Sunday 27 August 2017

Sunshine Valley Freeloaders SIng the KVR Blues: Sunday, August 27th!

No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots. -Barbara Ehrenreich, journalist and author (b. 26 Aug 1941)

Lazy sleep-in until 8:30 am as Lady Dar was up to feed the wildlings, both out for most of the night as it was impossible to corral them before I went to bed. Lady Dar was off to Oasis as she was responsible for serving java and goodies before the service but I was similarly indentured as El Diablo was hell-bent on playing soccer as soon as I was out of bed. Before I made the bed, our pillows were jumbled in the middle., and whenever he fetched his ball, from the living room, where I'd just thrown it, held between his teeth, just like a perfect Retriever, he'd push it underneath a pillow or a rumpled sheet, rolling around in feline delight as I scratched his tummy and told him what an incredible goal keeper he was. He literally leaps into the air to either catch the tossed ball in his paws or mouth, or else bat it away, saving goal after goal after goal! Stay tuned for the YouTube video!

thanks to both of you for an enjoyable evening of eating, drinking , conversation and playing cards. I enjoyied all and meeting your friends. I would love to have the salmon recipe, Corinne. It was dielicious!!! Judy xoxox

Hello René and Randy! It was terrific to meet you, René, this past Thursday! Yes, Randy, we met when we attended, along with Lynne Lighthall, (Corinne's fellow Library School classmate. Her husband, Peter, also a UBC grad, was golfing, of all things!), a fabulous reception, in OK Falls, in support of UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, at the simply gorgeous home of Diane and Doug Corbishley, both UBC Alumni. At any rate, quite early on in the afternoon we were chatting with René and discovered his connection to you. René and his wife now live in Summerland and it would be wonderful if we could orchestrate a reunion when, not if, you visit! This being the case, let us know, by return post, dates of your stay, what flight you are on and your arrival time when you fly into Penticton! Connections are very good from many, many other US and Canadian airports so no excuses on that account! 

Must away for now as good friends, Colleen and Al, from Vancouver, are coming this afternoon to stay for next three nights and Lady Dar has left me a list of household chores I'm to discharge before they arrive. Keep in touch, René, and if you are going to be in Penticton, pop around for a java, or something stronger, and a visit. All the best to you both, Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patrizzio, I ponder on the uncharacteristically long hiatus between notices of your missives - has Lady Dar taken over your computer? On my end, I have been a busy beaver. The cabinet is almost ready to move upstairs, looks very nice! John (Snoz) thins it's American Black Walnut (wow!). We both pondered in futility over its history - its construction leaves many clues, but leaves much for speculation. I do note that it is all solid, even the back wood(!!). This would age it considerably, as plywood backs/sides to even expensive antique pieces are very common.

I did take a slight digression and just for fun, make myself a spice rack. I just can’t help being thrilled at how quick and easy it is to get perfectly square cut with the table saw. There are 36 square cuts on this unit - count them! Note also, I used round head screws rather than counter-sink. Though it gave it a nice effect. I was going to use brass, which would look really great, but the hardware store was out of that size, and I didn’t want to get a bank loan so I could go to a marine outlet(!). Anyway, I can upgrade later. 

Now, re: visit. I have a med appt. September 14th, and would have to be back buy the 10th/11th for a blood test. Rob comes home tomorrow (from Greece) so I am sure I can set him up cover for me. The second option is after the 14th, which gives us more flexibility on the back end. Of course, the kicker is, what works for you? Frankly, I am not worried about going a bit into October - I have lots of tread and a 4 x 4. Hopefully, they won’t be cruising for *official* snows - although I would plead ignorance. Don’t want to put on studded snows just yet (or, pref, not at all!)

So, what “project(s) do you have in mind, and what are the details of the mule-age from Chilliwack? Note, if there is going to be serious ripping involved, I need to pick up a special blade for the saw. Branko 

This afternoon, around 3:00 pm, Colleen and Big Al arrived, for three nights, and after we visited for a bit, goils walked down to beach near Art Gallery and I took Al to the KVR. We rode from our place to Naramata Road and then looped back along it, towards home but continued on to join the bathing beauties. Wonderful hour or so there, the water easing Al's sore muscles. Then home for a wonderful dinner, squash, from our garden, stuffed with ground turkey and Italian sausage and fresh corn, from same vendor at market that I bought 12 corn seedlings from this Spring. We had two cobs from them, out of the front garden, this past Wednesday and they were simply delish. Started off evening, once back from beach, with two "squealers" from Cannery Brewing, Wildfire IPA, new release, and Muse Pale Ale. Big Al loved both! Map and Stats for ride:

Hello Stranger, aka Mother Kathryn! Trust you are well and living Life to the full! All goes well here in Penticton Paradise. Just updated my Volunteer Profile and am waiting to hear what I did wrong or failed to do! In an interesting VWF twist, we attended a pick-up party at Painted Rock, and who should we bump into there but Judith Walker and her husband, John! Looking forward to seeing all the Festival gang. Will chat soon. Fondestos from Lady Dar, stuck in traffic as the ITU Duathlon is taking place downtown and all sorts of streets have been closed. I'm sending Duke, our Super Cat, with a packed lunch and a bottle of wine, to see her over until she can get home! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Wonderful to hear from you!! I saw yesterday that Corinne had registered for 2017 but had signed up for nothing....maybe she chose General Availability Scheduling. And now I see that you have registered as well and that you have COMPLETE Availability. Be still my beating heart.....We (the Royal WE) would love it if you could take on Sunday set-up/strike captaincy again....hope you can be persuaded!! Also we need people like you and Corinne for the Opening Reception on Tues aft the 17th. I'd love to have you in one of the PW bars!

Also all and any evening F&B shifts at PW (you both have Serving it Right so are invaluable here as well!) If you'd like to be crew captains, please sign up for those shifts OR line shifts, as you wish. So go ahead and sign up for shifts!!! Or let me know your more precise preferences and I'll sign you up. I should let you know that Heideh is not on the team this year. Isabel Ferreras (Sal's daughter) is the Sunday F&B Co-ordinator with Laura Dochtermann (last year's set-up/strike captain) as her Sunday F&B Assistant.

We are still looking for a PW concessions coordinator (to oversee set-up, operation and vol mgmt) for PW events Tues-Sat. Nicole is talking to a couple of people, I think. All the more reason to have experienced people like you and Corinne helping out! There's no bar at Studio 1398 again this year, nor at Revue as we tried out last year. The province has changed the rules around liqour licences and now any volunteering pouring alcohol MUST have SIR or the new Special Event Server certification. That's it from me for now, BEST to you and Corinne. Kath

[Detail ...] Patrizzio, I ponder on the uncharacteristically long hiatus between notices of your missives - has Lady Dar taken over your computer? On my end, I have been a busy beaver. The cabinet is almost ready to move upstairs, looks very nice! John (Snoz) thins it's American Black Walnut (wow!). We both pondered in futility over its history - its construction leaves many clues, but leaves much for speculation. I do note that it is all solid, even the back wood(!!). This would age it considerably, as plywood backs/sides to even expensive antique pieces are very common.

[There we go, ready to attach to cupboards ...] I did take a slight digression and just for fun, make myself a spice rack. I just can’t help being thrilled at how quick and easy it is to get perfectly square cut with the table saw. There are 36 square cuts on this unit - count them! Note also, I used round head screws rather than counter-sink. Though it gave it a nice effect. I was going to use brass, which would look really great, but the hardware store was out of that size, and I didn’t want to get a bank loan so I could go to a marine outlet(!). Anyway, I can upgrade later.

[I’ll have to get a nicer florescent light ...]
Now, re: visit. I have a med appt. September 14th, and would have to be back buy the 10th/11th for a blood test. Rob comes home tomorrow (from Greece) so I am sure I can set him up cover for me. The second option is after the 14th, which gives us more flexibility on the back end. Of course, the kicker is, what works for you? Frankly, I am not worried about going a bit into October - I have lots of tread and a 4 x 4. Hopefully, they won’t be cruising for *official* snows - although I would plead ignorance. Don’t want to put on studded snows just yet (or, pref, not at all!)

So, what “project(s) do you have in mind, and what are the details of the mule-age from Chilliwack? Note, if there is going to be serious ripping involved, I need to pick up a special blade for the saw. Branko Perić

Hi Old Farts, This Thursday, we are planning to ramble around Mount Eneas. Normally, we would ascend from Garnet valley but, there are considerable delays along Garnet Valley Road right now. So, we will begin from the Highway 97 side, near Brent Road. -Meet at IGA parking lot in Summerland at 0800 (0740 at HH north parking lot in P’ton) -Carpool and drive to the Highway 97 pulloff near Brent Road. -Take a route up to the old flume line, then northwest to the Peachland Pass area, then up Mount Eneas. -Likely, we will descend to the east from the summit, a bit steeper than the way up, but quite direct.-Decide on a location for debriefing and refreshment. If you intend to join us, I would appreciate a heads up from you. I am not entirely certain that I will be there on Thursday, though it appears increasingly likely that I will. However, I’d appreciate it very much if someone would volunteer to lead if necessary. Also, I will be missing the Thursdays of September 7 and 14. If anyone wishes to step in for me, I would appreciate it Cheers, Jim.

Hi Matt, As an old “Rugger Bugger” and a member of the Rowing Club I thought I’d just forward this news which I circulated through our Golf Club yesterday. He passed away on Friday pm. Pat I’m copying you as an interested squasher, who still has the scars of many doubles encounters with Haddock, let alone automobile battles in front of the Multnomah Club, Portland! Anne’s doing marvelously well. Scars healing well. staples out, exercise regime in full swing, as is physio now at 2 1/2 weeks. Head nurse, cook , gardener and bottle-washer exhausted and pining for golf!! Oh to be on the links again! maybe a chance this week! Will stay in touch. Cheers, Andrew

Good afternoon fellow West Pointers, I have received the sad news that David Haddleton passed away yesterday @ 3pm at Evergreen Care Home in White Rock. He was 82 and had been suffering with Alzheimer's disease for some time.Many of us will remember him fondly as a keen sportsman, particularly cricket, rugby, squash and golf. He joined West Point Club in 2002, was Director-at-Large in 2005, and Club captain in 2006. Lorne Lindsay featured him in one of his memorable “Member’s Sketches” in 2014, which can be found on our website under " retired members”.We will always remember him for his jovial camaraderie and his unique style. We’ll miss him greatly. He leaves behind his wife Barbara and son Chris. A Celebration of Life will be held in the near future. Condolences to the family Regards, Andrew


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