Thursday 6 February 2020

Southside Johnny and the Solares Re-jig Blues: Thursday, February 6th!

Mistakes are the portals of discovery. -James Joyce, novelist and poet (2 Feb 1882-1941)

Hi Patrick. I am back and can play bridge if needed on Monday night. I understand you already have four eager players but if two or three more emerge, I am willing. Dianne Welcome Home Guayabitos Goil! Trust you enjoyed every minute of your holiday! I'm hoping that there will be a few others who might wish to play so I'll be in touch once I hear, one way or the other. 

As well, Lady Dar came back from Winnipeg with a more than horrible flu bug. Over last few days she seemed to be feeling better but this morning she is still in bed so I'm not sure if she is still feeling poorly or not. Sometimes, as you well know, these nasty flu bugs take sometime to go away. If nobody else is interested in playing, to make up two tables, and she still isn't feeling all that well, I'm sure she would be delighted to have you play. Anyway, enjoy the snow and look forward to seeing you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Thanks Patrick. My best to Lady Dar..get really well soon. Dianne
Hi again, Lady Di! Thanks. However, will be in touch shortly before actual date as "things" often have a way of changing! Lady Dar is up and about so starting to feel a tad better. Cheers, Patrizzio!

☹๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ฅ The Chaufesse is out of commission: I had an awkward fall yesterday in the Red Cross parking lot the firemen said it sounded I fell like a deer on ice with one leg splaying out behind me. After creating quite an entertaining scene for everyone with firemen on site , a trip to ER , multiple xrays the good news is nothing is broken, just an acute hamstring injury. Weight bearing and getting to and from a sitting position is pretty painful. Drugs are my friend.

I will reread Patrick's emails and take lessons from Corinne's efforts.... so I can whip Ted into shape again as the caregiver, houseboy and chef ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚. Sorry folks....will let you know when I am mobile again. AEB Dear Deer, et al! More than terribly sorry to learn of your nasty fall. Only pleased that you came away without any broken bones or something more serious. In response to your offer of help when you heard about Lady Dar's influenza, I would be more than happy to come over and guide Theodore through Caregiver 101. I'll even waive the normal $1000 fee, empathetic, generous soul that I am! 

As well, I'm happy to make suggestions every competent houseboy, worth his salt , should embrace, as well as a quick course in Eat Well with the Booze of your Choice so that, if program is followed, to the last drop of hootch, complete convalescence, and beyond, is fast tracked to under 24 hours! Are you feeling better yet? Almost forgot, I've plenty of fabulous drugs from all my various replacements so if you run out I can be your connection. I even deliver as Rowan James just received his driver's license and he keeps the getaway car running while I make the delivery and collect the cold, hard cash. No credit or debit cards and no Airmiles, however, as one cannot trust junkies, let alone retired junkies! Tough Love on the Mean Streets of Penticton!

That being said, Lady Di is waiting in the bridge wings to be your understudy.

{Diana is back and I believe available to play if need be. Susan} [Funnily enough, she texted me from the Red Cross parking lot, seconds after the firemen called in the accident, so perhaps you should consider this a "bridge hit"!] I'll leave it to her to decide if she will assume your mantle of Chaufesse and what arrangements she, O Susannah and Lady Dar will make to transport themselves to Summerlandia! Until I knock on your door, ready to tell you and Theodore what to do, when and how, I remain, ever at your service, Busybody Boy, aka, Patrizzio! Cheers!!!

Hi all....I am happy to drive if Anne cannot go...or Susan may prefer to? Sorry about your fall Anne. So easy to do...I broke my arm two years ago January ...slipping on ice. Feel better soon. Dianne Hi again, Lady Di! Thanks for offering to drive The Sisterhood. I'll let you and O Susannah decide who will actually chauffeur. Lady Dar thanks you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Apparently Hamstrung Woman insists on paying for gas as she feels so badly for inconveniencing everyone! No pay....but thanks. Dianne.Mmmmm....I may be a bit groggy on pain med but pretty sure I am not hallucinating re the gas money ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ AEB I am confused (duh). Is Ann still playing, but not driving, or is she out on the injury list? Who are the players going to Summerland? Susan

Dear "It was clear as mud/And it covered the ground" People! First and foremost, I apologize for teasing poor Ann, after her nasty fall, and then that my exaggerations seem to have confused O Susannah. To put the Summerland matter to rest, Dianne, Susan and Lady Dar will be making the trek there but, as of this writing, I gather it has not been decided who will drive now that Ann is unable to play. I trust this clarifies the situation. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thanks Patrick, The latest...Susan will pick up Corinne at 6:30 and come for me. If lots of snow we transfer to my car....if lots of fresh snow we need to reassess as Summerland not known for efficient snow removal on it's hills. Dianne Hi Patrick. I made a mistake. Susan will pick up Corinne at 6pm not 6:30. Dianne Hi again, The Sisterhood! Lady Dar will be waiting at 6:00 pm! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

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