Friday 6 April 2018

Raised Planter Renovation Blues: Friday, April 6th!

Conscience is a dog that does not stop us from passing but that we cannot prevent from barking. -Nicolas de Chamfort, writer (6 Apr 1741-1794) 

Hi Pat I will check out your video recommendations thank you. My deprived existence is without a land line, and without TV Cable or PVR. I am stuck with only what I can catch streaming via You Tube or Netflix on a 10 year old TV set. I am so deprived!!!! I get it from my phone/tablet to my TV via a little device called a Chrome Cast. Of course I should have joined the Apple universe long ago--the perils of using Korean devices instead of Chinese. J Hi Self-Deprived Zircon! Nothing worse than someone who whines about a bridge partner or self-imposed penury! Sorry, Bub, no sympathy from this corner! However, I'm sure you'll be more than pleased to know that your favourite Burns Street inhabitant seems to be getting better each day. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Dear Patrizio--Thanks for the lovely Easter card. Very pretty! Can we hope that the renewal and reawakening it portrayed will ever really occur? Cheers for now,
Lynnie  P.S. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Hi Patrick, We hope Corinne recovers for dinner on Tuesday. We’re driving to Vancouver today for Byron’s 70th birthday dinner, home tomorrow. Cheers, Peter 

Hi Lynne and Peter! Glad you enjoyed the Easter card, Lynne! Cannot speak to the general renewal and awakening portrayed BUT virtually all our garlic, planted in November, [The grandchildren of your bulbs!], is pushing up lovely green shoots, so perhaps we can begin to hope for a glimmer of Spring warmth. Will take advantage of today's "temporary lull" in precipitation to replace the retaining walls of the first planter we set up. I picked up the notched, brick corners and required planking yesterday so all I need do is supervise Lady Dar as she does all the bull work! 
Poor dear is still not feeling very well but with a strict regimen of hard, invigorating work in the crisp, fresh air, her full recovery is guaranteed, so please set a place for her on Tuesday. One for Chloë, as well, as she is delighted to accept your generous invitation. Thanks.Travel safely to and from Vancouver and please pass along congratulations and best wishes to Byron on the occasion of his 70th. Hello to Anne, as well, of course. Will be in touch before Tuesday. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick—Good to hear that Corinne is feeling better although I did not know that she was under the weather. What ailed her? Also good to hear that all of you are looking forward to dinner with us on Tuesday. See you then. Cheers 🥂 Lynne Hi Lynne: Lady Dar came down with a nasty flu bug which then translated itself in a very sore throat and horrid cough. She seems to be getting better each day. Around noon I started working on the raised planter and removed all the the crushed rock and small paving blocks around it so that I could set up the new frame around the existing planter. Once I did this I went back inside to ask Lady Dar if she was well enough to transplant a few herbs that were close to the edges as I needed to remove the earth where they sat. She said she would so I suited up and went for a ride, taking advantage of the "dry" weather. 

I was back at by just after 5:00 pm and then returned to level the new sides. Was very pleased with how easily things went and once I'd three sides where I wanted them I started shoveling the earth into the new space towards the front of the house. This then allowed me to put the frame parallel to the concrete foundation for the fence between us our neighbour's house. This also went well so I only had to redistribute the earth I'd just moved. Also "stole" some from the other planter as it is fuller than it needs to be. Really pleased with result and will work on replacing pavers around the planters as weather allows. Their flat surfaces are far easier to walk on when watering or otherwise tending the plants.

Must away as we are having Lady Dar's famous pizza for dinner and they are waiting for me to slice them up, using a cleaver we bought in China Town when we were still in Library School! Fondestos from the Penticton Patient, switching from cough medicine to a 2015 Township 7 Merlot, 13.9%, apparently on the road to recovery with a new prescription. I want to change doctors! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: New planter and Eyes Wide Closed Supervisor! Etta and Duke watching neighbours! Good boy Patrick

Hello Friends, As you may know, Jim French and undersigned sing in the infamous Tune-Agers choir. The Tune-Agers are the oldest choir in Penticton, in existence over 40 years! We are now under a young new director Nick Kelly, who is not just a director but also a recognized composer. I.e. the average age of the Tune-Agers is going down and the repertoir with it! This is your chance to see the deeper seated talents of the Old Farts .... we can climb a mountain as well as sing on the summit, provided we have breath left! Shaw TV just recorded a nice video with some interviews to give you an idea of who we are (if you do not know this already): <> Jim and I would love to see you there. Cheers, Aart Dronkers
Hi Aarturo! I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend the next Tune Agers concert. As I think you know, I fly to Paris on April 16th and will be going into Vancouver the weekend before. All the very best, to my bridge partner and her singing amore! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi, Please review shared documents. Hi Herb! For some reason I received this! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, This was not in error. Please view details below. Hi again Herb! After I signed in this is the message I received: "Thanks for using DocuSign. After all recipients finish signing, you will receive an email with a link to the document." Am I to review a document as I've seen nothing so far. Please advise. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Left the house around 2:15 am, deciding I'd just do a basic "maintenance" ride, following my tried and true route from Penticton Tennis Club, along Lakeshore and then Riverside. Then I hunkered down for the Power/Dynes/Westminster Loop where I became a Flying Gerbil on a hamster wheel until I had the distance I wanted before heading home. Cheers. Map and Stats for ride:

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