Monday 7 January 2019

Mount Conkle and Hiking Boots Blues: Monday, January 7th!

You cannot begin to preserve any species of animal unless you preserve the habitat in which it dwells. Disturb or destroy that habitat and you will exterminate the species as surely as if you had shot it. So conservation means that you have to preserve forest and grassland, river and lake, even the sea itself. This is not only vital for the preservation of animal life generally, but for the future existence of man himself -- a point that seems to escape many people. -Gerald Durrell, naturalist and author (7 Jan 1925-1995)

Hello Mount Conkle Climbers! What a simply glorious outing so thanks to those who organized and led trek. Too, too bad that Garlic Man could not have spent more time with us but it was a delight to see him, if only for a short, if odoriferous time! Many thanks as well to The Red Baron and Tall Timber for making sure that I made my way safely on return leg. A great outing with great companions, one and all. What an auspicious start to a new year of hiking. Until next we meet or cleat, Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello One-Tablers, et al! Lovely evening and some very well bid and played hands. Bravo! Consensus seems to be that Monday evening works well for most people so for the time being we'll play then. Josinta has very kindly offered to host next week so Pentictonites let me know if you are playing and would like to car pool. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Duke presides over The Sisterhood! Lady Dar's new colour coordinated salad bowl! A bridge prize when she returns!!!

Thanks Patrick. I would like to play next Monday. I can drive Susan and I or join with you and maybe Judy? Depends on the weather ie..snow☃ Dianne Hi Diannnnnnnna! Great! You are first to reply so as soon as I have a better sense of who is on I'll be in touch. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Anglican Church Summerland: This is where we play next Tuesday fom 12.45 -4pm. Cost 4 Cdn.

We will talk strategy Monday before, and thank you for hosting.Beautiful bowl Corinne, and I loved the pictures of your place away from home. Enjoy it, the snow just started falling... Cheers, Jos Hello Vicar! Am I the New Olly? If so I'll ask Lady dar to ask Olga Polga to pay for me while she is away! Are you planning on snowshoeing on Thursday? Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick and all....Ann here I can play Monday evening and don't mind driving at all...comfy seats for 3 others....not so comfy seats for 2 others if we flip up the 3rd row of seats. ♠️♥️♦️♣️ Hi Ann! Thanks for generous offer. Once I hear from Judy Blue I'll be in touch. Cheers, Patrizzio! 
[My plant! Chloë] Hi Patrizzio: Glad you were able to have a good ride. Enjoy your hike today. We return on January 20th. As for the book club. At the last one we decided on setting a meeting for the middle of February. I could send out a with 3 or 4 dates and see who can make what. I will do that if you like. We could put in Monday the 11th and 18th and Thursday the 14th and 21st. Will you host it?

Also we didn't decide on a book. Suggestions were "The Milkman" by Anna Burns, "Transcription" by Kate Atkinson and "Becoming" by Michelle Obama. All look interesting. How about you send out an e-mail in regards to what book and hosting. I wil do the today so we can get a date. You can mention that in your e-mail to people - check out invite. Dame Judith
Hi Patrick. I sent out the however I do not have an invite for Aart's wife. Nor do I know her name. Could you supply that to me. Thanks Dame Judith

[Happy New Year to all. It's time to set up the next meeting of our book club. We decided to hold it sometime in the middle of February. Here are a few dates to choose from. Please select your availability and I will tally the poll and come up with our next date. Dame Judith] 

Hi Dame Judith! Thanks again for organizing the SOWTS ticket for Stormin'. Much appreciated! On the book club front, thanks for dipsy-doodling the date. [Jos Dronkers, nicknamed Josinta, by me, given name, Josefa. Here is her email one I just learned of recently as beforehand she and Aarturos shared an address!] Much appreciated, again. I suppose you are the natural Book Club Secretary, along with your similar duties at SOWTS! I will send out another message asking everyone to vote on the three books you mentioned, making an executive decision to limit choice to these so that we can move along with obtaining book, etc. 

Forecast for today is mostly sunny, temperature hovering between 32º-38º C, so perfect weather for trekking up Mount Conkle. Happy beaching and patio partying. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Poinsettia Cats this morning!

Hello Bibliofiends! You will already have seen Dame Judith's invitation to suggest possible meeting dates. Please let her know your preference as soon as possible. For my part I'm putting forward the three titles suggested so far: Milkman, by Anna Burns, Transcription, by Kate Atkinson and Becoming by Michelle Obama. By my executive decision, choice will be limited to these three works so please vote, let me know and I'll tally winner and inform group. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick.  My vote is Transcription by Kate Atkinson.  Thanks.  Dianne
Good Morning Parizzio and Lady Dar: HAPPY NEW YEAR……………..HOPE IT’S GOING WELL. I just replied to Judy via meeting date and book titles…………… and didn’t see your email here. My choice would be “Becoming” by Michelle Obama. I will be in Penticton today…………have an eye exam at 11:00…………… if you are home I will pop in after lunch. I’ll give you a call as well ok. Hugs from Von Bingen 😊 Hi Patrick and Corrin: I’m just reading emails…………..and Corrin I’m not sure I’m on YOUR email list. I can’t recall getting one from you regarding dates. Could you resent to me please. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH……..😊 

I didn’t see the invitation for meeting dates but would like to vote for Michelle Obama’s 📖. Becoming is my vote ;) Hi Dame Judith! Perhaps you should resend doodle to Louise. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! I will resend but she definitely was on the first mail out  Michelle  I’m for milkman, then becoming finally transcription. Lou My book choices in this order are: The Milkman Becoming Transcription Hi guys, This is a tough one as I would like to tackle all three, so no preference as they all intrigue me. Colin Arr OK 1 Transcription 2 The Milkman 3 Becoming. Colin

Next book will be? Can I have the envelope please! Hello again, Dipsy-Doodlers! Trust the suspense is killing everyone! As of this writing Michelle Obama's Becoming has four votes, Transcription and Milkman two apiece so I rule that Becoming be our next choice. As most of you know, I believe, Lady Dar is in Mexico and is just finishing up Michelle's book and she will discuss it with a group of women in LA when she is there for a week, in March, after leaving La Peñita. Dame Judith will be in touch about date of meeting once all the replies are in. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Sounds great Patrizzio……….I Will get the book Becoming………..Will stop in next time I’m in Penticton ok. …..Have a great day. 😊 Hi Von Bingen! Did you stop by yesterday? If so, sorry I wasn't around as I was out with group on Mount Conkle. What a simply wonderful hike. Weather was extraordinary as you know. Only thing missing was you! I understand that with your medical appointment you couldn't join in. Next time, I trust.

Did Lady Dar reply? However, not sure which list you are referring to as Dame Judith is one who sent out Doddle invitation. At any rate, give me shout next time you know you'll be in Penticton. I'll probably be home unless I'm hiking or snowshoeing so I'd love to see you. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Patrick & Corinne, Happy New Year! Well, sounds as if you keep busy despite some major reconstructions! I had no idea that shoulders could also be replaced. Was aware of hips and knees and even thumbs but....well, why not. Aren't we fortunate to live in this era where such things are possible. Wish you well and a speedy recovery though I know the surgery won't happen for couple of months yet.

All is fine in this household. We've had little to no snow this season which suits me just fine though I am sure we will eventually feel the effects of winter. We've had a bit of snow but mostly just a dusting which doesn't even involve a shovel. How nice for Corinne to be spending the winter months in somewhat warmer climes. We've debated becoming snowbirds and spending the winter in Florida as many of our friends do but really don't think we'd like to be away for such a long stretch. A couple of weeks in a resort seems to suit just fine at this point which we will do in February when we meet up with our daughter and family as well as her in-laws. 
 In late August I have just booked a trip to the Scandinavian countries and that will be about it for this year other than my yearly trek to Edmonton to see Mom and brothers. No doubt somewhere in there will be a jaunt to New Jersey where Lynsey lives but nothing firmly in place at the moment as those trips tend to be more last minute type plans. Keep well and best wishes for great success with the shoulder replacement. Roma & Leonard

Hi Roma and Leonard! Thanks for the good wishes on my coming shoulder replacement. Yes, indeed, I feel extremely fortunate to be able to have access to such medical procedures. Pleased to learn all goes well. Scandinavia sounds lovely. For our part we are flying to Vienna at the end of August and will travel with close friends, Flamin' and Sarge for three weeks, ending up in Dubrovnik. They return home, via Rome, from there, but we plan to make our way to Denmark, after that  so perhaps our paths will cross there! Fondestos to you, Roma, and Leonard. Stay well and travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio
Hi all, This week, we will tackle the Three Bears, hoping that there is ample snow.  We will: -meet at 0900 at Home Hardware north parking lot (0840 at IGA in Summerland. -carpool and drive to the Snowflake parking lot -snowshoe in the area of the Vista, Snowflake, and the Three Bears.  We can make it as easy or difficult as we wish. -find a place for debriefing and refreshment after.
Again, I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you intend to join us.  Many thanks.

One more small matter… has been a considerable time since I last cleaned up my contact list.  So, here goes. Let me know if you would like to remain on the Thursday list.  I will wait about 3 or 4 weeks before I tidy up the list, so you have some time.  At the end of that period, I will leave on the list those who have said they wish to remain, and other names will be deleted. Thanks for your attention to this! Cheers, Jim

Hi James! Trust you are well. We enjoyed a wonderful "snow" hike yesterday, up Conkle. I would like to remain on Thursday list. Thanks. As well, I would like to join group this Thursday but am concerned, as a rank novice, that outing might well be too difficult for me. Please advise as I would appreciate your frank opinion. I certainly do not wish to be a burden or spoil day for anyone. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Patrick, You can do as much or as little of this snowshoe as you wish. Also, Al might be coming, and he says he will be the slow one and probably keep to an easier route. Cheers, Jim Thanks Sir James! See you on Thursday. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Fartograms, Happy New Year! You may have received a similar note from Jim French, apologize for the duplication, but the lists contain many of the same names. The distribution lists are becoming too big. In fact, for a while now, my email server does not allow me to sent an email to 123 people for the Monday hikes! So, we need to clean up the list, both for Thursday and Monday, but we want to give everybody the option to participate in our hikes. Please let me know if you would like to remain on the Monday list.
Like Jim, I will wait until end of January before I tidy up the list, so you have some time. After that, I will leave on the list those who have said they wish to remain, and other names will be deleted. Please consider the following (for the Thursday as well as Monday hikes): If you, in essence, do not hike with us (anymore), we kindly ask your permission to remove your name from the list (i.e. please do not reply). If for whatever reason you would want to hike with us again, you can always send us (anyone you know) an email. Thanks for your help 😀😀! Hi Aarturos! Trust you are well. As Josinta probably mentioned, we enjoyed a wonderful "snow" hike yesterday, up Conkle. Missed you both but gathered you had a tremendous day on the slopes yourselves. At any rate, I would like to remain on Monday list. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

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