Wednesday 16 October 2019

Physio, Ears Lowered and Crown Re-Attachment Blues: Wednesday, October 16th!

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. -Oscar Wilde, writer (16 Oct 1854-1900)

El Diablo!
Quite a busy morning after I was up, just after 7:00 am. Had a physiotherapy appointment at 9:00 am, at PGH, and then a dental appointment to have a crown glued back into place, at 11:00 am. Before going to the dentist I stopped at PAG to meet with a number of the staff about a having the three electrical boxes on the lawn in front of the gallery wrapped with images from the gallery's permanent collection. Idea came to me almost eight months ago now and it has taken this long to actually pursue it. Have all the paperwork I need and once a couple of possible images are forwarded to me I'll make the rounds of the three or four businesses, here in town, doing such work and come up with some cost estimates to present to the board of PAG and then see what will be involved in fund-raising. Issue is somewhat complicated as City of Penticton owns PAG building as well as the utility boxes so I'm hoping gallery won't have to foot bill.
[Dear American Cousins: We are fighting the same forces of Evil! That about sums it up.....Cactus] Anyway, after I chatted with two of the staff involved in such projects I walked to PDEDC, just a block or so away. While watching a recorded episode of Vera, the night before, a crown on my lower right came off. Fortunately, I didn't swallow it. This morning I phoned the the dentist's office as soon as the office opened and I was given a choice of two time slots the same day. When I arrived I was whisked into one of the cubicles and within minutes my crown was cemented back in place and I was on my way. While I have always been most appreciative of the dental care I receive here I was more than delighted that my crown could be re-affixed in the shortest possible time and with so little discomfort.

Back home to have a bite of lunch and then I suited up to go for a ride, just before 1:00 pm.  AccuWeather indicated it was mostly cloudy, 13º C, with wind straight out of the S at 22 km/h, (Garmin recorded 20 km/h so who knows which system is more accurate!), gusting to 28 km/h, while PenAir reported gusts up to 67 km/r. Actual wind speed, I suppose, was probably somewhere in between, but, nevertheless, pretty ferocious, at times, so quite a battle into the head wind, Dear Reader!

[Orange God and Baby Trump, Andrew Scheer, Conservative Leader!] At any rate, given that leaves everywhere were swirling around like mini-typhoons, I decided I'd start out on my tried and true route regulare, [Ellis to PTC, along Lakeshore and then Riverside], and then back towards the start of the KVR off Pickering. After doing three of the loops between there and Vancouver Ave., I headed up Westminster to explore the streets off it and below Middle Bench Road, making a number of loops on the latter until I was ready to head back to Burns. Saw four deer, already with what looked like heavy winter coats, in the various crescents and cul-de-sacs thereabouts. Was quite pleased that I had "outfoxed" the maddening gusts and steady head wind, as best I could, for most of the ride, and catching the light on Government, sailed down Eckhardt into our back lane shortly before 4:00 pm. Pleased as punch as this was my first 51 km ride since starting back. Hip Hip Hooray!!! Map and Stats for ride:

Extremely high quality care, delivered with professionalism, by all involved, and a smile! While watching a recorded episode of Vera, last night, a crown on my lower right came off. Fortunately, I didn't swallow it. Next morning I phoned the PDEDC as soon as the office opened and I was given a choice of two time slots the same day. When I arrived I was whisked into one of the cubicles and within minutes my crown was cemented back in place and I was on my way. While I have always been most appreciative of the dental care I receive here I was more than delighted that my crown could be re-affixed in the shortest possible time and with so little discomfort. Thanks very much.
Response from Penticton Dentist Enamel Dental Centre Thank you Patrick. Happy to help!

Image: eBay
Hi Patrick and Corinne, Hope you both had a wonderful trip. I have my hip replacement surgery date as Nov 4 which is good but not too soon as I can hardly walk especially afternoon onwards. Therefore I'm not able to do bridge in the evenings. Still able to do biking and a little climbing though getting too cold for climbs and I'm much slower biking now. We plan driving south to Sedona Dec 1 if all goes well with the surgery. Hope to get together next year for bridge. Will drop by sometime before we leave and you are most welcome here before around 4pm. bye for now Gill

Hi Gilliana and Phillipo! Yes, we certainly enjoyed a more than wonderful holiday. Very, very pleased to hear that you now have a date for your hip surgery. I certainly sympathize with your on-going discomfort and trust replacement will end it. In this vein I am to see my orthopaedic surgeon later this morning for a final check-up. Saw my physio on Wednesday and she was pleased that I had retained the degrees of flexibility, [for different stretches], that she had recorded before we left for Europe. [Whenever possible, I did as many as I could while travelling.] Still more stretching to go but at least I'm making progress and not having any of the considerable discomfort I experienced pre-op. Have even been for two rides, [Monday and today], and it felt great to be back in the saddle again, after last ride in early March.

Lady Dar and I are keen to have a visit before your surgery and given your lack of mobility, especially after 4:00 pm, we'd like to invite you for lunch sometime next week, if that might work. [If you would prefer, we could even bring food to your place but you decide which venue would be more comfortable.] We are off to Spirit Ridge on Friday, back on Sunday. From our point of view, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon, of next week, are best. Saturday we plan to help Chloë hang pictures at her new place on Winnipeg. Sunday we are off to Vancouver until the following Thursday. At any rate, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar, at yoga. Cheers, Patrizzio! 
PS: We've been enjoying Spiller firewood since we've been back! Thanks again for supply!!!

Second ride yesterday and managed to knock off my basic distance, by adding in plenty of dipsy-doodles on and around Middle Bench Road. Chloë is coming by shortly to collect Lady Dar who will accompany her to her second birthing class, two and a half hours! All goes well but she is getting tired. Baby plays soccer at night, kicking her tummy, and she has not been sleeping well as a result.

Welcome home again world travelers. Thank you for all your interesting updates and above all keeping bridge going. Monday's work best for me. Just came home from Calgary and ready to start playing on Monday. Jos
Hello Election Night Bidders! It seems that the overwhelming opinion is that Monday is best for most. [Sorry to those Thursday people!] This being the case we will convene, anytime after 6:30 pm. Haven't heard from Carol or Theresa or Susan so please let me know if you will be playing. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Bridge prize: High score gets to form the next federal government! Low score will form opposition!!! Monday it is. See you there. Cheers Mike Great see you Monday Judy Looking forward to it! Chooch

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