Tuesday 29 January 2019

Light Bulb Blues: :Tuesday, January 29th!

A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government. -Edward Abbey, naturalist and author (29 Jan 1927-1989) 

A fellow of mediocre talent will remain a mediocrity, whether he travels or not; but one of superior talent (which without impiety I cannot deny that I possess) will go to seed if he always remains in the same place. -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer and musician (27 Jan 1756-1791) 

Rosetta Stone
While I wasn't awakened by Alarm Clock Boy, I stumbled out of bed at 5:30 am to go to the bathroom so decided I might as well give them their breakfast appetizer which in the rotation was going to be wet cat food. Both licked their platters clean and then Duke headed outside. Miss Etta, for her part, would have nothing to do with the -8º C temperature and scurried off to the bathroom and the shower mat on the heated floor. before hand I shut the door to the Rumpus Room so that The Boy wouldn't be able to invade the bedroom and start batting objects around in an attempt to wake his lazy Master. Did manage to sleep until just after 8:00 am so felt refreshed as I must admit I was pleasantly tired after yesterday's hike and congenial evening of bridge. Then up to deal with grumpy felines, care and feeding thereof Miss Etta is always easy to please but El Diablo is more than a caution!

Hi Patrick; Thank you for inviting me to join your group on Thursday. I think I will join Jim French on Friday, (Green Mtn.), as he claims he will be leading a slower group and will let the others exhaust themselves. Many Thanks and Best Regards. Chuck Hi Patrick; This might be a duplicate 'cause I wasn't sure of your e-mail address. Thanks for the invite to join you and David on Thursday. I think I will follow Jim French on Green Mtn. as he offers a slower group that I should be able to keep up with. Thanks, Chuck Hi Chuckster! You had the right address. Thanks for letting me know.Too, too bad for David and myself. We'll miss you but perhaps another time. Hello to Green Mountain Gang. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi David! Just heard from both Al and Chuck and neither will join us so we are all alone and palely loitering on the shores of Idleback! Are we still on for you to drop my our house after you take Margareta to HH? Let me know and I'll do whatever is easiest for you. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! I will swing by your place after HH and the Farts meeting up. David Hi Idleback Boy! Thanks very much. I'll be ready to roll. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Olga Polga! Trust flight went well and you are starting to re-adjust to winter! Not sure what your plans are for this coming Thursday, regarding snowshoeing, if at all but you are more than welcome to join David and myself, if you would like to do so. As well, I'd like to start on Becoming so I can drive over to your place if you won't be in Penticton in next few days. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! 

A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob
Image: Wikimedia
Hi Ragin' Bull, Calamity and Giggenheimer! Nobody seems to have broken radio silence in ages. Trust all goes well. Very busy here, with hiking, snowshoeing, bridge and malt tasting so no time to be lonely. Phone rang this morning and I assumed it was Chloë calling about dinner arrangements this evening. Turned out it was La Peñita so had a long chat with Lady Dar and she is having a grand, busy, though relaxing, time as well. Olga Polga left yesterday and next couple, Chooch and Brunello, from Qualicum Beach, arrive in a few days. Let me know how everyone is and what your plans are, for both a visit and Life in General! Fondestos and Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! Pics: Cartwright: AaC2, chap with me is David. Bridge at Ann Brown's home.

I had a fairly lazy day today so it probably had to do with talking to Lady Dar and her lethargy is now rubbing off! [Bit like Agneta's Reiki over the airwaves!] Late morning I picked up two Kitchen Sink memberships and then went to Rona to buy some light bulbs for Chloë, heading to Sendero afterwards. She was there for lunch and had removed cover and bulbs day before. She mentioned that bulbs had been burned out for some time but Shruti never mentioned this to Chloë until a day or so ago! Anyway, she put them in and replaced cover so fixture is now working.
Many of her outside pot-lights are not working either. She took out one over front door and I'll see about buying same kind. I want her to talk to somebody in maintenance/on strata council as this should not be happening with such frequency. I think the bulbs used might be drawing too much power. Need Dusty! Anyway, I'll see if I can find some with lower wattage and see if that makes a difference. Stopped at SuperStore for a few groceries as I'll be preparing one dinner for Grogg/Lurch. Will send a message to see which evening they would like to go out and where. Grogg said they wanted to take me out. I assume Chloë will be invited but you never know as he might only have enough wine for the three of us! 

Back home I prepared some boneless thighs I had marinated day before as well as the butternut squash Lynne had given me before they left. 

Had fried Haloumi with avocado and tomatoe for appetizers and ate this while we caught up with Sunday's recordings, first watching Season Finale of Outlander. Another cliff-hanger, of course! Unfortunately Duke hit Delete Series button when he was settling on Chloë's lap!

With dinner we watched latest episode of True Detective and then finished off evening with last two episodes of Fargo, Duke back and forth on Chloë's lap and then he settled on my gloves/toque on barrel stave platter on cabinet bed, Miss Etta on office chair, her seemingly favourite spot of late. Started first episode of Season Two but just enough to see what it was like before Chloë headed home. Etta went out but Duke stayed in to floss!
Pics: The Boy reading BC World! Chloë rejected Painted Rock Merlot so we ended up having an 8th Generation Pinot Noir which was exceptional, I must say! Cyclops and Clam Shell!

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