Monday 30 April 2018

South Kensington Sir James Blues: Monday, April 30th!

I learn that ten percent of all the world's species are parasitic insects. It is hard to believe. What if you were an inventor, and you made ten percent of your inventions in such a way that they could only work by harnessing, disfiguring, or totally destroying the other ninety percent? -Annie Dillard, author (b. 30 Apr 1945) 

Had a brief chat with Mike this morning just before he left for work at 7:30 am this morning. Said it was back to the heavy jacket as very strong winds and heavy rains are forecast for most of the day, [weather warnings in some areas], and I apologized for bringing the Arctic blasts and temperatures from Canada! 

He chuckled as he headed out the door but I will have to dress reasonably warmly myself as I'm heading into London later this morning to meet Jamie for a hello/goodbye visit before he makes for a rehearsal for an amateur musical production, [Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat], he is singing in, a month or so from now. Penny had a fire in the living room last night as it really was chilly yesterday as well. Didn't rain but wind was cutting. Only 6º C, all day, with wind out of the NNW at 32 kph so I'm glad I'm not biking!

Hello to my Favourite Stanwickians! Thank you both, from the very bottom of my heart, for such a marvellous, marvellous weekend. Your generosity knows no limits and it was more than wonderful to see and stay in your your lovely, lovely home and meet Marilyn over the course of a Michelin Five Star meal! The narrow boat outing was the topping on the Panna Cotta but the visits to Althorp and the pubs were close behind. Thank you, as well, for driving me to Beford. Trip to Luton went quickly and I caught a train with ten minutes to spare. 

Again, to see you both and spend such a truly companionable time together was such a gift. Only wish that Lady Dar had been able to share this as well. Next time! I trust your pregnancy continues to go well, Nicolena and we look forward to hearing how Pattrizzio Junior takes good care of you! Fond regards to Marilyn. Take care of each other. Stay well. Fondest of Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Wow, she is a gem. So you can't even stay there though  no one is in town?
She never impressed me. What a narcissistic thing to write...better plans, so sorry to leave you in the lurch 96 hours upon arrival Lol Hi Tinsel Town: Don't be so quick to condemn! 

Great to hear from you, Patrick😊 l'm so glad that you are enjoying your trip! l'm doing well, l've just had a wonderful evening with my son, David. He is such a gift in my life, l must say l will be back from my trip on the evening of 11th. lf you are still in Switzerland - l'd love to see you and you are absolutly welcome to stay with me or at Stefan's. l promise this time l'll be around. LOL! l'll give you my cell number for just in case Enjoy your trip through Europe - and hope to see you soon😊 love, Nao Sorry, still not impressed...but I know you'll be fine regardless.

Have had a great couple of days in Vancouver. Friday had supper with Catherine near their penthouse. Saturday morning had a good breakfast with Elaine and a good catch-up. Then went to Granville Island to meet up with couple whom I’m marrying May 26. Then downtown for some shopping and to meet up with Agneta, Phil and Dianne at restaurant above Lonsdale Quay. Took seabus over. After dinner back to Phil’s for a glass of wine. As others had to get home before dark, got the Seabus back at 9 and then cabbed to Matt’s 70th birthday party of cake and champagne. Got a lift back to Elaine’s and was in bed by 1am.

Up next morning by 9 some more visiting with Elaine and her cousin who is visiting from Winnipeg. Then Robyn picked me up for 11 am service at St. Paul’s. After service went to Trinity-Grace United soulful brunch in a pub. Topic was Anger.

Then Robyn dropped me off at Harbour Terrace and I got settled in at Joanne’s then walk over to Granville Island to buy wine and snacks for book club
Tonight at Catherine’s it is my turn to do food etc. Sarge cooked a lovely dinner when Joanne and I went down around 5. Steve and Kathleen are renting Joanne’s place for June and July when Joanne goes to Italy where her son in law is playing baseball. Joanne still asleep. She has hurt her back and in pain. Plan to walk up to Broadway and poke around. Talked to Pam last night didn’t realize
That she and Greg were here in Vancouver. Will have gluten free muffins Elaine made me for breakfast. Sorry no cash here to help you Patrick. But lots of love to all, Cora Lee 

Hello My Darling! I'm more than pleased to receive such an extended message from you. It reminds me of the letters you once wrote when I was at UBC and you were still in Winnipeg! I never imagined I'd see the like again. No never matter, Life is grand as I trust is yours. Must away as I have to pack as well as make sandwiches for tomorrow's Eurostar to Valence with Andre. All my love, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: From today! Piccadilly and Jamie at South Kensington; Inca and Mad Max with cartoon he drew at school; Mary, neighbour, with gang! At the end of a fabulous dinner, courtesy of Madcap, tonight!

Pat, so good hearing from you and knowing you well in GB. No worries with timetable. You just call, when you know more. I'll be off for Italy from 9th or 10th till 13th May. Otherwise home and keen on meeting you! All the best*Fiona
Hello my Darling Fiona! Thank you for being so flexible. Given everyone's busy schedule I might just be staying in your "guest room", if it still available, given that your parents and Famiglia Rothenbühler are so insensitivo to the needs of Canadian Freeloaders! I will certainly be in touch as soon as I know my own schedule. Thank you for being so hospitable, dearest Fiona! Stay well, Fiona. Fondestos and Cheers, Your Favourite, Host Father, Patrizzio! That‘s great! Just give me a call!

Dear Signe! It was more than a delight to chat with you after the wonderful organ recital by Ian Shaw and David Pearson. Thank you for informing me about the history of St Mary Abchurch and the ongoing activities of the Friends of the City Churches. I trust our paths will cross again in the not too, too, distant future. Until then, stay well. All the best. Cheer, Patrick Dunn, close friend of Jamie Gairdner. Pics: Organ Recital and grandson of my hosts, Maxl

Hello Darling Pénélope! Just a quick message to send along some of the snaps from earlier today with Anna and the fabulous dinner, courtesy of Madcap, tonight! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Inca and Mad Max with cartoon he drew at school; Mary with gang! 

Hi Patrick, arriving late weekend of 15-17 June will work fine and also staying all week (after) as it suits you. Also the week before is perfectly fine, On Saturday 23rd we will probably participate in an Open Water swim in a river near Randers. In the evening og June 23rd it is midsummer feast, Sct. Hans, with bonfires on the beach. On June 24 I am on duty, and have to be at the hospital 0800-1400 hrs and on-call the rest of the day until next morning.  It now turns out, that Hans is not around Aarhus for the whole weekend June-15-17, probably he can drop by some of the following nights to say hello, though. 
Summed up: plan according to how your other contacts can receive you, I'll be around and work weekdays, but I might be able to take hours or days off , if I know your plans some time in advance. You are welcome to go and stay as it suits you. Have a safe travel to France!! XO Margareta

Hello Open Water Woman! Sorry to take so long to reply but life has been hectic, but very good, last few days. Lovely to hear from you and thanks for being so accommodating about my visit/stay. As I mentioned, I'm happy to be by myself when you are working, etc., so we''l just play things by ear.  

I'm currently working on arranging things with my friends in Switzerland and then I'll turn to Poland and the connections my friend, Janet, in Vancouver, very kindly provided me with. She retires this June but unfortunately, for me, I won't be able to attend the party. Lady Dar will try to go if weddings do not prevent her from so doing. When I have more of an idea about visits in Krakow and Warsaw I'll be able to tell you about a probable date for Denmark. I already know that a stay in Hamburg won't be possible so I hope you haven't made any changes to your schedule as I mentioned meeting there, earlier. Thanks again, Maggster! Fondestos to you, my Darling Dottore. Cheers, Patrizzio!



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