Sunday 20 January 2019

Lazy, Lazy Black Cat/Bengal & Super Blood Moon Blues: Sunday, January 20th!

As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death. -Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) 

Up at close to  6:00 am when Duke started to scratch the carpet, his signal that it was time to go out. He headed for the front door as soon as I opened it while Miss Etta waited for her small helping of wet food. I dired a few of last night's dishes while I waited for her to finish eating and then I let her out, having to open the patio door for The Bengal Princess. Shut the Rumpus Room door on my way back to bed so that both felines could come inside but not into the bedroom. Didn't want El Diablo jumping on me at 7:00 am. In fact, I was able to sleep in until 8:30 am when I let them both back in again. Seem as if I've finally managed to figure out best way to have an almost uninterrupted sleep!

Patrick James Dunn Happy New Year Nao! How are you? Sorry we didn't connect this past May. Snowshoeing now! This past Sunday, to see lunar eclipse. Cheers!
Hi Patrick, We went to a Robert Bateman presentation on Saturday & I found him quite fascinating. Robert can you believe it is 89 yrs. old and put on a presentation for 1 ½ hrs. on his incredible life. The web site below is a trip he went on with his Univ. buddy when he was 24. They bought a Land rover and travelled across Europe for a year. Anyways he made me think of you in that you have had so many incredible trips you too could put on presentations of your trips for seniors. You are a great story teller, funny, articulate with hundreds of pictures. There are so many seniors that have not travelled, you would be making a wonderful contribution to society. Just Looked outside with John it is now 10:30 to see a lunar eclipse quite amazing. Love, Jean

Hi Jean! Thanks very much for video clip on Robert Bateman and companion. Quite a story. Thanks as well for comparing me to him but you are far too, too kind. At any rate, I enjoyed watching the lunar eclipse while snowshoeing last night with about 14 of the hiking gang. Magical indeed, as you say. Good friend, Aarturos, along as well, managed to obtain some really terrific shots of the eclipse, [My lens is simply not powerful enough.], so I have attached them. Fondestos to John and much love to you, Jean. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Aarturos' snapolas from last night; I'm in blue!

Hi Patrick do you want me to pick you up on the way down? Lou Yes, thanks!  Luigi, along with Graeme, another hiker form Naramatia, collected me and over the course of hike and drive, to and from Apex, had a chance to chat with a most interesting young woman, Ella Branden. She and her husband, Alec Hill, and four year old, moved to Penticton about a year ago, and live fairly close to Library, I gather. They met doing graduate work in Astronomy at the University of Wisconsin and he is now working at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, so they know Antonio and the other couple whose name I cannot remember, even though I saw them at Shoplifters last Thursday. 

Ella is tutoring for Martina at 360 and also helps out Al Tinka, managing the extensive orchard on his property. Her parents lived on acreage, and still do, in Washington State, and she always helped around the farm. She designed and built a chicken coop and run, (mostly from recycled materials), here in town and her hens lay about three eggs a day. She is also quite a gardener and mentioned that she had had great success with fermented cukes last year, using large clay urns similar to ones we have. One uses salt brine instead of vinegar and I'd like to try this next summer so we need to be on look-out for seedlings at the Farmer's Market. Whole family are bikers so hope to ride with Ella at some point.

Nice photos Patrick! We saw a spectacular full prairie moon rise above the horizon last evening! Mother nature’s unbeatable show! Cheers, Tim Hi Edmontonians! Glad you enjoyed album but missed you both on the wonderful snowshoe outing. [Aarturos managed to obtain some really terrific shots of the eclipse.] However, pleased you could enjoy the full prairie moon rise. I'm sure it was quite a sight! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Ella! Just a test message to see if I have your correct address. Lovely to meet you this evening. I'll send along album tomorrow but too, too sleepy now to edit. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick- It’s me. You have the right email. It was a pleasure to meet you and spend a beautiful evening meandering through the woods, conversing with so many pleasant folk! Have a wonderful Monday.
Cheers, -Ella

Hi OF's, Spectacular clear sky snowshoe yesterday night starting from the snowflake parking lot (Nickel Plate Lake area). Click on the link to see how much fun we had and how beautiful the moon was: Thank you all for coming and sharing this miracle! Aart Dronkers

A few very sub-standard shots from another memorable trip. Al  <>

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