Wednesday 28 March 2018

Putting All My Dental and Financial Ducks In a Row Blues: Wednesday, March 28th!

The man who is denied the opportunity of taking decisions of importance begins to regard as important the decisions he is allowed to take. -C. Northcote Parkinson, author and historian (1909-1993)

Hi, Patrick and Corinne: Thank you both for your replies to my email concerning Canada Day. Yes, I had anticipated that Patrick would not be around. I am STILL waiting though to hear further details of the prospective European trip, as it is such a wonderful length of time -- you must have some great adventures planned. Where will you be going? If Poland is involved, let me know, as I have really great contacts there. For my part, I am contemplating various travel options for the fall and really enjoying the fact of not having to parse out limited vacation time (though I never had any complaints about my vacation quota, at VPL or in previous employment).

And Corinne . . . I know that the wedding gig and other endeavours keep you very busy (a model for active living in retirement!). There are others who similarly can't say quite yet. . . mid -June should be fine for a clear indication one way or another. I've had enough affirmative answers that I've been able to make the booking and pay the deposit. But fingers crossed, as it would be lovely if you could manage it. I mentioned a few VPLers who will be there, almost all now retired, but I forgot about Susan Pendakur (and Sri) though I don't know if you knew Susan very well during your VPL days. Easter is this weekend, and since it's on April 1st, I'll then be able to say that I am retiring next month -- May -- or at least, ending my VPL working days (no going onto the auxiliary list for me!)

I think the end-date will be moved slightly back though (only by a couple of days) as I unexpectedly will be taking a bit of vacation time next week. Mum and I are travelling to Lethbridge to attend the memorial service for a long-time family friend who died on Friday night -- Diana Williams. She and her physician husband, Eric, who are closer to Mum in age than to me, were very kind during the two years that I spent in Lethbridge. They made many trips to Vancouver thereafter, always staying with Mum, before Diana's dementia progressed. Eric is still around and as far as I know, is cognitively well. Diana's passing is a "sad/glad" as my mother says, but I do feel quite a sense of loss. It will be good to attend the gathering and celebrate her life, and to spend time with Eric. He phoned Mum this morning and apparently is over the moon that we are coming. We had not planned to stay at his house, thinking that this might not be a good time, but he is absolutely insisting on it.

James (my POUS = Person of Uncertain Status) is likely retiring soon too. Actually, he was forced to retire from Air Canada when he reached the then-mandatory Air Canada retirement age of 60 (six years ago). He has had a number of contract flying jobs since, with small operators, and also done some non-flying work. A few of his gigs have been based in Vancouver, but he has mostly been living in Lethbridge, where he owns a house. As an Air Canada retiree, he gets free passes, though, and can fly as a "con" (contingency passenger). He has been out here many, many times and always at short-notice, with the possibility that it might not work out -- he could be bumped in favour paying passengers (imagine that!) This is good for me, as it stretches my "relax and take things as they come" muscle. But it usually does work out -- occasionally there is a delay of several hours. I don't really mind this arrangement, as he visits so frequently. And in totality, I probably get to spend more time with him, as he stays with me when he visits -- it's different than getting together for several hours once or twice a week. 

His most recent visit has just finished -- in fact, I dropped him off at YVR early this morning . He is off to what he is thinking will be his final flying job (fire detection, flying with a spotter). It's based in La Ronge, Saskatchewan, so its pretty remote, but it seems that the accommodations are at a hunting and fishing lodge with an adjacent golf course. He seems to have a positive view of the whole thing -- he's also pleased that it doesn't involve passengers and loading luggage and cargo, as the pilots do most of that at the small airlines. It's a 4-month contract, so will be quite awhile until I see him again, as there are no passenger flights out of La Ronge. Well, there is Skype and Face Time!

I am working late shift today, so have to wind this up. Best wishes for Europe, Patrick, and look forward to hearing from you about Canada Day in due course, Corinne. Hedgehugs,  Janet
Hedgehugs!Thanks for the news filled message, POUS and all! Loved your signoff! Sadly, probably won't have any time to devour Purdy's chocolate hedgehogs as I'm flying to Paris too, too soon, as you know! My second guided bike trip ends in Krakow on June 10th, so if you feel comfortable, I'm happy to have any of your contacts. Much appreciated whatever turns out. Happy Easter Egg Hunting, Janet! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Map and Stats for ride:

Map and Stats for ride, (after Garmin outtage!):

Hi Corinne and Patricio—I really enjoyed our lunch out yesterday, Corinne. Thanks for coming out with me. When are you leaving for your bike bike adventure, Patricio? We’d like to have you over for a bit of a send-off dinner in Naramata if we can find a mutually-agreeable date. What’s your schedule look like after your back from your Easter celebrations? Let us know. Cheers, Lynnie
P.S. Hope the Easter Bunny finds you in your alternate digs!
 Hi Lynne We are back Monday and have bridge Wednesday. Next weekend is totally free. Lunch was fun, Thanks so much, Hugs Corinne  

Hello Naramatians! Thank you for the lovely invitation, Lynne. I know Lady Dar has already replied but I wanted to say hello as well. My flight to Paris is on Monday, April 16th, but I will probably go into Vancouver for the weekend as ChloĆ« is driving in to spend time with friends there. Can barely fathom the fact that this is but a little over two weeks away and I shudder to think of all the things I have to accomplish, here on Burns, before then, let alone pack carefully for three months on the road, one of which will entail living out of two bike panniers. A week or so ago I was able to confirm when I will collect my bike in Chabeuil, a tiny village about two hours southeast of Lyon, where friends, Rosemary and Andre have kindly stored it since 2013. 

Am now endeavouring to let other friends in both England and Europe about my travel plans. Since Rosemary and Andre will not be in Chabeuil until the end of April I have decided to travel to Cornwall and then London before returning to France to collect my bike. Then on to Berne, Vienna and Prague before my first bike trip begins in the Czech Republic, in Brno, Moravia, wine-country, on May 16th. If it's Tuesday it must be Belgium! Look forward to seeing you both soon. Thanks again and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear friends and family, It has been 1 month and a day since Ted has left us. It is still so difficult to believe that we will not see him walk through our door. We
know that everyone who has ever met Ted feels so blessed that he was part of their lives and will miss him dearly. We know this because of the outpouring of love and support we have received over these difficult months.

We want to thank all of you who have shared memories of Ted, sent flowers, cards and hugs, the many phone calls, and the numerous meals that we are still enjoying. And a special thanks to those who went on the daily walks with Ted to the coffee shop rain or shine, to those who came to just sit with Ted while he slept or watched a game and to all of you who came from afar to visit with Ted or to attend Ted's celebration of life. We would like to share with you the video tribute that was shown at the celebration of Ted's life. You can view the video on the following link: There is also an audio link of Ted's celebration of life on the following link: 

With love and great appreciation, Elaine, Kristina, Stephanie, Laura

Hi Fartograms, If you are planning to come tomorrow would you please send Bill Therriault and/or me a reply that you are coming. To make it easy you can press "Reply to all" and say "I'll be there"! Then we know the amount of interest and the count! Thanks! Mt Everest Bill and Grandpa Aarturo 

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