and to Carol as well, on her hip replacement. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: More Moulin Rouge and Mad Cap's Mausoleum!


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